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Posted: 4/29/2001 12:49:06 PM EDT
If you recieve a lower in the mail but you do not open it, are you still in possesion of it. I posted this in legal but I need some more thought on this.
Link Posted: 4/29/2001 12:55:02 PM EDT
1st and foremost, unless you are an FFL you are not allowed to recv a lower to an AR directly as it is considered THE rifle. Secondly how do you know its a lower if you did not open it. Which leads to the 1st. Next possesion is 9/10 of the law. You are in possesion if you have it with you.
Link Posted: 4/29/2001 12:58:43 PM EDT
The point is you do not know it is a lower. Because you did not open it.
Link Posted: 4/29/2001 1:09:09 PM EDT
Then why do you have the box? Will a normal person recv something in the mail addressed to them and not open it? Kinda like getting busted with pot in your pocket and saying "that's not mine officer, someone must have put it there. I didn't know it was there" Yeah that works. That excuse will not fly in a court of law.

And again you have already violated the law if you are not an FFL and recv a firearm directly from someone in another state. out of state tfrs must go through an FFL.

Link Posted: 4/29/2001 3:45:42 PM EDT
What do you honestly think the judge is going to say?

Link Posted: 4/29/2001 4:30:51 PM EDT
Another kink:  if a person had something sent to their house but it was sent for someone else, there could be even more legal issues I for one don't have answers for.

I don't know why you would post such a question here, unless you're trolling.....

It all sounds like trouble to me.

Hope some of the responses put you on the right track.

[red][size=4] P.R.K.
Link Posted: 4/29/2001 6:03:12 PM EDT
Don't ask, don't tell.
Link Posted: 4/29/2001 6:10:57 PM EDT
Just take the package to your nearest BATF or DOJ office and explain that you are a law-abiding citizen trying to do the right thing.  Tell them what happened and speak clearly into the tape recorder.  Don't worry, they're with the Governement and are there to help you.
Link Posted: 4/30/2001 6:40:47 AM EDT
not that i ever would....
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