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Posted: 4/24/2001 1:24:41 PM EDT
i was just out back trying some new .45 ammo.on the third shot i kicked up this coyote that i've had a hard-on for since i watched it carry a beloved cat of mine off,never to be seen again.anyway i had five shots left so i did my best to nail him at around 100 yards,needless to say i missed but one shot did kick up the dirt about a foot from his butt.he then went to ground in the corn stalks and the madman went and got the AR.i walked out about 300 yds,then walked back in at an angle towards were it had last been seen .sure enough the damn sum of a bitch popped up about twenty feet away from me and took off flying.i managed to get off another six shots before it went to my right,where i didn't have a safe background to shoot.damn damn damn.i'm sure we will meet again.mmk
Link Posted: 4/24/2001 1:35:23 PM EDT
I trapped some Beaver in my bedroom this morning. [sex] [spank]   [sniper]
Link Posted: 4/24/2001 1:38:02 PM EDT
I live in Anchorage and right behind the city are the Chugach Mountains and a state park.  My friend just moved into some tract housing with a backyard patio that is literally at the edge of this wilderness and the foothills.  It's pretty cool.

Anyway, lots of wild critters live right on the edge, especially coyotes and wolves.  There's one or two wolf packs basically in my friend's back yard. We were talking about this when a VERY WOLFY-LOOKING dog trotted out about 75 yards away in the scrubby trees.  The neighbor's dog was going wild barking at it.

I wish it was legal to hunt in that park!
Link Posted: 4/24/2001 2:01:41 PM EDT
Try getting a rabbit and bait that Yote into
Link Posted: 4/24/2001 2:51:28 PM EDT
rabbit bait?  the 'yote' obviously likes cats.  the obvious bait is therefore......"meow!"   ;)

one way or another, you need to set that 'yote' straight!
Link Posted: 4/24/2001 3:21:53 PM EDT
Sounds like a story that 99% of the farmers around Monroe, Wa. tell. One of them actualy wanted me to sit in the bucket of his tractor with my AR while he drove it around, because coyotes would drag off his dog that he liked to have sit on the tractor with him. Messed up thing was the dog would almost be sitting on his lap when the coyotes would try to take it. Good luck!

Link Posted: 4/24/2001 4:49:43 PM EDT
I trapped some Beaver in my bedroom this morning. [sex] [spank]   [sniper]
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Hoped you got the bag limit sniper [smash]
Link Posted: 4/24/2001 4:52:40 PM EDT
the pisser of this is,this is the first time i had a firearm handy when i have seen it.so damn close,but still couldn't hit it.GRRRRR!!this coyote has laid down in the center of my road daring me to run it's butt over,i was in the vette and didn't want to crack the plastic running it over.one of these day i'll get my shot and have the last laugh.mmk
Link Posted: 4/24/2001 4:52:42 PM EDT
Real Men don't kill coyotes.[:D]

Link Posted: 4/24/2001 4:58:20 PM EDT
eric this coyote has made it personnel.i have no desire to go around killing animals,just this one and i will not rest until it's skin is hanging on my office wall.mmk
Link Posted: 4/24/2001 5:11:03 PM EDT
I know, that's just the name of some song from a few years back. Can't even remeber who did it!

As far as coyotes go, believe me they are not an endangered species by a long shot!

Went to the Panhandle and back today for my Great Aunt Jewel's funeral (Crowell, Texas) On the way out and back, couldn't even begin to count the live coyotes, not to mention the ones dead on the roadside.

Never had a problem on the Farm w/coyotes.  My dogs were always bigger than they were.

Now Mexican or gray wolves, however....

Eric The Hun
Link Posted: 4/24/2001 5:18:44 PM EDT
Those song dogs can reach mach2 by the time their back legs pass where the front legs started.
You have to be hidden and laying in wait, let it come to you. Easier said than done but it`ll pay off. Bait tapes of wounded rabbits, calls, a blade of grass, all wil get the dog coming. Be wary of the wind and make sure he cant circle upwind of you. He`ll localize you then come in from up wind.
Link Posted: 4/24/2001 5:50:33 PM EDT
coyotes must die...the enviros would try to have you think they`re not as plentiful or harmful...B/S...there are so damn many around here it`s sickening!!![heavy]
Link Posted: 4/24/2001 7:35:26 PM EDT
Originally Posted By black&green:
coyotes must die...the enviros would try to have you think they`re not as plentiful or harmful...B/S...there are so damn many around here it`s sickening!!![heavy]
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There are more Yotes today than ever before.
Yotes must die!
Link Posted: 4/24/2001 7:54:52 PM EDT
Originally Posted By black&green:
coyotes must die...the enviros would try to have you think they`re not as plentiful or harmful...B/S...there are so damn many around here it`s sickening!!![heavy]
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Got a lot around here too. A friend bagged one out his window a couple of weeks ago that was scoping out his chickens.
Link Posted: 4/24/2001 8:03:54 PM EDT
There is no closed season on coyotes here in Alabama.

If you'll take a precious little bunny, and smash his leg with a hammer, the ensuing cries will draw the yotes in shooting range.

I wouldn't relly do the above, but I once posted that on a liberal veggie board to piss them off!

Link Posted: 4/24/2001 8:13:13 PM EDT
He must be lernin somthin from that Road Runner or his ACME products are getting better. [:D]

Link Posted: 4/24/2001 8:51:27 PM EDT
It seems that the safest place for a coyote to be is right where you're aiming. [:D]
Link Posted: 4/24/2001 8:52:26 PM EDT
to get the yote you must have a good stereo.
first when you smash the rabbits little cute foot record the sounds he makes! then take the tape to your favorite yote hang out in your truck[:)] ... you play this at full volume while laying prone in the bed of the truck facing the yotes suspected arival direction wiht a bata c mag...pat
Link Posted: 4/24/2001 8:53:40 PM EDT
i have never realy done this.... i always used a 20 rnd mag
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