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Posted: 5/9/2003 11:08:12 AM EDT
She went to the doctor last week and was told she needs to start eating healthier. So rather than adjust her own diet she transfers her crap on to me. Comes home from the store with 1% milk and shredded wheat cereal.

I hate 1% (only drink 2%) and have never ate fucking Shredded Wheat. Just sent her back to the store to exchange them for 2% milk and Capt. Crunch.

Bad enough she's tries to transpose her crap on to me, but then she lied about it as if I didn't already figure it out. "Oh I must havee got 1% by accident...oops."

I can still remember when my Mom pulled that crap about 20 years ago. Decided she was gonna feed the family salad for dinner. My Dad looked at me and my brother and asked "OK what do you guys want on your pizza?" [:D]
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 11:24:12 AM EDT
Yes. Mine started throwing tofu in stuff. BLAH!! I no longer get tofu. The soy/protein based stuff is pretty good but doesn't replace real flesh.

On the other hand your wife has a medical issue where stuff you like might be bad for her health. I would say a compromise would be in order. Keep in mind that it will probably be hard for her to eat grass while you chomp down on flesh. I am not saying give it all up but a little consideration might not hurt.
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 11:25:12 AM EDT
i wouldnt put up with it, go get yourself a burger or some shit

and i absolutely HATE low fat, no fat, healthy, bullshit, ESPECIALLY when i get it on accident and i think im buying the regular shit

i'd buy added fat shit if i could find it, and if i ever want to lose weight i can  ::gasp:: eat less of the regular shit

rant over
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 11:25:38 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 11:29:25 AM EDT
No, I never pulled that on my hubby. We had to change his diet after back surgery, and I went along with it. I couldn't see eating something in front of him that he couldn't. We changed our diet to an oriental diet and both of us have lost weight, and feel better for it. He eats bran cereal in the morning for breakfast I can't bring myself to eat it. We do give in to our cravings once a week. I like it since it is a lot of veggies and
seafood. Good luck. Hopefully you can find a compromise.
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 11:31:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 11:32:18 AM EDT
My wife and parents seem to think Skim milk is the secret to healthy living.

I HATE SKIM MILK!  It looks like dishwater after someone threw their cereal in it.  I want MILK dammit!  Not that sissy watered down stuff!
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 11:32:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 11:34:47 AM EDT
My wife tried to sabotage my high octane morning coffee by adding a decaf blend without my knowledge.

Being a ritual coffee man, I had to ban her from the coffee pot.  Mess with my food, but don't tread on my coffee beans!!! [coffee]
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 11:35:48 AM EDT
No.  I only eat from the three basic food groups: salt, fat and alcohol.
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 11:36:49 AM EDT
Skim milk is AWESOME! After I started drinking skim milk, I got so used to the refreshing, taste that even 2% tastes like heavy whipping cream to me.

No SA, my wife knows better than to try to force me to do or not do ANYTHING.
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 11:38:44 AM EDT
No.  I only eat from the three basic food groups: salt, fat and alcohol.
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I thought it was two: sugar and preservatives!
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 11:38:53 AM EDT
My mother used to do that ... drove me and my siblings nuts when we were growing up.  1% milk is crap.  It's basically blue-tinted white water.  The other stuff is just a really bad memory ... this was when low-fat/fat-free absolutely meant TASTES LIKE SHIT.

My gf on the other hand, bless her, she'll cook me whatever I feel like eating, even if she doesn't like to eat it herself.
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 11:40:48 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 11:41:29 AM EDT
Give me Vitamin D, homogonized milk anyday.
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Link Posted: 5/9/2003 11:43:35 AM EDT
If you don't like it do your own shopping and cook your own damn dinner. [:D]
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 11:44:34 AM EDT
My gf on the other hand, bless her, she'll cook me whatever I feel like eating, even if she doesn't like to eat it herself.
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Lucky bastard.
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 11:44:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 11:49:21 AM EDT
Skim milk is AWESOME! After I started drinking skim milk, I got so used to the refreshing, taste that even 2% tastes like heavy whipping cream to me.
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Hell yeah. It took about a week to get used to it but afterwards -- NO LUGIES!!! A cold, refreshing glass of milk with some piping hot chocolate chip cookies... AND NO HOCKERS AFTERWARDS!! [:D}

Seriously, it's milk flavored water, but I love it.

My wife chugs buttermilk straight up though. GAG.
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 11:56:32 AM EDT
My buddy cured his wife of that crap. She tried to pass something off on him at dinner. He didn't say a word, just got up with his plate, went to the trash can and dumped it in, plate and all. Went out and returned with a big bucket of KFC, even offered to share with her.

BTW, his wife is a very nice lady and more than smart enough to not repeat past errors.More than 30 years so far, they must mostly get along real fine!

Don in Ohio
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 12:04:52 PM EDT
So....what state are you moving to after the divorce?

This is how it starts ya'know.  She's trying to change you.  Next thing you know you will be doing all the shopping and think it was your idea!

Link Posted: 5/9/2003 12:04:53 PM EDT

Nope. Besides, I don't drink milk or eat cereal.
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 12:08:57 PM EDT
Get her on an exercise regiment...then it won't matter what she eats too much.
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 12:11:52 PM EDT
Give me Vitamin D, homogonized milk anyday.
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Have to agree, I suck sow milk from the udders

Anyone else like pig milk?
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 12:19:09 PM EDT
So....what state are you moving to after the divorce?

This is how it starts ya'know.  She's trying to change you.  Next thing you know you will be doing all the shopping and think it was your idea!

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LOL. I've never met anyone else so consistently wrong in their interpretations.

First, I used to do ALL the grocery shopping. She took it over to make sure and get the things she needed.

Second, I cannot conceive of how anything this simple (and easily corrected) could lead to divorce unless you were on your way anyhow.

Seriously, is your marriage really this tenuous?
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 12:19:19 PM EDT
i wouldnt put up with it, go get yourself a burger or some shit

and i absolutely HATE low fat, no fat, healthy, bullshit, ESPECIALLY when i get it on accident and i think im buying the regular shit

i'd buy added fat shit if i could find it, and if i ever want to lose weight i can  ::gasp:: eat less of the regular shit

rant over
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Me Too!!! [:D]
I had my first heart attack at age 50!! [snoopy]

Link Posted: 5/9/2003 12:20:33 PM EDT
protien, caffiene, and nicotine.

I thought that is all a body needs.[:D]
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 12:21:19 PM EDT
I drink cheese
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 12:22:25 PM EDT
2%, 1%, .5%, and skim milk are nothing more than cloudy water.  Give me Vitamin D, homogonized milk anyday.
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Used to be me too. Look for "Skim Rich". All the major markets carry it. It's good!
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 12:24:12 PM EDT
17 years this year Steyr.

If my marriage was a murder sentance I would have been a free man by now.

Link Posted: 5/9/2003 12:26:02 PM EDT
For sure!
She is trying to get me on the Atkins diet. I did cut out the sugar, the caffeine and the booze but I am fighting her on the pizza and the breads.
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 12:32:31 PM EDT
Doc said she had to change her lifestyle.  She can't do that without your support.  IMHO suck it up, eat those ricecakes and shredded wheat while telling her how wonderful she is.

This is a normal part of marriage.  I'm sure she's made or will make sacrifics for you.

Link Posted: 5/9/2003 12:33:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 12:39:41 PM EDT
I like "real" food too, but... If your wife is doing something to keep her self in shape, that's a good thing in my opinion.  My wife likes that "body for life" diet, and I go along with it because 1) I get to eat stuff like eggs, hamburger, chicken, etc. 2) she does almost all the cookin and 3) it makes her feel better about herself, which makes it easier for me to buy guns and ammo.  She's 36 now, and I want to keep her as good looking as I can, for as long as I can, because I like sending rounds down range in the bedroom too!
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 12:40:16 PM EDT
She hasn't yet, but after she gets home from the hospital she will.  

She has been having chest pains for the past 2 weeks or so, so she went to the Dr.  She went in for a stress test and after being on the tread mill for less than 5 minutes they had her stop.

Today she went in for a heart cath, everything looked ok but they wanted to have her stay the night.

I guess it was a wake up call to both of us to start eating better and to do that awful thing called exercise.
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 12:44:29 PM EDT
I'd have her buy 1/2 gal of 1% and 1/2 gal of 2% and quit your whining.  She can only buy one box of cereal?

My mom started to buy 1% instead of whole milk when I was a kid.  I hated it and refused to drink it.  She started refilling the "whole milk" jugs with the 1% crap.  I could tell the difference and just stop drinking milk.
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 12:45:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 12:46:06 PM EDT
Doc said she had to change her lifestyle.  She can't do that without your support.  IMHO suck it up, eat those ricecakes and shredded wheat while telling her how wonderful she is.

This is a normal part of marriage.  I'm sure she's made or will make sacrifics for you.

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Well to clarify a few things:

1. I am the only one who drinks milk. She rarely drinks skim and hates milk (all kinds). So my drinking evil 2% isn't tempting her or sabotaging her diet.

2. What the doc told her is that cookies, cake and candy are NOT 3 of the 4 food groups. I don't eat cookies, cake and candy...she does. So again I am not the temptation factor or undermining her health.

What this is about is this:

SHE has to change her eating habits not me. If she ate the things I ate, she would be fine. BUT because SHE has to sacrifice she thinks I do too and THAT is what I object to.

It is like someone who is trying to quit smoking and they tell you you can't have your daily beer anymore because it is not healthy. She thinks if I start drinking 1% milk somehow by osmosis she will be able to keep eating shit.

And this is also part of misery loves company. I'm not about to give up pizza for salad because she is no longer aloud to eat pop tarts.
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 12:48:23 PM EDT
Give me Vitamin D, homogonized milk anyday.
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Milk straight from the cow. Very much nice. Miss having that since we sold the dairy. Was a hard tiem trying to drink the stuff from the stores.
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 12:53:21 PM EDT
My wife made some gasslie substance one night. When I asked what it was she said "Hamburger Helper".

I explained to her that the only thing that helps hamburger is:

1)Form it into a round shape commonly called a "pattie".
2)Cook said "pattie" on grill or in a skillet until no more pink inside.
3)Place said "pattie" or "patties" on round slices of bread called "buns".
4)Add ketchup, mustard, mayo, and anything else as long as it doesn't say "Hamburger Helper".
5)Placing cheese on "pattie" to melt is optional".

Link Posted: 5/9/2003 12:55:46 PM EDT
Give me Vitamin D, homogonized milk anyday.
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Milk straight from the cow. Very much nice. Miss having that since we sold the dairy. Was a hard tiem trying to drink the stuff from the stores.
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Now I can't get the image to Tom Green sucking on the cow nipple out of my head. [:D]

Link Posted: 5/9/2003 12:57:22 PM EDT
My wife doesn't care what I eat. I'm worth much more dead than alive.

Link Posted: 5/9/2003 1:02:39 PM EDT
Doc said she had to change her lifestyle.  She can't do that without your support.  IMHO suck it up, eat those ricecakes and shredded wheat while telling her how wonderful she is.

This is a normal part of marriage.  I'm sure she's made or will make sacrifics for you.

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Well to clarify a few things:

1. I am the only one who drinks milk. She rarely drinks skim and hates milk (all kinds). So my drinking evil 2% isn't tempting her or sabotaging her diet.

2. What the doc told her is that cookies, cake and candy are NOT 3 of the 4 food groups. I don't eat cookies, cake and candy...she does. So again I am not the temptation factor or undermining her health.

What this is about is this:

SHE has to change her eating habits not me. If she ate the things I ate, she would be fine. BUT because SHE has to sacrifice she thinks I do too and THAT is what I object to.

It is like someone who is trying to quit smoking and they tell you you can't have your daily beer anymore because it is not healthy. She thinks if I start drinking 1% milk somehow by osmosis she will be able to keep eating shit.

And this is also part of misery loves company. I'm not about to give up pizza for salad because she is no longer aloud to eat pop tarts.
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Well, then you just march on in there, and tell her how you "feel"! I'll hpld your beer..[:D]
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 1:11:40 PM EDT
Well 3 years ago, my wife found out she was diabetic. It runs in her family. So the doc sends us both to the ADA "eating school" at the local hospital. By strictly paying attention to her diet, she has stayed off of medication & insulin so far. None of that "diabetic food" either. Subsiquently, my diet changed. It was a tough adaptation at first but I feel alot better for it. About 6 months ago, I apply for life insurance. They won't insure me because of my high blood pressure. Runs on my side of the family 140/96, not extreme. Now, no salt, no caffeine, no tobacco etc. Have to check sodium levels on everything that I eat. I take one BP pill a day. Neither of us are over weight, we both exercise pretty regularly, I do weights, she does aerobics. Don't know how old your are Steyer, but when you hit your mid to late 30's stuff starts to happen and a little preventative maintenance can keep you going alot longer. So try a little compromise on the diet thing, when the wife peaks at 40, you better be in shape for submarine races and something other than your back better be stiff.
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 1:13:44 PM EDT
Doc said she had to change her lifestyle.  She can't do that without your support.  IMHO suck it up, eat those ricecakes and shredded wheat while telling her how wonderful she is.

This is a normal part of marriage.  I'm sure she's made or will make sacrifics for you.

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Well to clarify a few things:

1. I am the only one who drinks milk. She rarely drinks skim and hates milk (all kinds). So my drinking evil 2% isn't tempting her or sabotaging her diet.

2. What the doc told her is that cookies, cake and candy are NOT 3 of the 4 food groups. I don't eat cookies, cake and candy...she does. So again I am not the temptation factor or undermining her health.

What this is about is this:

SHE has to change her eating habits not me. If she ate the things I ate, she would be fine. BUT because SHE has to sacrifice she thinks I do too and THAT is what I object to.

It is like someone who is trying to quit smoking and they tell you you can't have your daily beer anymore because it is not healthy. She thinks if I start drinking 1% milk somehow by osmosis she will be able to keep eating shit.

And this is also part of misery loves company. I'm not about to give up pizza for salad because she is no longer aloud to eat pop tarts.
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Well, then you just march on in there, and tell her how you "feel"! I'll hpld your beer..[:D]
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I already did.

I sent her back to return the stupid cereal and exchange that cow water for real milk. And I don't drink beer.
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 1:21:03 PM EDT
Capt. Crunch.
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Excellent choice...
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 1:42:48 PM EDT
That "Low-Fat No-Fat" stuff is a crock of shit. The body produces 75% to 80% of your cholesterol IN YOUR LIVER! That means that if you cut out ALL fat in your diet, you still would only lower your cholesterol count by 20%MAX! The liver is incited to produce cholesterol by insulin that is produced in response to SUGAR, and all breads, rice, grains, potatos, ie starch is turned straight to sugar immediately upon ingestion, thus raising your cholesterol. I'm not saying cut out all starches, just go easy on them and enjoy good healthy fats. Get a copy of "Protein Power" by Michael Eades, MD and it explains it all. This is not the Atkins diet! But the book also explains how the so-called "Food Pyramid" has been foisted upon sheeple as one of the biggest lies ever fabricated by the politically correct. We are PREDATORS and predators EAT PREY.

I am 41 years old and have been following this book for the past 7 months. I'm 6'01" and weigh 180 lbs. I just got done with my annual department physical including treadmill test. I ran their treadmill into the ground and my overall cholesterol was 170 TOTAL and of that number 51 was my GOOD cholesterol making my BAD cholesterol less than 120! I eat red meat like a vampire, drink whole milk, and I love it. I did NOT claw my way to the top of the food-chain to be a vegetarian.

Get the book "Protein Power" by Michael Eades, MD. It explains how the politically-correct DU's are killing us all with this low-fat crap while trying to force their misplaced morality on us!
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 2:43:00 PM EDT
That "Low-Fat No-Fat" stuff is a crock of shit. The body produces 75% to 80% of your cholesterol IN YOUR LIVER! That means that if you cut out ALL fat in your diet, you still would only lower your cholesterol count by 20%MAX! The liver is incited to produce cholesterol by insulin that is produced in response to SUGAR, and all breads, rice, grains, potatos, ie starch is turned straight to sugar immediately upon ingestion, thus raising your cholesterol. I'm not saying cut out all starches, just go easy on them and enjoy good healthy fats. Get a copy of "Protein Power" by Michael Eades, MD and it explains it all. This is not the Atkins diet! But the book also explains how the so-called "Food Pyramid" has been foisted upon sheeple as one of the biggest lies ever fabricated by the politically correct. We are PREDATORS and predators EAT PREY.

I am 41 years old and have been following this book for the past 7 months. I'm 6'01" and weigh 180 lbs. I just got done with my annual department physical including treadmill test. I ran their treadmill into the ground and my overall cholesterol was 170 TOTAL and of that number 51 was my GOOD cholesterol making my BAD cholesterol less than 120! I eat red meat like a vampire, drink whole milk, and I love it. I did NOT claw my way to the top of the food-chain to be a vegetarian.

Get the book "Protein Power" by Michael Eades, MD. It explains how the politically-correct DU's are killing us all with this low-fat crap while trying to force their misplaced morality on us!
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Oh btw the wifes problem is not one with excess fats. She can eat tacos and pizza, etc. Her problem is her cookies, cake and candy sweet tooth. She eats way too much sugar shit and is in a risk group for diabetes. Also probably plays hell with her blood pressure, etc.

And again, I'm not eating that crap in front of her. I'm not a cookie, cake and candy junkie. But this girl would put pancake syrup on Pop Tarts if the idea occured to her. Just watching her eat makes my teeth hurt.
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 2:48:54 PM EDT
ive ONLY drank skim milk for years. other shit is too thick and nasty
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 2:56:22 PM EDT
The 4 Major Food Groups:

1. Chinese

2. Canned

3. Frozen

4. Beer

...and just so you know, Tofu is a shortened version of:

Link Posted: 5/9/2003 2:58:01 PM EDT
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