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Posted: 5/4/2004 7:51:05 PM EDT
Because of the net I have offically become bored with porn.

What has the net ruined for you?

Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:52:01 PM EDT

I used to watch it all the time

Now probably less then a hour a week. Maybe an occasional movie.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:54:24 PM EDT
I refuse to believe that it's possible to get bored with porn.

Maybe there's something wrong with you - perhaps you've finally become insane.  
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:54:52 PM EDT
my belief that i had been paying fair prices for my firearms and ammo.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:55:05 PM EDT
I no longer have any patience. If I need to do something, I expect to find the answer, solution, necessary software, raw data, or whatever in a 3-minute time period, usually for free.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:55:49 PM EDT
Many stores are closing down because the overhead is too high to compete with warehouses and/or drop-shippers.  Without stores, how will they demo the product?  And now people want the best deal and screw the guy who paid the overhead and supplied the demo unit and knowledgable staff.  Also, with this trend, you wil probably see membership based clubs that demo new equipment and they *may* have inventory, OR you will see the manufacturers or their representatives creating demo facilities for their products.  I thought the Gateway stores were a perfect example of this, but there aren't any around anymore.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:57:12 PM EDT


I used to watch it all the time

Now probably less then a hour a week. Maybe an occasional movie.

Don't watch the TV except for occasional Fox News, History Channel,Sci-Fi, and Discovery Channel Wings!
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:58:06 PM EDT

I no longer have any patience. If I need to do something, I expect to find the answer, solution, necessary software, raw data, or whatever in a 3-minute time period, usually for free.

Link Posted: 5/4/2004 8:01:22 PM EDT

I refuse to believe that it's possible to get bored with porn.

Maybe there's something wrong with you - perhaps you've finally become insane.  

Nah, he's just old. You know how old people get.

Time for some Cialis Sarge. 4 hour boners await you!

As to the question, I would say T.V. as well. The only thing I turn it on for is sporting events. When I move to my new apt. in a month the T.V. is going to be replace with a T.V tuner card.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 8:05:44 PM EDT
Slow ppl and things Cable internet will do that to you
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 8:20:22 PM EDT
"What has the internet ruined for you???"

Any belief that the US State Dept works FOR the United States.
Any residual belief that 'Islam is a Religion of Peace'.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 8:22:26 PM EDT

Because of the net I have offically become bored with porn.

What has the net ruined for you?


Ya know, if you're still watching porn right after you've finished jerking it, it's completely natural to get bored with it....
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 8:25:22 PM EDT
I was trying to read a book, and have been trying to for the past 5 hours, but a new topic keeps popping up. Arfcom has ruined my ability to concentrate on anything but Arfcom.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 8:29:45 PM EDT

I was trying to read a book, and have been trying to for the past 5 hours, but a new topic keeps popping up. Arfcom has ruined my ability to concentrate on anything but Arfcom.

Sucks dont it?

Link Posted: 5/4/2004 8:31:30 PM EDT
The internet has been kind of a yin/yang thing for me. Porn has lost its flair, I'm spending an inordinate amount of time searching the skies for black helos and contrails, and groups of two or more jews now make me strangely uneasy.

But damn, my Reynolds Wrap stock is doing great!
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 8:34:13 PM EDT
I don't get to watch all that great stuff that they have nowadays on tv!
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 8:51:26 PM EDT
It has ruined my faith in human instinct.

I think I will make a new thread that is a spinoff of this one.

Link Posted: 5/4/2004 9:07:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 9:09:05 PM EDT
Potentially my marriage if I don't get off the computer tonight.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 9:44:41 PM EDT
I don't watch TV news anymore. This site has more news, TV news has about 15 mins of real news, after that they switch into filler stuff. Reading this site is like reading 100 newspapers a day. They other day, when I did watch TV news again, some of the old faces were gone, and new ones taking their place. But I do watch the PBS stations though, they have some real interesting programs there.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 9:58:30 PM EDT
My reference library has become obsolete, small, and slow.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 10:08:39 PM EDT

My reference library has become obsolete, small, and slow.

Damn!  Same thing happened to my sex drive.

Link Posted: 5/4/2004 10:29:56 PM EDT
Money Shots...  Just not the same anymore
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 10:37:56 PM EDT

I was trying to read a book, and have been trying to for the past 5 hours, but a new topic keeps popping up. Arfcom has ruined my ability to concentrate on anything but Arfcom.

Yeah.  I was out of town for work for a couple of weeks with limited net access, and I read 4 books in the evenings.  
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 6:01:27 AM EDT
attention span


compuetrs. w/o internet access a computer is just a paperweight.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 6:17:57 AM EDT
Human contact.

Why talk to people face to face, when I can filter out all their BS on the internet.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 6:23:53 AM EDT
Hart Electronics -- Great place to buy high end audio equipment that used to be in the area
Niks Computers -- Great place to buy PC parts that used to be in the area
Summit Audio -- Another great place to buy high end/audiophile audio equipment that used to be in the area
not to mention a half a dozen little gift shops, etc. that used to be around here...

TV... lucky if I watch 3hrs a month
writing letters/getting letters, now its all email.. lucky if I get a Christmas card in the mail
In many cases, the ability to sit and work through a problem.... now it's "I will just go and look"
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 6:51:37 AM EDT
I'll say ignorance. Not that I was particularly stupid(er) before but now whenever I have a question and I'm not near a computer it's not good enough to say "I'll check it out later" and then never do it. I have to know the answer.

And that usually (through the magic of hyperlinking) leads to more and more information. I was beholden to monthly magazines on shooting... Now I get one subscription and the rest I get online, here and THR, and other sites. Particularly of interest to me have been the Afghan and Iraq AARs.

I really need to start archiving the most interesting of the stuff - if the 'Net ever went down I don't know what I'd do for info!

Link Posted: 5/5/2004 9:11:25 AM EDT
Gunshows!  Fewer quality dealers seem to show up.  People are buying everything on the net.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 9:52:10 AM EDT

I refuse to believe that it's possible to get bored with porn.

Maybe there's something wrong with you - perhaps you've finally become insane.  

Maybe he just needs to switch the type of porn.

Sorry pal you left yourself open for that one.

Link Posted: 5/5/2004 10:01:00 AM EDT
an easier quesiton to answer might be "what HASN'T it ruined?"
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 12:23:55 PM EDT
Shopping in general. I was in a mall last weekend with the G/F,  and I couldn't figure out why?
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 7:56:21 PM EDT
It ruined making full-auto weapons affordable.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 8:00:53 PM EDT
I can no longer handle not having immediate access to the news and verify stories immediately.
Radio news now seems so freaking slow and infrequent, even on all news stations.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 11:57:57 PM EDT
my grades
Link Posted: 5/6/2004 3:38:10 AM EDT
I can no longer believe any picture I see. With all the photoshopping, who knows what you are looking at ... or not looking at.

I have learned a new level of distrust. Being screwed by people trying to sell things even here on the EE and especially eBay.

Everyone I deal with now I figure they are out to screw me over, you pays your money, you takes your chances.

btw, my latest deal on the EE actually went through! 1out of 4 this year aint bad is it??
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