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Posted: 3/8/2006 5:34:44 AM EDT

1. 试用工作概况

2. 试用项目以及结果:
2.1. 携行性:88式狙击步枪全长920毫米,全系统质量4.2千克(空枪),无论是城区、屋宇或野外持枪和背枪徒步行进携行性能均良好。上下楼梯和上下车及乘车也较为方便。相对于85式狙击步枪88式狙击步枪体积小、重量轻;88式狙击步枪的携行性优于85式狙击步枪。
2.2. 勤务使用性能对比测试:按试用大纲要求进行的88式狙击步枪和85式狙击步枪勤务使用性能对比测试中,88式狙击步枪勤务分解的时间平均比85式狙击步枪勤务分解的时间快约10秒,88式狙击步枪勤务结合的时间平均比85式狙击步枪勤务结合的时间快约5秒。85式狙击步枪的导气箍需要专用工具才能分解结合而且比较困难,一般在日常保养中不做分解;88式狙击步枪勤务分解结合不需要任何专用工具即可完成。显然88式狙击步枪的勤务使用性能优于85式狙击步枪的勤务使用性能。
2.3. 单兵战术基础动作:由于88式狙击步枪的体积、质量均小于85式狙击步枪,所以持88式狙击步枪做各种单兵战术基础动作要比持85式狙击步枪更加顺畅,更容易适应。
2.4. 战术使用性能射击:在各种距离的实弹射击中, 88式狙击步枪的散布精度达到0.4密位,85式狙击步枪的散布精度达到0.5密位。但是在100米以上距离的射击中,88式狙击步枪出现意外弹着的几率高于85式狙击步枪,我们分析产生这一现象的原因是88式狙击步枪的5.8毫米弹药的动能小于85式狙击步枪的7.62毫米弹药的动能,因此对环境因素(如风、湿度等)的变化更加敏感。总的来说,88式狙击步枪的战术使用性能优于85式狙击步枪。
2.5. 射击安全可靠性:在练习和按照试用大纲进行的测试中, 我队试用的两支88式狙击步枪均未发生故障和事故。

3. 试用中出现的问题和看法
3.1. 精度:88式狙击步枪的精度虽然高于85式狙击步枪,但是相对而言提高不明显。在一个枪械战斗系统中,弹药是一个关键因素。88式狙击步枪的弹药87式5.8毫米机枪弹是世界上性能最优秀的军用小口径弹药,然而它的性能距离精确射击的要求还有距离。
例如:国外的SG-550 5.56mm狙击步枪,同样是小口径,据说其射击散布是0.2密位,高于88式狙击步枪的0.4密位,除了SG-550的枪管更长、更重之外,就是因为SG-550是使用专用的高精度比赛级枪弹。我们建议88式狙击步枪也应该配用专用的高精度狙击弹药,这对于提高警察的精确射击能力有重要意义。同时我们建议在可以接受的范围内加重88式狙击步枪的枪管,以利于进一步提高其精度。这样做还可以带来其他好处,那就是可以延长88式狙击步枪的寿命。
3.2. 瞄具:88式狙击步枪的白光瞄具有许多优点,首先将标尺直接表示在分划板上较为简单实用;其次夜间照明分划板系统较为可靠;再次其可提供的9倍的放大倍率显著提高了射击精度,我们在此特别提出:警察的狙击手在执行反恐、反暴力案件任务时,由于受法律法规制约,不能象军队的狙击手那样可以对目标随意射击而必须在识别并确认目标身份后才能射击,大倍率的瞄具更适合识别并确认目标身份,也就更适合警察执行狙击任务。但88式狙击步枪的白光瞄具也有缺点,首先分划板调节手轮利用咔嗒声来提示调节度并不精确,理论上咔嗒声一响调节度为0. 2密位,但实际上咔嗒声一响调节度可达0. 3甚至0. 4密位,只需在手轮上加上刻度即可解决这一问题;其次,其橡胶物镜护罩容易脱落,建议改进其固定方式;再次,照明分划系统所使用的是专用电池,建议改用通常在市场上可以买到的电池,以利于后勤保障;最后, 88式狙击步枪的白光瞄具没有象85式狙击步枪的白光瞄具上那样的遮光罩,在逆光瞄准时瞄具的反光有可能被目标发现,从而削弱了隐蔽性。
3.3. 脚架:88式狙击步枪配有可拆卸的两脚架,这使88式狙击步枪对地形地物的适应性高于85式狙击步枪。但是,我们在使用中体会到88式狙击步枪的脚架的安装方式存在问题:首先,脚架的安装位置应该在枪前托上。这是因为射击时枪的前支撑点的变化会导致弹着点的改变。当特殊情况下(例如在草和灌木比较茂盛的环境中)不能使用脚架卧姿射击而只能进行跪、立姿无依托射击时,弹着点会向下移0.6密位;其次还有更加严重的问题出现,当使用脚架卧姿射击时如果据枪的力量发生变化,都会使枪管从脚架安装位置所受的力量发生变化。这样的结果是:a. 枪管的弯曲度发生细微改变;b. 枪管在射击时共振的规律发生改变。最终射击精度会随着据枪的力量的变化而受到无规律的不利影响。如果脚架安装在枪前托上,前支撑点的位置在一般情况下是不变的,据枪姿势的改变就不会使弹着点发生变化,而据枪力量的变化也不会影响到枪管;再次,脚架的可拆卸安装方式使卧姿据枪稳定性下降从而影响到射击精度,所以我们建议脚架应固定安装。
3.4. 人机工效:88式狙击步枪的人机工效比较出色,无论是持枪、据枪或瞄准均感舒适、自然。但是其人机工效仍有改进的必要和余地。我们建议,可以象国外的狙击步枪那样在88式狙击步枪的小握把上加一个托手板,同时在枪的尾部下方加一可调节后单脚架,这样射手在长时间的监控和瞄准时不易疲劳。另外,88式狙击步枪的保险机构位置不理想,操作不便,建议将其从机匣下方移至机匣侧面。
3.5. 保养附件:88式狙击步枪配用的是装在小握把内附件筒内的组合式通条,这种通条的缺点是结合后不直,在擦拭枪膛过程中通条会与枪膛内壁接触,不利于枪械的保养。建议另外再配置一条整体式长通条用于平时保养, 组合式通条则仅在紧急情况下使用。88式狙击步枪瞄准镜盒质量一般,其锁扣容易变形以致失效。
3.6. 88式狙击步枪的枪口装置太单薄,一旦撞击有可能会发生变形从而会对中间弹道产生扰动。建议加强枪口装置的强度以避免这种情况发生。

4. 结论和建议

4.1. 88式狙击步枪的部件和附件的主要缺点:
4.1.1. 是通条是由多节连接而成。仔细观察可以发现,这样连接的通条并不是呈直线状而是看上去弯弯曲曲的。用这样的通条擦拭武器会不会磨损枪膛?而对于追求高射击精度的狙击步枪来说,磨损枪膛的后果不言而喻。为避免磨损,我们原想用老办法即在细麻绳上夹布条来擦拭枪膛。但是88式狙击步枪口径小,要使夹布条的细麻绳穿过枪管也相当麻烦。我们建议既然枪械上已经使用了工程塑料,为什么不用工程塑料制造通条?工程塑料应该比钢铁软,就应该不用担心磨损的问题出现了。
4.1.2. 是88式狙击步枪的消焰器虽然消焰、消声效果好,但是制造的单薄了些。我们的一支88式狙击步枪在一次战术训练时枪口碰撞到了硬物,消焰器立即变形。枪口装置变形会使中间弹道受到扰动,对于射击精度是有不利影响的。后来我们费了很大功夫才将消焰器外形矫正。如果有可能,我们还是希望消焰器的强度进一步提高以避免上述情况再次出现。
4.1.3. 我个人对88式狙击步枪在最大的不满就在于它的脚架的设计。88式狙击步枪配有可拆卸的两脚架,这使88式狙击步枪对地形地物的适应性高于85式狙击步枪。但是,我们在使用中体会到88式狙击步枪的脚架直接安装在枪管上的安装方式存在问题:首先,因为射击时枪的前支撑点的变化会导致弹着点的改变。当特殊情况下(例如在地面植被比较茂盛的环境中或者是从楼房的窗户射击)不能使用脚架卧姿射击而只能取下脚架进行跪、立姿无依托射击时,弹着点会向下移0.6密位。其次还有更加严重的问题出现,当使用脚架卧姿射击时如果据枪的力量发生变化,都会使枪管从脚架安装位置所受的力量发生变化。
4.2. 这样的结果是:枪管的弯曲度发生细微改变;枪管在射击时共振的规律发生改变。最终,射击精度会随着据枪的力量的变化而受到无规律的不利影响。当然,一个训练有素的射手完全可以使据枪的力量和状态始终保持不变,但这只是一般射击条件下的情况,如果是在战斗中比较紧张和恶劣的状态和条件下,人的身体和心理状况都会有巨大变化,这不是人的意志可以控制的。1999年4月我在参加广西公安厅组织的剿灭玉林市博白县阮强武装犯罪集团的战斗时就体会到这一点。当时我是第一次参加真枪实弹的对抗,在战斗中我发现我自己的心里分明没有任何的恐惧感,但是双手就是由于肾上腺素大量分泌而不断颤抖。其实,解决这个问题的途径再简单不过了,就是直接把脚架的安装位置从枪管上改在前托上。这样无论据枪的力量或是姿势有改变都不会对枪管有影响。我们已经自行尝试将进口的哈里斯通用枪脚架装在88式狙击步枪的前托上,这样改进后在射击时出现意外弹着的情况大大减少了。在我的印象中,现在世界范围内把脚架装在狙击步枪的枪管上的例子很少,只有前苏联和俄罗斯的狙击手自行将轻机枪的脚架安装到SVD狙击步枪的枪管上。另外美国M-21狙击步枪也曾见把哈里斯通用枪脚架直接安装在枪管上,而这种现象也不多见并且被一些资深狙击手评价为不专业。其他狙击步枪要么不装脚架,要么就是装在护木上。美国狙击手教程中强调狙击步枪射击时枪管不能接触其他物体,看来还是有科学根据的。我想这也就是为什么大多数现代狙击步枪的枪管被设计为浮动安装的原因之一。

Type QBU88 snipers trial (The author may be a "precision shooter" level police, translation of these things is really tired. )
QBU88-5.8 mm sniper rifles, sniper rifles as 88 - are made in China's new generation of snipers. August 2003, I received two teams from the superior departments QBU88 Type snipers trial (the serial number: 980758 and 980103), The trial briefing below.

Receiving firearms, we immediately carried out checks on firearms, and to develop training programmes and testing programmes. Selected six shooting skills and have some experience shooter from 2003 August 20 to September 9 of the 20-day time use of training, basic training and professional training, and then by "QBU88-5.8 mm sniper rifles public security force trial outline" for the trial. Which because of constraints in the trial, was unable to pressure and humidity accurate records.

And the use of the results of the trial project
88 length 920mm, the system of quality 4.2 kg (air gun), whether urban, house or field gun and back foot while carrying the gun performance was good. On the stairs, and get off and get much more convenient. Compared to 85-88 sniper rifles Type snipers both small and light weight ;88 style rifles with sniper-style sniper rifles OK sexual than 85.
Zoning request on probationary the 88-85 sniper rifles and a sniper rifle orderly use of performance comparison tests, 88-style attacks rifles orderly decomposition of time than the average 85-snipers orderly decomposition time about 10 seconds faster, 88-style attacks rifles orderly integration of the time-an average of more than 85 men in connection with sniper rifles time soon about five seconds. 85 sniper rifles-style gas hoop need dedicated tools and more difficult to break down in general, not down in routine maintenance of sniper rifles ;88 orderly decomposition can be completed with no special tools. Obviously 88-style attacks rifles orderly use of sniper rifles performance over 85 men use performance.
The 88-style attacks rifles size, quality of sniper rifles are less than 85, so a 88-snipers do various moves individual tactical basis than a 85-snipers smoother, easier adaptation.
In a variety of distance shooting, 88-style attacks on the spread precision rifles reach 0.4 Federated spaces, 85-style attacks on the spread precision rifles reach 0.5 Federated spaces. But in 100 meters distance shooting, 88-style attacks rifles unexpected impact of the probability higher than 85-snipers, we analyze the causes of this phenomenon is 88-style attacks on the 5.8-mm rifle ammunition kinetic less than 85-type attacks on the 7.62-mm rifle ammunition kinetic energy, environmental factors (such as wind, humidity, etc.) more sensitive to changes. Overall, 88-style attacks on the tactical use of performance over 85 rifle sniper rifles style.
In practice and in accordance with the outline of the trial test, I tested two 88-team snipers were breakdowns and accidents.

Trial problems and views
Precision : 88-style attacks on the accuracy although more than 85-type rifles snipers, but the relative improvement evident. In a combat arms systems, ammunition is a key factor. 88-87 sniper rifles and ammunition-5.8 mm machine bullet is the world's most outstanding performance of military small-calibre ammunition, but its performance fell short of the requirements of distance precision shooting. For example : foreign SG-550 5.56mm sniper rifles, the same small-calibre, said the fire spread is 0.2 Federated spaces above the 88-style attacks rifles 0.4 Federated spaces, in addition to the barrel SG-550 longer, heavier, because SG-550 competition is the use of dedicated high-precision level bullet. We recommend 88 sniper rifles should be equipped with a dedicated high-precision attack munitions, precision shooting to improve police capacity is significant. At the same time, we can accept the recommendations in the context of increasing the 88-style attacks rifles barrel, to further enhance its accuracy. It also can bring other benefits that may be extended 88-style attacks rifles life.
sight : 88-style attacks on the white target rifles have many advantages, said in the first direct sub-standard is relatively simple operational functions; Secondly lighting Partition board system more reliable; Again its available nine times enlarged Beishuai significantly enhanced firing precision, we highlight : the police snipers in the implementation of anti-terrorism, anti-violence task, Because laws and regulations constraints did not like army snipers on the target can be randomly shooting at target identification and recognition of the identity before the shooting, the aim is more suitable for large Beilu: identification and recognition of target identity, is more suitable for police sniper task. But 88-style attacks rifles stars are characterized with shortcomings, the first sub-panels are hand-Kata-round use to adjust for presentation is not accurate, theoretically sound of a ring for Kata - 0.2 degrees for Federated spaces, but in fact the sound of a ring for Kata-up to 0.3 degrees or 0.4 Federated spaces only in the hands round of the scale can solve this problem; Secondly, rubber objective lens shield easily off its proposed improving its fixed; Again, the lighting system is used in the sub-cell is proposed to be purchased in the market usually batteries, to logistics; Finally, the 88-style attacks have no aim rifles stars like 85-style attacks with the aim rifles stars such Zheguangzhao, In reversed light at the time of observation may be reflective of the goals found thus weakening the hidden nature.
bipod : 88-style attacks rifles equipped with detachable two cameras, which makes 88-snipers on terrain features adaptability than 85-snipers. However, we realize that in the use of sniper rifles mounted 88-way installation problems : First, the cameras should be installed in the gun position before asked. This is because when the gun fire support for the changes would lead to 81-1 before the change. When special circumstances (such as grass and shrubs more lush environment) can not use a tripod lying position shooting but only kneel, without relying on firing position, point to downward movement of 0.6 Federated spaces; Secondly there are more serious problems when used almost straight position when the gun firing power changed, will be the location for the installation of a barrel from almost suffered power changed. This result is : a. Barrel for the bending of minor changes ; b. A barrel in the firing patterns of resonance change. With the guns firing accuracy will eventually force changes by erratic adverse effects. If cameras installed in the former gun up, the former support for the position under normal circumstances is unchanged, according to the gun position will not change track changes, and changes in the strength of the gun barrel will not affect; Again, the detachable cameras installed to alert your way down thereby affecting the stability of the gun firing accuracy, Therefore, we propose that fixed cameras should be installed.
human engineering : 88 sniper rifles, machine-more excellent ergonomics, whether with guns, or at the guns are feeling comfortable and natural. But its efficacy is both necessary and room for improvement. We suggest that the attacks could be as abroad in the 88-style rifles, sniper rifles, plus a small Woba asked simply, while in the gun tail off plus one single camera can adjust after that shooter in a long time, not at monitoring and fatigue. In addition, 88-style attacks rifles insurance institutions unsatisfactory position, operating inconvenience to recommend its bottom from the receiver moved to receiver side.
Maintenance annex : 88-style attacks with the use of the loaded rifle in small Woba annex conducted within the modular Link, the shortcomings of such links is not directly integrated in the process of being polished frame, with the frame-type contacts, to the detriment of firearms maintenance. In addition to a proposed allocation for the overall style of the long-time maintenance of the modular-only in emergency situations. 88-style attacks on the general quality rifles at a mirror box, the device easily deformation resulting failures.
88-style attacks rifles muzzle devices too thin, the impact is likely to occur once the deformation which will produce intermediate ballistic disturbances. Recommendations to strengthen gun devices intensity to prevent this happening.

Conclusions and recommendations
We believe that through the trial : 88-85 sniper rifles performance than a significant increase of sniper rifles, but still needs further refinement in order to meet the new era police anti-terrorism, anti-violence task. In addition to the third report (probationary problems and perspectives) to the proposals, we understand : 88-style attacks on the performance and use of rifles should further expand.
We have recognized in the usual work of the importance of micro-sniping means : I teams in 1996, Guilin "1.16" hostage-taking case disposition, is the use of micro-gun attacks on criminals and killed so successful rescue hostages. But domestic micro-sniper rifles in the area remains blank. If a sniper rifle to 88 detachable silencer and subsonic ammunition, and to ensure that vehicles and 200 meters precision undoubtedly enable us in the implementation of anti-terrorism, anti-violence task with more hidden, flexible and effective means.
After 2005 No. 1 "small weapons" (link) magazine's 88-style attacks rifles topic "Eyes 88 sniper-style sniper rifles" (hereinafter referred to as the "spy",) a text that article 88 of the sniper rifles making up a lot of praise words, the shortcomings are only used the word "moral micro-time" to describe lack objectivity. I think in this article and sniper tactics, and I understand the use, explore the 88-style attacks rifles exist some problems.
At the beginning of the "spy" on a text wrote : "With it, Army snipers generally felt 'redouble their might,' master 'shoot with great precision,' the effort is simply as easy as. "We should have a perfect shooting levels need solid basic skills and fine psychological quality, how could there be a more manageable with the gun can "shoot with great precision"? Clearly here for 88-style attacks rifles worth.
We know from the beginning firing exercises "conscious targeting, unintended bit" this sentence. This is the request of precision shooting, but this sentence does not apply to the sniper. In the practical implementation of the mandate, snipers target range, unlike the practice of law as a fixed or mobile and invisible, but in conditions of constant change and movement. Therefore sniper shooting may have to seize the rare opportunity to shoot, only to raise awareness of the difficulty to grasp the speed of response time requirements. Must be fully trained to acquire a sense of familiarity with trigger trip in advance pressed trigger to boldly moved to the former fire and try to eliminate trigger bit before easing in the volume, when the time is ripe then moved across Misconception # 2 Road fire can withhold. I feel 88-sniper rifles to trigger this problem in the 1, 2 Road fire not sufficiently clear, summer Fortunately, not rigid in winter sensitive fingers on the prone bit early.
"spy" said : 88-snipers in the 800 meter distance, "its firing precision, Qinche edge all over the world using any one of the sniper rifle 7.62 mm bullet." This science? The author is a 88-snipers and the world "in a" use the sniper rifle 7.62 mm calibre bullet done real contrast experiments? The author said 88-snipers in the 100-meter distance, the spread does not exceed 30 mm in diameter. Here are a few not made the rounds spread. If only 4-5 shooting made bombs, sniper rifles made this 88-style spread is very easy, but if more than 10 projectiles made this spread is difficult to maintain. According to my master, participated in a variety of domestically produced light weapons stereotyped experiments Military memories : 88-snipers in the process of precision experiments in secret places around 0.5, and he spent 85 sniper rifles in the 100-meter distance calls made five 12-mm shells spread. On the other hand, disclosure of foreign sniper rifles, 100 metres distance spread mostly in the 20mm;
American military and police snipers after training to 300 long-range attack code (270 metres), up from less than one foot spread, they use M-21, M-40 sniper rifles M-24 and precision in the distance, at least not less than 300 yards 88 sniper rifles. In the 100-meter distance is still spreading in the 800-meter distance, accuracy is better than other sniper rifles, in the absence of adequate experimental data corroboration I am only sceptical. Since I was not the focus of our training for 88-style attacks rifles Qinche edge no perceptive approach, but apparently 88-style attacks rifles accuracy is not a "world first".
88-style attacks rifles at a mirror indeed better than the 85-style attacks rifles at a mirror, but in some respects it is still worth considering. I remember a few years ago, the "light weapons" magazine article translated from foreign articles that : Doppler Bianbei systems exist Bianbei after aiming at a mirror point change. 88-style attacks rifles at the existence of the mirror? Since the task we need to use 88-style attacks Rifle, only nine times Beilu:, there is no discovery. We also do not want to take unnecessary risks change Beilu: if Bianbei after aiming point there is a change in the performance of their duties, then we do not have the opportunity school gun. As for the "spy", put forward by 88-style attacks rifles at the small mirror Beilu: a large scale observation, I think it is not as good as a telescope to observe more effective. Therefore, 88-style attacks rifles at the Bianbei functional mirror meaningless. There are at the mirror and the gun linking reliability, 85-style attacks rifles at the gun shots from the existence of the port after the precision drop. This 88-snipers can only say that instead of a great improvement fundamentally resolved. As if in regular use leads to the inevitable knock at a mirror shaped shafts wear a gap, but in the process once the port entry of foreign matter into the accident situations, such as collisions may lead to the installation and error affecting the firing precision. Our work requires us to keep the weapons can play, and once the mission shooter either not shot, a shot to hit the initial public offering. We have mentioned earlier in the discharge of its mandate is no opportunity school gun, and if we are not aware of the weapons of errors, then the consequences will be unimaginable. As a result of structural causes 88-style attacks, or being polished rifles in deconservation must be disaggregated at a mirror, we can solve this problem is the way the sniper rifles-88-type gas hoop located in letters that closed-gas devices to loading into manual mode. Such weapons fire after being polished on gas installations would not lead to discard them at a mirror. 88-snipers other issues include : easy off its rubber objective lens shield, proposals to improve its fixed; Again, the lighting system is used in the sub-cell is proposed to be purchased in the market usually batteries, to logistics; Finally, 88-style attacks have no aim rifles stars like 85-style attacks with the aim rifles stars such Zheguangzhao, reversed light, aiming at a target that might be more reflective of, thus weakening the hidden nature.

88-style attacks rifles and annex parts of the main shortcomings
Link is a multi-section connecting from. Careful observation to be found, so the boundary is not a straight line connecting the warrants but looks along. The use of such weapons will not be worn links of being polished frame? As for the pursuit of high-precision shooting, the sniper rifle, wear the consequences of leaving self-evident. To avoid wear and tear, we had intended to use old methods in small hemp rope, caught cloth to clean slide. However, 88 small-calibre sniper rifles, to the cloth clip is rather small hemp rope through a barrel of trouble. We have suggested that the use of engineering plastics firearms, manufacturing, communications, engineering plastics, why not? Engineering plastics than steel should be soft, they should not worry about wear and tear problems.
88 sniper rifle is the wave-wave emission vehicles while hard, good sound effects, but the more manufactured thin. A 88-style attacks on our tactical training rifles in a gun rammed onto a hard object, and wave emission vehicles immediately deformation. Intermediate ballistic gun devices would be shaped disturbances, the shooting accuracy is adversely affected. Later we will charge a great deal of effort to shape corrective wave emission vehicles. If possible, we still hope that the wave emission vehicles in order to avoid further increase the intensity of the situation again.
My personal style sniper rifles in the 88 largest dissatisfaction lies in the design of its cameras. 88-style attacks rifles equipped with detachable two cameras, which makes 88-snipers on terrain features adaptability than 85-snipers. However, we realize that in the use of Chinese-style sniper rifles almost 88 directly installed in the installation of a barrel of problems : first, because when the gun fire support for the changes would lead to 81-1 before the change. When special circumstances (such as more ground vegetation is lush environment or windows from the buildings shooting) can not use your camera straight shooting but only became a kneel down, without relying on firing position, point to downward movement of 0.6 Federated spaces. Secondly there are more serious problems when used almost straight position when the gun firing power changed, the location will have to install a barrel from almost forces change.
This result is : a barrel for the bending of minor changes; A barrel in the firing patterns of resonance change. Ultimately, with the gun firing accuracy will be no change in the strength of the adverse effects of the law. Of course, a trained shooter can make the gun forces and state has always maintained, but this is only the general fire conditions, if the fighting is more intense and harsh conditions and the state of the physical and psychological conditions will be great changes, people will not be controlled. April 1999 I attended the meeting of the Guangxi Yulin City County Public Security Bureau organizations exterminate County Yuan armed criminal groups on how to combat this. At that time, I was the first to participate in the live ammunition confrontation in the battle I found my own heart clearly no fear, but his hands are constantly trembled as adrenaline substantial secretion. In fact, the way to solve the problem, however simple, is the location of the installation directly from the camera to a barrel of the former child. This forces or whether it was the gun barrel posture change will not have an impact. We have to try to be imported Harris in a 88-gun mounted sniper rifle with former child, such improvements in fire accident occurred when the impact has been greatly reduced. I have the impression that the world is now within the camera mounted on the barrel of sniper rifles few examples, only the former Soviet Union and the Russian sniper will light machine-guns mounted on their own to install the SVD sniper rifle barrel. Also see US M-21 sniper rifles have a gun mounted directly to Harris installed in a barrel, but this phenomenon is also seen by some senior sniper and evaluation for unprofessional. Other sniper rifles or not installed cameras, or security is packed in wood. American snipers firing at the guide emphasized sniper rifle barrel can not access other objects, it seems that there is scientific basis. I think this is why most modern sniper rifles were designed as a barrel floating installed one of the reasons.
I (the author of this article) that : as one of our own design sniper rifle, 88 sniper rifle is a feature integrated performance than 85-snipers have greatly improved. But the question above, 88 sniper rifles also a need for further improvement in order to become a first-class sniper weapons.
Link Posted: 3/8/2006 5:41:03 AM EDT
Cliff Notes?
Link Posted: 3/8/2006 5:44:41 AM EDT
Our guns can kill many American, accurately.
Link Posted: 3/8/2006 5:49:48 AM EDT

Our guns can kill many American, accurately.

Thanks man. Glad I didn't/ won't take the time to read it.

Link Posted: 3/8/2006 5:52:59 AM EDT
A bull-pup sniper rifle made 100% from Leapers....


Link Posted: 3/8/2006 6:18:18 AM EDT
Translation since "Dboy" article, link
QBU88 5.8 x 42mm calibre sniper rifles

China in the 20th century to the 1970s began to study small-calibre, 1982 Also 5.8mm heavy shells as heavy machine guns, sniper rifles used shells of the feasibility study, and in 1986 conducted tests showed 5.8mm heavy bombs and firing accuracy are Qinche edge with 53 rounds of 7.62mm quite ordinary, to meet the requirements of a machine gun. Thus, in 1989 the official designation of 5.8mm heavy shells, propellants, using the shells of a machine gun, sniper rifle and aim at the mirror for a system-wide development. QBU88 - 5.8mm sniper rifles (the 88-snipers) and lasted for six years, the completion of production testing mandate in 1996, 1997, equipment Garrison.
88-style attacks using 5.8mm machine rifle bullet (the shells), the effective range of 800m in the 1000m distance can be 100% penetration 3mm thick A3 sheets. In this distance, the Qinche capacity exceeded 85-7.62mm sniper rifles, a sniper rifle accuracy is better than 85. After testing the use of special environmental conditions, 88-style attacks rifles lower failure rate, better reliability.
88-up structures without the use of snipers and therefore shorten the length of the whole gun, improved mobility, and is also conducive to straight butt, reduced turnover couple arrived in shoulder shooting, raising firing precision. Arguments by the gun components, designed components, the components into the machine, transmitter components butt, and the security of protected asked, magazine and became a total of nine major components. Transmitters all parts assembly, a spring-loaded at the same time sharing a Jichui, huang, blocking railways huang, Shan Rail Group made huang, trigger huang role. There are transmitters of getting Rail insurance, the insurance is not confined constitutes a multiple insurance functions. Butt, and the security of protected asked the three big guns of the shape, each receiver connected with the plug are connected in their identity, not scattered. Annex entrusted with guarding the Woba next.
The overall shape of a rifle butt, which dug, the nursing care are three large increase in super-strong nylon 66 cast by the basic color to black, overall uniform, the appearance convey detailed points Yaguang face, neither luminous and feel good;
Its high-temperature thermal deformation (250~260 degrees), and rich sources. Black metal pieces of a synthetic membrane Linhua chemical technology, a Moceng thin, crystal grain line, combining readily. Its ability to resist corrosion over 10 times higher than oxidation. Barrel Neitang used for chromium plating technology to enable chromium layer crystallization homogeneous, the use of performance enhancing barrel. Use a barrel blank-quality treatment, improved processing performance, large fire place in the long trail of guaranteed Neitang processing quality. If key pieces of the complex designed components, receiver, aiming for high-precision lenses Block, size, shape spaces outside the strict requirements of a processing center for processing components. Rear sight to spy Kong Xianqiegeji using laser or digital processing. The use of small cuts or no cuts to the ram, type training, molded plastic, welding and other processes.
Force is set to the original request, to facilitate the transfer of positions, single-hand fighting with OK, but because of the quality 88-snipers are aiming mirror is the heart location, if at a mirror placed in the reference, all guns will increase height. Therefore, the design establishes a single hand with the gun in place at a mirror Block before, the gun's quality front line position is the top security wooden parts, and adjusted by the security entrusted right size size to Wochi comfortable, and to ensure Wochi parts and at a mirror between the space, which is 88-snipers guarding around the wooden fingers shafts of different reasons. After soliciting troops view that the design meets the requirements of carrying guns, not to mention the establishment of the purpose.
88 equipped with a sniper rifle while optical and mechanical faults at a mirror with two targeting devices in the use of optical lenses at the time, could overturn a mechanical faults to avoid impact studies aim at a mirror. With the use of mechanical faults, the need to unload optical targeting a mirror, and rear sight will associate constellation Block erected. Optical lens with 3~9 times in a row at the enlarged scale Beilu:, Partition contents will adjust simple, with the gun aimed at a mirror with a built Block, the flag-shaped handle tight set and fast handling, duplication equipment will be high accuracy, without affecting accuracy. Mechanical faults with vertical positioning, reliable, long-term repeat the test with the erection toppled, worn by little, the impact of projectiles spread very small. Two sets of similar ideals with gills aim high : to 50mm with mechanical faults, optical lens for 51mm target.


(Star and gas restrictions details)

(At present, China is a production of tritium fluorescent advanced technology, 88 sniper rifles can only be used fluorescence-point design. )

(Unique rotary-style Receiver sight)

(According to overturn the Receiver sight and aiming mirror block)

(Aiming mirror Partition : a vertical direction 7 "∧" is an arrow, pointing to the top with arrows. 100m and 200m at one point sharing, 300~800m shooting distance at every 100m there is a separate point. Partition data at hand for the shooting distance. )

2 detachable light cameras, Kezhedie, high-scale battle. The two cameras use high-intensity aluminum alloy, through hard quality anode oxidation treatment, the quality of light, corrosion resistant and wear-resisting advantage, but the disadvantage is the lack of intensity, if used improperly will cause pain. In fact, according to the magazine reported publicly in the 88-snipers began equipping troops, the force has no specific sniper training guide, the many marksmen using light machine guns to use against the gun two cameras, often in the habit of relying on the ground were firing vigorously to let the cameras into the ground, As a result, many of the two pairs fracture (in fact two pairs of such intensity is not high), As a result, open to experts in the magazine article on the use of two cameras.
The two cameras installed in a barrel, this position in the online discussion is to challenge, because supports point in a barrel of vibration will cause interference resulting in a barrel spread precision deteriorated, the most modern sniper rifles are used floating home-style barrel, and two cameras will not be installed in a barrel in general. 88-style attacks but said the rifle itself is not designed for high-precision, and the ticket is used in the ordinary plane bullet, and therefore not a barrel floating float its impact is not large. Then, 88-style attacks on the precision rifles How? According to the online news is that in the 100-meter distance of 10 rounds at close to full spreading radius ordinary chest Central target 10 Central diameter.
88-snipers operate in both size and location arrangements, under the Ministry of adult body size and standard to determine the parameters. These devices are aimed at identifying priority. Mirror goggles to touch their shoulders at the appropriate distance is 190~200mm, identified as 195mm; rear sight distance in sight as door to 245mm; because there is no vested structure, the distance between home are advised to use spy Kong, the size of spy Kong with the ban 1.1mm,1mm x 1.1mm x 1mm. 0.8mm x 0.8mm three small parties Kong, the use of force to identify priorities for testing 0.8mm x 0.8mm; with gills high demand by both Central scope is 50~75mm design for use at a mirror not too high, close to the hearts of all guns quality frame axis, finally, identified as 51mm; rear sight 8 codes for the high 50~53mm with gills.
Trigger to touch shoulder distance. This distance is extremely important to observe the operation of the shooter. Because there is no vested structure Woba and trigger to the front on the Magazine, which makes the distance too long, laborious operation. To shorten this distance, and pulled as close as possible to enable Woba Magazine, a straight Magazine, to reduce the overall width Magazine;
And installation methods were penetrated straight into the style to reduce assembly distance. According to Chinese general that the long arm, with the trigger to touch shoulder Woba optimize distance and reasonable choice for 365mm; Woba shape, perimeter 104mm, with the increasing slide axis 65 meridian east, the shooter Wochi comfortable feet.
Bringing the location of the hilt and insurance. General American plane handles are installed in designed box, because there is no vested structure, pulling the handles away from the touch shoulder distance near the operation to not power, according to the gun layout, designed components used short guide long guidance, designed box with a long-barrelled extended to the front in an poles for support guide, pull the handles installed in designed box end long-barrelled right front, pull away from the hilt in shoulder 375mm, the loading operation naturally easier. Insurance after receiver installed in the bottom, right-hand assistant to operate.

88-style attacks rifles used three closed the bolt through seminars, fixed strike needles, designed shape looks like a sniper rifles designed SVD/85, in fact the whole system is basically QBU88 sniper rifles-85 sniper rifle is the narrow, non-vested, improved version. 88-style attacks rifles fired by the trigger body, trigger lever, blocking Rail, Single Obstruct Rail, not in insurance, launch integral parts such as axle and body structure, a single launch. Jichui attacking state in question, Koudongpanji, pulling tension bar to trigger lever, pushing iron-blocking release Jichui, Jichui Jichui huang twisting force in the role of the upward rotation against attacking needles achieve bit. bit, bolt recoil overwhelming Jichui (shooter still withhold trigger), Jichui by single blocking railways and not in the insurance co withhold, bolt into the place, down in place insurance in place insurance with Jichui withheld from Hop, this loose trigger. Single Obstruct Rail with Obstruct Rail to rotation, the release Jichui, to Obstruct Rail link with, Jichui at deactivate, Koudongpanji be moved to the next round. The gun fired institutions and the use of the building block design, launching as a separate body functions modules for multi-programme design, improvement, the overall design for the gun, the weapons could shorten their development cycle, but also facilitate the subsystem design improvements, but also used to meet maintenance demands. In particular to improve environmental conditions around the gun (such as leach river, sandstorm, etc.) of the ability to work in the design of the launch institutions bottom leakage (sand) Kong.

(Designed components used short guide long navigational design strike needle mounted on bolt box, not in place designed not moved into the box. )

(Chinese peacekeeping force in Haiti )
Link Posted: 3/8/2006 6:56:14 AM EDT
nice pics, thanks...
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