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Posted: 5/3/2003 10:50:54 AM EDT
I've been thinking of getting a cat. I want to get a really fricken big housecat. (no wild animals). What kind of cat should I look for to make sure I get a big one?
Link Posted: 5/3/2003 10:57:17 AM EDT
I believe that the Maine Coon is the largest domestic breed (on average). Of course, I had plain old domestic shorthair that tipped the scales at over 25 lb, which is a damn big housecat!

Link Posted: 5/3/2003 10:57:44 AM EDT
My buddy has a cat he found as a stray kitten. It is soild black and freakin' huge. He weighs 22 lbs and is not fat. It's head is about the size of a medium cantelope.
Link Posted: 5/3/2003 11:00:31 AM EDT
Ask SgtAR.  [:D]

I think the Maine Coon breed is pretty big, but I'm no cat expert.

You could get an Ocelot. [;)]
Link Posted: 5/3/2003 11:04:30 AM EDT
Ask SgtAR
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i figure I'll get some recipies from him once total economic collapse happens and I've used up all of my SHTF storage
Link Posted: 5/3/2003 11:20:54 AM EDT
pixie bobs are fairly large, but i don't know howe they compare to other breeds
Link Posted: 5/3/2003 11:26:03 AM EDT
I would weigh breed attitude over breed size.
do you want a cat that acts like a dog or do you want a cat that acts like a snob...different breeds also can have very different attitudes.

I find that I like the random cats you get from the shelter.

The two cats I have now were ferral kittens, and they are some of the best animals on the planet.
Link Posted: 5/3/2003 11:27:00 AM EDT
Indian Tiger, I believe.
Link Posted: 5/3/2003 11:30:17 AM EDT
You've got to get one of these bad boys


The Ocicat

Looks like a wild cat, but it's just a hybrid of several breeds.  It's completely tame and domesticated.

Link Posted: 5/3/2003 11:32:33 AM EDT
Maine Coons are the biggest as a breed that I've ever seen. The biggest individual cat I've ever seen was 35 lbs. (just a regular domestic shorthair). Vaccinating him was easy, but drawing blood was a nightmare.
Link Posted: 5/3/2003 11:34:27 AM EDT
I'm not sure what the largest breed is but I average 3 meals for 4 people from most cats, but that's using every part of the animal.

The key to getting a large cat is in the breeding.  Breed from good stock and fatten the kittens up with sheep milk and left overs.

10-14 weeks for harvest.

Link Posted: 5/3/2003 11:35:42 AM EDT
ocicats are cool...i also have a bengal cat...they are a cross breed between asian leopard cat(small wild cat in the leopard family) and domestic cat.

Link Posted: 5/3/2003 11:44:13 AM EDT
My Ocicat says "Meah!"  He's a great pet.  Follows me around like a dog.  I can go for long walks in the neighborhood and he shadows me all the way.

Maine Coons are great, especially in colder climates.

If you're looking for something really special check out Pixie-Bobs.


Link Posted: 5/3/2003 11:48:45 AM EDT
do you want a cat that acts like a dog
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that would be cool
Link Posted: 5/3/2003 12:01:27 PM EDT
Another vote for the Coon cat here! No one has said anything about the personalities of the breed, but all the one's I've known/shared domicile with, (No one ever "owns" a cat!![:D]), had very interesting personalities. While cats can tolerate apartment living, I hope you live in a rural area. Whatever cat you get, have it neutered/spayed, unless breeding. ALL cats are enjoyable.....
Link Posted: 5/3/2003 12:13:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/3/2003 12:14:35 PM EDT
Orange tabbies can get to be rather big.  They also are very friendly and tend to be tolerant of dogs.

I have one that thinks he's a dog.  An 18 pound orange tabby that back up a 75 pound 1 year old Airedale.  Kitty usually wins when playtime starts getting rough.  [:)]

The Ocicat looks cool.  How big do they get?
Link Posted: 5/3/2003 12:15:25 PM EDT
do you want a cat that acts like a dog
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that would be cool
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My friend has one, its from a farm in oregon, 4 generations of inbreeding, its orange and weighs 15lbs... [mr hill]That cat is not right[/mr hill]

thing is part dog.
Link Posted: 5/3/2003 12:18:59 PM EDT
I dont know how big Ocicats get, but they look pretty average-sized from the photos. I do know they're expensive though.

I think DK-Prof has a Maine Coon.
Link Posted: 5/3/2003 12:30:00 PM EDT
Quoted:...I do know they're expensive though...
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That's what will probably prompt me to go down to the pound and pick out one that doesn't look like it's retarded and call it a day.
Link Posted: 5/3/2003 12:36:31 PM EDT
Pound cats or the mangey things that show up on your door usually turn out to be the best animals anyway.
Link Posted: 5/3/2003 12:39:35 PM EDT
Pound cats or the mangey things that show up on your door usually turn out to be the best animals anyway.
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Agreed.  And taking in a homeless cat is a good thing.
Link Posted: 5/3/2003 6:11:47 PM EDT
Be sure to pick out a cat who picks you out as well. As was said, no one really owns a cat.

I brought a stray home from work last fall. He followed me around for a little bit and came to me when I said "Come here." He still does. He is a Tabby mix and should get bigger yet. Even the vet is impressed. His feet are still big and he's cool as hell.

Strays make the best pets more times than not.
Link Posted: 5/3/2003 6:15:18 PM EDT
Pound cats or the mangey things that show up on your door usually turn out to be the best animals anyway.
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Agreed.  And taking in a homeless cat is a good thing.
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I do what I can...

Link Posted: 5/3/2003 10:45:25 PM EDT
fiancee' (animal collector) Says get a Maine Coon they usually get up into the 20 lbs range she says
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 8:15:51 AM EDT
Maine Coon.  Bride and I were at a cat show and a biker had one streched from one arm over the shoulder and down the other arm.  The biker was about 6'3" and the cat covered his wingspan.
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 8:21:33 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 8:22:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 8:29:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/7/2003 9:14:24 PM EDT
Maine Coon
Norwegian Forest Cat
Siberian Forest Cat
I think Pixie Bobs are up in this size range and they have the cool bobcat look going on, but that name just doesn't work.

All of the above have the advantage of being fairly laid back and non-vocal.  They are also the most dog-like when it comes to dealing with people.
Link Posted: 5/7/2003 9:38:49 PM EDT
My mom has a Maine Coon. I think its one of the coolest cats i've come across. It sometimes acts like a dog, they can jump like crazy, likes to get on top of things or in open things, my moms has been known to get on top of open doors and sit there, its pretty entertaining. The weirdest things about it are it will eat bread, pretzels, chips strange things for a cat to eat, it has six toes and likes water.

Overall a very friendly cat.
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