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Posted: 1/8/2003 12:40:57 PM EDT
Just read the thread http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=1&f=5&t=163452 from Winston_Wolf and it's kinda pushed me over the edge to ask you all here.

What should I do?

Here's what I'm looking at...

I'm currently married w/2 kids + #3 in may, turning the "big" 26 tomorrow, have spent the last 4 years doing computer geek stuff (MCSE, CCNA) I haven't been at a job longer for than 14 months due to the cut throat nature of the IT field.
I am lacking in the degree field, some college but missing the piece of paper, when I took this current job, I was promised they would let me take classes towards my degree.  Well  management here has changed (shock) and now won't allow me to take classes.  So I'm kinda SOL

I also know the axe is comming, not sure when, the signs are all around,  I've completed my contract, and haven't recieved any new ones.  The job market looks tight in the IT field so switching before I get canned has been a pain.

Last night my beautiful wife turns to me and asks
"So you've been looking at the Air Force right?"  
I said "yeah"
"Do the jobs look like fun?"
I again said "yeah"
"Would you have fun?"
I replied "Sure, I guess"
"Well what are you still doing here?"

That woman would follow me anywhere, and I love her to the moon and back for doing so.

I have been doing some hard, hard praying.
Researching the Air Force, and I've left a VM with a recruiter today infact to set up a meeting so I could at least talk to him.

I asked my daughter, she's 3, what she thinks?
She looks at me and says "Daddy, go join air planes"


(What Would you all do?)
Link Posted: 1/8/2003 12:51:57 PM EDT
If you're set on the USAF (or any other branch, for that matter) I'd suggest you join the ROTC, finish college and then go in as an officer.
Link Posted: 1/8/2003 12:56:51 PM EDT
I think if I was in your situation, I would do it.

As DzlBenz said, if you can go ROTC, then I would do that.  I guess that would depend on your school situation.

I think you have the most important parts down though.  You have a will and a desire to do it AND your family will back you up.  When you have a family, that is the most important part.  The hard part for the family will be you being gone for ~3months with basic and however long your advanced training will last.

good luck
Link Posted: 1/8/2003 1:02:30 PM EDT
Along the same lines of what DzlBenz said...

Can your family live on what you'll be making in the Air Force?
It's disgraceful that some in the military have to rely on "food stamps" for their familes to get by.  [pissed]
Just make sure that you and your wife (and child) know what's really involved in this decision.

...I also agree with DzlBenz that you should get your degree and try to go in as an officer.

Link Posted: 1/8/2003 1:07:33 PM EDT
If the wife's all for it and you want to do it, I would say go. The Air Force has a lot better job security than the IT industry these days (I know, been there for 4.5 years now). Besides, when you get out, the job market will undoubtably be better and employers [b]love[/b] military service on your resume'.

Of course, being a MCSE and a CCNA, if you can prove you know your stuff, I would think a lot of companies would want you, even in these tought times. The CCNA is no pushover and those with that cert. get a lot of respect around here.

I would say you are over your toughest hurdles, if the Air Force sounds good to you, I see no reason not to join. Make sure they give you a good sign-up bonus. They will pay for good recruits.
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