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Posted: 10/28/2006 9:54:16 PM EDT
president Bush leaves office? Or will it be stalled until maybe a dem gets in office and cancels the whole thing?

I just don't see it being built anytime soon.

BTW, I tried to post this earlier and it said I had to wait 698 seconds before I could post again? WTF is that all about?
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 9:56:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 10:28:17 PM EDT


Link Posted: 10/28/2006 10:31:18 PM EDT
the question should be:

"will the border fence EVER be built?"

Link Posted: 10/28/2006 10:54:53 PM EDT

the question should be:

"will the border fence EVER be built?"

The answer is: NO!  
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 5:32:54 AM EDT
IF they started today, the project is supposed to take 5 yrs.

Considering the project still has to be funded and everything the gov't does runs into delays and cost overruns............

So no it will not be built before Bush's term is up.  

It will be a wonder if it is finished in 20 yrs.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 5:37:10 AM EDT
Construction will start before President Bush leaves office, if it is ever finished depends upon who gets elected in '08.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 5:48:11 AM EDT
WTF.  How much is this idiot thing going to cost?  Mexican's can't hop fences?  Or drive a truck over it?  Or just cut it up with a pair of diagonal pliers?

Unless this thing is 15' tall, electrified, topped with razor wire and motion sensors... we'd be better off with just a moat, with a wall on our side.  It's mind boggling how expensive and yet utterly useless this fence is going to be, and how many people just can't see it.

(edit: gramnar and spelang are heard)
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 6:13:53 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 6:28:03 AM EDT
Most likely we'll see a 5-year feasibility study, followed by a 5-year environmental impact study, and a 5-year geological survey in order to determine the exact best line, etc. By the time all these studies are done, the money allotted to the project will be gone.  I don't think this fence will be built anytime soon.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 6:40:32 AM EDT
When will the electric fence be built?
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 6:45:16 AM EDT
The Berlin Wall didn't stop East Germans, etc. from coming to the west.  A wall along the border will not stop Central and South Americans from coming to the US.  
Hadrians Wall didn't stop the Scots, Picts and Celts from coming to the south and eventually the Romans left England as well.
Until the economic status of many Mexican, Central and South Americans improve the US will always becon as a means to improve the lot of the people.  
Until the politicians determine that the out-migration of their people to the US is bad policy it will remain in place.  That plus it reduces the amount they have to come up with for their own health, education and economic policies.

Link Posted: 10/29/2006 6:49:59 AM EDT

WTF.  How much is this idiot thing going to cost?  Mexican's can't hop fences?  Or drive a truck over it?  Or just cut it up with a pair of diagonal pliers?

Unless this thing is 15' tall, electrified, topped with razor wire and motion sensors... we'd be better off with just a moat, with a wall on our side. It's mind boggling how expensive and yet utterly useless this fence is going to be, and how many people just can't see it.

(edit: gramnar and spelang are heard)

It won't be electrified, since it would kill the illegals.  Can't have a moat, since illegals might drown.  If it's an effective option, but there's a chance that illegals might be harmed, it won't be used.  Don't you know that criminals have to be treated with care?

Link Posted: 10/29/2006 6:53:57 AM EDT
WTF.  How much is this idiot thing going to cost?  Mexican's can't hop fences?  Or drive a truck over it?  Or just cut it up with a pair of diagonal pliers?

Unless this thing is 15' tall, electrified, topped with razor wire and motion sensors... we'd be better off with just a moat, with a wall on our side.  It's mind boggling how expensive and yet utterly useless this fence is going to be, and how many people just can't see it.

(edit: gramnar and spelang are heard)

The fence (if it's ever built) seemed like a good idea but now it doesn't. Why couldn't the illegals just put an extension ladder on one side and a rope down the other side? The fence works for Israel because they're willing to enforce it but if we're not willing to do serious enforcement we might as well put up a bunch of No Tresspassing signs on the border.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 6:56:06 AM EDT
The fence is nothing more than a political stunt.  It doesn't matter if it's ever built or not.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 7:08:03 AM EDT
The majority of Mexico will be here before the fence is built.  It will be
the largest invasion of a country without military intervention in history.

We will need to learn dual languages here to run our businesses,
Spanish and English.

Soccer will become one of this country's most popular sports.

Our hospitals and school systems will be bankrupt due to unpaid
for (free) care.

Citizens will be increasingly taxed to make up for the burden of
approximately 13 million (conservative #) of illegals that are
consuming our social services.

Hispanics will elect their own in this country to make sure no
progress is made with the enforcement of our immigration laws.

Our kids will learn and repeat the Mexican National Anthem in
their schools.

Police officers will not be allowed to ask for immigration status when
performing routine traffic stops.

If someone is found to be illegal, absolutely nothing will be done about it.

A major super highway will be developed to make sure there is ease of transport
between Mexico and the US to further the Mexican cause and
importance to our economy.
Wait.... this is all happening now.  Hmmm...

Link Posted: 10/29/2006 7:13:47 AM EDT

The Berlin Wall didn't stop East Germans, etc. from coming to the west.  A wall along the border will not stop Central and South Americans from coming to the US.  
Hadrians Wall didn't stop the Scots, Picts and Celts from coming to the south and eventually the Romans left England as well.
Until the economic status of many Mexican, Central and South Americans improve the US will always becon as a means to improve the lot of the people.  
Until the politicians determine that the out-migration of their people to the US is bad policy it will remain in place.  That plus it reduces the amount they have to come up with for their own health, education and economic policies.


But those walls reduced the number of people crossing over significantly.
Some fences newly built in the southwest have cut the number of crossers by about 70%.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 7:13:56 AM EDT
My solution is not CoC friendly.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 7:19:23 AM EDT

A fence is useless without the political will to enforce immigration laws properly, and patrol the border properly.

I agree.

Link Posted: 10/29/2006 7:23:00 AM EDT

The fence is nothing more than a political stunt.  It doesn't matter if it's ever built or not.


It's just feel-good legislation making the govt. look like they're doing something to help our situation.  If it's ever built and we still have overcrowded hospitals and anchor babies, they can just say, "Oh but we're trying - we built a fence!"  It's nothing without the effort to enforce the law for those who manage to get past that wall - honestly, I don't think anything will change in that respect.  Not anytime soon, anyway.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 7:27:36 AM EDT
Only on ARFCOM can you see such ungrateful, petty, bitching about everything.

"I'm not voting Republican because Jorge won't do anything about immigration."

The president then signs into law a bill to build a fence, a major step and symbol toward controlling illegal immigration.

Now its:  "That damn fence won't be built for years, I'm still not voting Repubican, we are going to teach Bush a lesson."

If George Bush went to the border himself with a Ma Duece and put 10 rounds into everything that moved you'd say "That hispanic loving asshole should be using nukes."

Link Posted: 10/29/2006 7:28:50 AM EDT

The fence is nothing more than a political stunt.  It doesn't matter if it's ever built or not.

I agree that it's a political stunt.  However, it really would make a difference if it was built.

Too bad we'll never know for sure.  
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 7:30:04 AM EDT


The fence is nothing more than a political stunt.  It doesn't matter if it's ever built or not.


It's just feel-good legislation making the govt. look like they're doing something to help our situation.  If it's ever built and we still have overcrowded hospitals and anchor babies, they can just say, "Oh but we're trying - we built a fence!"  It's nothing without the effort to enforce the law for those who manage to get past that wall - honestly, I don't think anything will change in that respect.  Not anytime soon, anyway.

If they were smart, Republicans would eliminate social programs that bring them here, instead of trying to build a fence that will do nothing.

No welfare = no illegal immigrants except those that want to work.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 7:39:01 AM EDT

The majority of Mexico will be here before the fence is built.  It will be
the largest invasion of a country without military intervention in history.

We will need to learn dual languages here to run our businesses,
Spanish and English.

Soccer will become one of this country's most popular sports.

Our hospitals and school systems will be bankrupt due to unpaid
for (free) care.

Citizens will be increasingly taxed to make up for the burden of
approximately 13 million (conservative #) of illegals that are
consuming our social services.

Hispanics will elect their own in this country to make sure no
progress is made with the enforcement of our immigration laws.

Our kids will learn and repeat the Mexican National Anthem in
their schools.

Police officers will not be allowed to ask for immigration status when
performing routine traffic stops.

If someone is found to be illegal, absolutely nothing will be done about it.

A major super highway will be developed to make sure there is ease of transport
between Mexico and the US to further the Mexican cause and
importance to our economy.

Wait.... this is all happening now.  Hmmm...

Every bit of this is happening now. And it's not going to change, or get better.

The idea of the US building a fucking fence to stop/slow down illegal immigration is by far the stupidest thing I heard in a long time. If you want to stop the problem, make the Mexican .gov build the trashy looking monstrosity on their side. Or better yet, just start withholding 1M of aid from our friends to the South every time we catch one, and the problem will solve itself QUICK. Dubbya, Perry, and his other partners in crime along the border are making way too much w/ NAFTA for anything to change.

We have a saying here in Texas about ranching goats, "If a fence won't hold water, it won't hold a goat". And any man that's willing to swim the Rio Grande, walk 100 miles across the South/West Texas desert eating bugs and lizards, and drinking stagnant water just to get a job mowing someone's grass is not going to be slowed down by a chicken shit fence.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 8:03:47 AM EDT
how many miles of fence are have already been in place before this idea took root?
Exactly what good has it done ?
The fence is just fucking retarded. Just symbolically throwing money at a problem
to project the impression of doing something about it.
I am reminded of the scene in "Blazing Saddles" where the Governor and his men are having a meeting...
" We've got to protect our phony-baloney jobs, harumph!"
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 8:12:11 AM EDT

A fence is useless without the political will to enforce immigration laws properly, and patrol the border properly.


And that will NEVER happen!

Enjoy your country...........while you still have it.

10 years from now it won't be yours anymore.  
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 8:17:50 AM EDT

Enjoy your country...........while you still have it.

This is the root of the problem.  Nobody OWNS this country.  This isn't "your" country or "our" country, this is the country that is accepting to everyone.

The problem is not that people want to come here.  It's that they want to come here to burdon the american taxpayer due to socialism.  Them coming here benefits all of us when they're not sucking on the titty of welfare.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 8:23:15 AM EDT

The problem is not that people want to come here.  It's that they want to come here to burdon the american taxpayer due to socialism.  

With the bureaucrats and politicians encouraging this illegal invasion.........they are in fact GIVING THE COUNTRY AWAY!

It's my belief that these same bureaucrats and politicians are doing this to pollute our social system to the point that when it cannot support itself anymore America will deteriorate into a Mexico-like system of peasants and a wealthy upper class........the middle class will DISAPPEAR!!!

Basically the bureaucrats and politicians are scuttling the ship before we find out how bad they've screwed it up!!!
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 8:38:04 AM EDT
A 700 mile fence with a 1300 mile gate will not slow the flow of Americas future ("will work for food") labor force nor will it stop flow the illegal drugs. The border is a war zone however our political parties (both) choose to ignore it.
So when I vote for the lesser of two evils which party is less evil? I'm finding it hard to see much diff.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 8:45:16 AM EDT
Papa Bush talked about a fence, the Hispanic / Latino La Raza types went nuts and it never happened

Slick Willie talked about a fence, the Hispanic / Latino La Raza types were silent and it never happened

Secretly neither party wants Cheap Labor to disappear so they Hem and Haw
pledge to send troops
pledge more funds for BP
suggest a wall
suggest Guest Worker programs with "Fines and Penalties to be paid "

.....and the beat goes on
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 9:02:41 AM EDT

Only on ARFCOM can you see such ungrateful, petty, bitching about everything.

"I'm not voting Republican because Jorge won't do anything about immigration."

The president then signs into law a bill to build a fence, a major step and symbol toward controlling illegal immigration.

Now its:  "That damn fence won't be built for years, I'm still not voting Repubican, we are going to teach Bush a lesson."

If George Bush went to the border himself with a Ma Duece and put 10 rounds into everything that moved you'd say "That hispanic loving asshole should be using nukes."

So true.

This board has had threads going page after page about the need for a fence.  Each time I said the idea was stupid and a pointless gesture, I was called every name in the book within the CoC - sometimes some that went past it.

Bush caves into pressure to make a symbolic gesture - and many of the very "conservatives" demanding it now bothc that it is a symbolic gesture.

The news out of Mexico is quite interesting, though.  Fox has his hands full making all kinds of impossible promises about Oaxaca as it is, and is ranting to the UN about the wall thing now - but the reality is he is a lame duck with less than 30 days left in office, and is about to be replaced by the rival political party.  All he is doing is trying to preserve hi "legacy."

Still, to read arfcom you'd thing he was president of life or something.

Never let reality get in the way of kee-jerk arfcom reactionary bullshit.

Some people are only happy when they are bitching.  I think it makes them feel smarter or something.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 9:19:07 AM EDT

The fence is nothing more than a political stunt.  It doesn't matter if it's ever built or not.

It matters if they seriously spend over a billion dollars in the process.  
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 9:56:09 AM EDT
 it will work somewhat, for funneling the wets into a more contained area.  cheap trabajo senor, chinese for mfg and latins for service work,  bueno!
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