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Posted: 5/12/2004 7:56:06 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 8:01:43 AM EDT
I share your feelings. I too once thought that Islam could peacfully coexist in our nation, but I'm not so sure anymore. I'm not advocating people go out right now and start targeting muslims in the US, but I definitely think we need to keep our eyes open and watch for the signs (ie prepare for SHTF).

Some of that stuff you posted really makes me wonder about Islam in the US. When I was in college my next door neigbor in the apartment I lived in was dating a Pakistani guy who was a muslim. I tried to be open minded, I went over and met the guy. I shook his hand. It was as limp as a fish. When that guy's family found out that he was dating her they were outraged. They took him out of school and told her that she could never see him or talk to him again. Keep in mind this guy was 21 years old and his parents were forcing him to do what THEY wanted him to do. They do NOT want to mix with the rest of American society. I wonder what their intentions really are...

...all I'm saying is keep your eyes open people...watch your back...
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 8:02:14 AM EDT
I personally know 3 muslim men, and their families.  2 are as American as anyone...  gun-toting, Harley-riding, productive Americans.  

The other guy is somewhat shady.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 8:02:29 AM EDT
No. Read my sig.

Link Posted: 5/12/2004 8:04:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 8:05:48 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 8:06:41 AM EDT
Muslim faith? Probably.

Muslim culture? No.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 8:07:09 AM EDT
We have a few on campus here at OU.  Near campus they built a mosk and have daily calls to prayer.  My buddy lives near there and they come by in herds and he has always been polite.  The past year or so he has been getting stared down.  He says he can feel the hatred towards him.  
After 9-11 some frat guys went to the mosk and messed it up really good.  Now it's like a compund with bars all around.  I can only imagine what goes on in there.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 8:07:29 AM EDT


I fear it's only a matter of time before it comes the US. Be ready people...
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 8:14:29 AM EDT
Keep your eyes on Europe.  There has been an inexorable migration of muslims into western europe over the past few years.  

Hopefully, they'll show thier hand there and we'll learn our lessons without schoolbuses blowing up and wholesale hostage-taking here.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 8:14:53 AM EDT
Ask people in Philippine, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand how they like having those Muslims around.  Each and every one of them ended up with the Muslims wanting to have a separate Islamic country of their own, and each and every one of them have to fight bloody wars.

Is that something we want?
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 8:24:33 AM EDT
I think "NO".

There may, indeed, be Muslims who like their Harleys and beer as much as the next guy, and whom many of us might enjoy going shooting, golfing  or fishing together with... that I do not doubt.

but... a) we seldom ever "know" people we think we know:(ever get a divorce fron that sweet little thing you married with love in your heart?) and b) history is rife with betrayal of societies by people many within those societies thought had been co-existing happily forever (Ever read Uhuru or some of Robert Ruark's other books that deal with Kenya's history? How's about trusted family servants and workers whose families lives had been closely intertwined for decades taking the same babies they had cared for all their lives and bashing their brains out against a wall before they slaughtered the rest of the family? Want more?...there's lots out there and not all about Africa, by a long shot, either!)

Many here have said it before me...a Muslim is always a Muslim first...and yes, so is a Christian...but the Christian religion does not specifically encourage the killing of "infidels"...the Muslim religion does...or at least close enough that many of them will tell you it does...certainly the radical clerics have no problem with it.

I believe we will pay dearly for our tolerance and political correctness where this religion is concerned...very dearly indeed, and the payments only started with incidents like 9/11 and others before such as the bombing of the Marine Barracks in Lebanon and Clinton's mess in Somolia. They  will get far more expensive before this is over I fear.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 8:25:23 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 8:31:17 AM EDT
Yes, Islam CAN coexist with mainstream American culture.  That is, until IT becomes the mainstream, dominant force, at which time its true nature would be revealed and it will be too late to do anything about it.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 8:50:04 AM EDT
As long as the south border of the US stays as porous as it currently is, they will have their work cut out for them against the influx of Catholic Mexican-Americans.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 8:50:33 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 8:59:05 AM EDT
There's no reason it can't, as long as the RoP is willing to shun Saudi money and the intolerant, violent Wahabism sect that goes with it.  But that's not very likely. The trend is the complete opposite. Global Islam is embracing Wahabism, Jihad, and Saudi money.

Indonesia went from a very easygoing, tolerant Muslim society to an intolerant one with all the bombs and church-burnings that go with it.  Why?  Because the Saudis used the massive revenues they gained by squeezing the oil supply after the Arab defeat in 1973 to spread their militant brand of Islam all over the globe.

As an analyst for the Rand Corporation observed, Saudi Arabia is the kernal of evil that fuels global terrorism.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 9:05:57 AM EDT
I used to think it could. After all, the US Constitution pretty much demands that we not single-out and punish people based upon their religion. After all, what if YOUR religion was singled-out? But now I am no longer sure. I think people are right when they say that islam desires to take over EVERY peice of land it inhabits and make it the state religion of the land and punish ALL others. So THAT is NOT reconcilable with the Constitution. So we have a BIG problem here -- follow the Constitution and allow the muslims to take over and abolish it and US, or abolish it ourselves and prevent the islamics from doing that. Now you can see why we are screwed either way. But I gotta give in for my desire for self defense on this and side with the believe that America and islam are NOT compatible...
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 9:07:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 9:09:35 AM EDT

Ask people in Philippine, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand how they like having those Muslims around.  Each and every one of them ended up with the Muslims wanting to have a separate Islamic country of their own, and each and every one of them have to fight bloody wars.

Is that something we want?

Yes that is true .My dad said in south Philippines where all the muslims are at they would behead people that were catholic and cut the soles from their feet.They are truelly the worst.I'm filipino and my dad said straight up their "fucken stupid animals".
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 9:25:05 AM EDT
I think ya'll know where I stand on the matter.  
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 9:26:27 AM EDT
No, they cannot live in peace, they can only dominate.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 9:27:04 AM EDT

Prepare for war.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 9:32:32 AM EDT

I'm filipino and my dad said straight up their "fucken stupid animals".

Uhhmm, they are fucking animals, but they are not stupid, not by a long shot.

They will prove that for a long time.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 10:19:15 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 10:23:48 AM EDT

 And for how long....?

 Initially, my thought was: "Yes."

 Then as time goes on and leads to yesterday event, my answer now is : "I'm not sure..."

 Give me your throughout thoughts?  Thanks

Koran 5:33
The Punishment for those who oppose Allah and his messenger is : Execution or Crucifixion or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides or exile from the land

Koran 5:33
The Punishment for those who oppose Allah and his messenger is : Execution or Crucifixion or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides or exile from the land

Slay them wherever you find them. Drive them out of the places from which they drove you. Idolatry is worse than carnage.
Q 2:190-3

When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.

Q 9:5
Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate.

Q 9:73
Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient.

Koran 17:16-17
When we decide to destroy a population, we send a definite order to them who have the good things in life and yet transgress; so that Allah's word is proved true against them: then we destroy them utterly. How many generations have we destroyed after Noah? And enough is thy Lord to note and see the Sins of his servants

Koran 8:37
In order that Allah may seperate the impure from the pure, Put All the impure ones (Non-Muslim), one on top of the another in a Heap and cast them into Hell. They will be the ones to have lost

Koran 21:11
How many were the populations we utterly destroyed because of their inequities, setting up in their place other peoples

Koran 2:39
Those who reject faith (Islam) and belie our signs, They shall be Companions of the Fire and abide in it.

Koran 2:89-90
The Curse of Allah is on those without faith (in Islam) Thus have they drawn wrath upon wrath on themselves and humiliating is the punishment of those who reject faith (Islam)

Koran 5:33
The Punishment for those who oppose Allah and his messenger is : Execution or Crucifixion or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides or exile from the land

Koran 9:35
On the day when Heat will be produced out of the wealth in the Fire of Hell, and with it will be branded their foreheads, their sides and their backs- "This is the treasure that ye buried for yourselves, taste ye then the treasures that ye buried."

Eleven things are impure: urine, excrement, sperm...non-Moslem men and women...and the sweat of an excrement-eating camel.
Ayatollah Khomeini
(From The Little Green Book, Source: Harwood's Mythology's Last Gods, 175)
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 10:25:07 AM EDT
islam isnt compotable with anything but more islam....
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 10:28:30 AM EDT

Link Posted: 5/12/2004 10:35:28 AM EDT
There aint no way.... that Koran sure does preach peace don't it?

Peace loving bastards.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 10:42:46 AM EDT
NO… Islam is like the BORG,  you have to assimilate or die.

Link Posted: 5/12/2004 10:43:02 AM EDT


 And for how long....?

 Initially, my thought was: "Yes."

 Then as time goes on and leads to yesterday event, my answer now is : "I'm not sure..."

 Give me your throughout thoughts?  Thanks

Koran 5:33
The Punishment for those who oppose Allah and his messenger is : Execution or Crucifixion or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides or exile from the land

Koran 5:33
The Punishment for those who oppose Allah and his messenger is : Execution or Crucifixion or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides or exile from the land

Slay them wherever you find them. Drive them out of the places from which they drove you. Idolatry is worse than carnage.
Q 2:190-3

When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.

Q 9:5
Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate.

Q 9:73
Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient.

Koran 17:16-17
When we decide to destroy a population, we send a definite order to them who have the good things in life and yet transgress; so that Allah's word is proved true against them: then we destroy them utterly. How many generations have we destroyed after Noah? And enough is thy Lord to note and see the Sins of his servants

Koran 8:37
In order that Allah may seperate the impure from the pure, Put All the impure ones (Non-Muslim), one on top of the another in a Heap and cast them into Hell. They will be the ones to have lost

Koran 21:11
How many were the populations we utterly destroyed because of their inequities, setting up in their place other peoples

Koran 2:39
Those who reject faith (Islam) and belie our signs, They shall be Companions of the Fire and abide in it.

Koran 2:89-90
The Curse of Allah is on those without faith (in Islam) Thus have they drawn wrath upon wrath on themselves and humiliating is the punishment of those who reject faith (Islam)

Koran 5:33
The Punishment for those who oppose Allah and his messenger is : Execution or Crucifixion or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides or exile from the land

Koran 9:35
On the day when Heat will be produced out of the wealth in the Fire of Hell, and with it will be branded their foreheads, their sides and their backs- "This is the treasure that ye buried for yourselves, taste ye then the treasures that ye buried."

Eleven things are impure: urine, excrement, sperm...non-Moslem men and women...and the sweat of an excrement-eating camel.
Ayatollah Khomeini
(From The Little Green Book, Source: Harwood's Mythology's Last Gods, 175)

Bears repeating.

And NO, no one who is not muslim can live in peace with them.  They won't permit it.  
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 10:43:42 AM EDT

Exactly. That's my point.

So do we stand and watch what's going now--like in Thailand, Nigeria, etc... and act only if it happens in our soil? By that time, it'll be too late, and US is a battlefield.

Does our govt know the implication, the foreshadower of what most likely to happen in US?

What are the alternatives?

Sadly and unfortunately, our country will not pre-empt the infiltration by radical Islamists (who start off as moderates).  I foresee increased incidents of cultural friction occuring between Americans and Islamic Americans or immigrants of Islamic faith. Lives will eventually be lost and eventually revenge is sought.  From there it will be tit for tat and it could eventually reach huge proportions.  Islam, like Christianity, may teach tolerance but it has definately taken a different turn.

I used to laugh at some of the members of ARF.com because they would continually talk about SHTF, but I'm not laughing any longer.  Stoically, I am actually surprised I haven't seen Mujehadeen (Holy warriors) with ski masks running down the streets in downtown USA...yet.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 10:44:21 AM EDT

God damn, you guys are funny...
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 10:49:12 AM EDT


God damn, you guys are funny...

What's so fuckin funny?  
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 11:37:15 AM EDT
Once I thought we could coexist but now, It's another story. There is no way in hell we can live side by side without me keeping my weapon at a low ready. From now on I will look at every Muslim and wander what is he/she up to? It's us or them and I think with yesterday it is coming very soon to a street near you and me.

Personally I hate that I think this way but what in the hell am I supposed to do? If our government is not going to do the job for us over there then it is coming here and we will have to do it ourselves.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 12:56:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 1:34:21 PM EDT
Not NO,but HELL NO! I bet the antichrist is muslim.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 1:50:25 PM EDT
Time for all non-muslim US citizens to join the CMP and be prepared, just in case . . .
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 2:51:41 PM EDT
Out of all the major religions in the world, there is only one that preaches Hate, Murder ,and Suicide in their holy places on their holy days. They will never fit in any civilized society. Think about it !
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 2:56:55 PM EDT
No.  It will eventually come down to Muslims and everyone else (in their eyes).  
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 3:06:02 PM EDT

We have a few on campus here at OU. Near campus they built a mosk and have daily calls to prayer. My buddy lives near there and they come by in herds and he has always been polite. The past year or so he has been getting stared down. He says he can feel the hatred towards him.
After 9-11 some frat guys went to the mosk and messed it up really good. Now it's like a compund with bars all around. I can only imagine what goes on in there.

    Don't they teach you how to spell??  Gee, I know now not to send my kid to OU.  You guys need to get over stuff that isn't your business.   99.999% of the people who practice the Faith of Islam just want to be left alone.  Trashing somones place of worship is pretty cowardly.  I have several nieghbors who are Muslem and they keep thier yards nice and their houses up.  I have several nieghbors that are "Poor White Trash" (No offence) who don't keep thier yards and houses up. Who do you want for nieghbors??   In the United States of America you have the right to worship/not worship they way you want.  A lot of you BobbleHeads forget that.  
     There are also a lot of Mid-Eastern people who live in the USA who are Christian. Copts, Chaldeans, Assrians and a couple more I forgot.  
      You guys need to "Live and Let Live"  Most recent imigrants just wanted what 75% of what my ancester wanted when they came to North America.  A chance for a better life.  If your interested the other 25% just wanted casnios.  It took 200 years to get them
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 3:08:05 PM EDT

Hunter out...
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 3:10:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 3:18:59 PM EDT
Not a fuckin chance
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 6:18:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 6:30:45 PM EDT
I have not read the Koran but my wife has.  She tells me there is nothing in the Koran urging muslims to live in harmony with or to be tolerant of other religions.  Quite the opposite she says.  As such, I tend to view most muslims as people who would just as soon slit my throat as look at me.  So, NO I do not think that we can live in harmony.
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