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Posted: 10/27/2006 7:53:47 PM EDT
Was checking out vids on YouTube. Watched one and recognized some of Rusted Aces pics, The flattened foreign terrorist was the first one then later his pic of him "rocking" on the rooftop. at 2:03 in the vid.

RustedAce is this a vid you made cause I recognize a bunch of your pics in it.

Link Posted: 10/27/2006 7:57:03 PM EDT
Yeah I made that vid. Didnt post it there though. Oh well. Im famous!
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 7:59:06 PM EDT
hahahahahahahahahaahah. It has 315 comments. Most being like:

"I am gay I hate war, wahh"
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 8:01:34 PM EDT

hahahahahahahahahaahah. It has 315 comments. Most being like:

"I am gay I hate war, wahh"

The comments can raise blood pressure. Thats for sure.
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 8:05:05 PM EDT


hahahahahahahahahaahah. It has 315 comments. Most being like:

"I am gay I hate war, wahh"

The comments can raise blood pressure. Thats for sure.

Most of them just make me laugh.

Rusty summed it up "I'm gay. I hate war. Wahhhh"
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 8:06:37 PM EDT
I emailed the guy and asked him to credit RustedAce on it. I told him I didnt mind him having it posted, just wanted credit.

Luckily my other two videos have credits.
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 8:07:40 PM EDT
So has America..Fuck Yeah! replaced kilroy as the symbol where our troops have been?
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 8:10:46 PM EDT

I emailed the guy and asked him to credit RustedAce on it. I told him I didnt mind him having it posted, just wanted credit.

Luckily my other two videos have credits.

Cool. Just didnt want to let someone rip off another members pics. Happened with USMC-LB and a pic of his little girl ended up on some libtards website about child soldiers.
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 8:14:42 PM EDT


"I am gay I hate war, wahh"

That's perfect...

Link Posted: 10/27/2006 8:19:26 PM EDT
i cant view that for some reason event though im logged in. keeps taking me back to the confirm page.

Edit: nevermind works now. what a bunch of whiners

How about this one-

And to hell did you save us in world war two you arrogant twats.

Pull your heads out of your arses and read a f*cking History book instead of always thinking you know better]

from an ungreatful brit
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 8:47:14 PM EDT
Looking at the vid and thinking to myself, "hmmm, do I read the comments???"

Unfortunately, I did.

Sorry bastards.  Hell, most of what I read was so damn incoherant that I couldn't figure out their point.  If the middle east would just stop acting like a bunch of ass holes, we would probably walk on out of there.
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 8:52:10 PM EDT

hahahahahahahahahaahah. It has 315 comments. Most being like:

"I am gay I hate war, wahh"

Link Posted: 10/27/2006 9:18:47 PM EDT
Loving the Arfcommer responses.
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 11:00:21 PM EDT

Loving the Arfcommer responses.

Thats why I love Arfcom!

Mainstream responses are so lame and predictable.
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 8:23:46 PM EDT


Loving the Arfcommer responses.

Thats why I love Arfcom!

Mainstream responses are so lame and predictable.

Liberalism is not mainstream, but the mainstream (or drive by) media wants you to think it is.
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