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Posted: 5/9/2004 2:54:57 PM EDT
My Mom's carport is infested with these big ass bees that bore holes in the wood.  They look like what we always called bumble bees.  Anyway, what's the best method for getting rid of the ones she has and preventing them from coming back?


Link Posted: 5/9/2004 2:59:14 PM EDT

Those are carpenter bees.... Alot less aggressive than "bumble bees"....

As for getting rid of htem... i don't know

Link Posted: 5/9/2004 3:00:03 PM EDT
They have been boring hole in our porch. I don't know what to do about them. They're interesting to watch, although they destroy everything.
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 3:01:42 PM EDT
Wood Boring Bees have been the bane of my existance for the last 5 years!  The little motherfu%#ers have been doing major damage to my cedar house.  I tried poison, caulking up the holes, paint, you name it.  I finally called Terminex and they treated the house.  I haven't seen one since!  They will have to treat the house every four months for two years or so to break the cycle though, and it cost me $300/year.  The bees come back to where they were born to lay eggs.

As a side note, they are great fun to hunt!  I really enjoy loading up the old Remington model 41 Targetmaster with ratshot and blowing the little fu%#ers right out of the air!

Link Posted: 5/9/2004 3:04:59 PM EDT
I went to Goodwill and bought an old tennis racket for a dollar and I killed about 50 of them around my barn. They make a sweet sound when you hit them.
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 3:07:34 PM EDT
Hitting them with tennis rackets is really quite fun.  I used to do it at my grandfathers farm when I was 8 or 9.  you can kill lots like that.
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 3:08:53 PM EDT

My Mom's carport is infested with these big ass bees that bore holes in the wood.  They look like what we always called bumble bees.  Anyway, what's the best method for getting rid of the ones she has and preventing them from coming back?

Burn the carport!
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 3:10:31 PM EDT
Ummm, how does it go?


Link Posted: 5/9/2004 3:23:37 PM EDT
YUP, I have the same problem, them things are all over my storage building out back..

The thing is, they leave after a couple of months...

BUT this year, they are a little more aggresive then they have been.....

Link Posted: 5/9/2004 4:04:06 PM EDT

But seriously....wait until they're all home in their nest (some piece of wood nearby, and it's probably structural and part of your house... and plug up all their holes with duct tape.    Leave the top holes partially open, because you'll be needing to use those.    Fill the wood with motor oil until it's FULL, and the bees will most assuredly be DEAD shortly.   And remember to use lots of oil dry (kitty litter) around the area.

I used a variation of this theme, once.   I had carpenter bees in my cedar plank fence,  so I plugged the holes in the two planks that were bees' nests and then I knocked the planks off,  put new ones on, and saturated the planks with lacquer thinner.    No survivors.

Link Posted: 5/9/2004 4:33:00 PM EDT
A can of spray paint and a lighter will kill a few, and be quite entertaining, but if you want them gone call an exterminator.
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 4:47:19 PM EDT
There is an additive that any decent hardware store should have, that you add to the paint or stain you use on the wood. I believe it is Diazinon, but I'm not sure. A small bottle treats 5 gal.
That is, if it hasn't been banned yet.
 But using .22 shotshells is a lot more fun.
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 5:16:09 PM EDT
The most effective way of getting those buggers out of that carport is shown below in the pic..
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 2:08:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 2:17:59 AM EDT

Ummm, how does it go?


LoL beat me to it!
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