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Posted: 1/6/2003 6:15:36 PM EDT
I took my sister-in-law and her friend to the range today...college girls. Met up with Max_Power and we shot guns for a couple of hours.

My sis-in-law has [b]never[/b] shot a gun..ever. I let her and her friend shoot the Bersa .380 @ the pistol range first...then I took them to the rifle range. They were doing very well after I took them through a mini safety and shooting lecture/instruction. The .380 does'nt kick that bad and they were having fun after 40 or 50 rounds, shooting metal silhouttes.

They were a little intimidated by Max's, AZ Arms AR...he was shooting about 75 yards away and going through the mags at a good boom,boom pace. I told them, that was the gun they going to shoot next..they got scared. Yes, we had ear protection. My SIL's friend, has always been scared of guns and her mother has been totally anti since she was a little girl. So this was going to be quite a trick to help her understand guns and not be afraid of them.

She really liked the .380 so I let her shoot another couple of mags before we went to the rifle range.

I then took out my AR w/ the new Cav arms lower and shot one mag "it's first mag"...Max shot a mag through it also. I switched lowers on the Bushy and let my sis-in-law shoot 20 rounds at her pace...this after I instructed her on safety of course.

[b]SHE WAS HOOKED!![/b] Smiled like a cat eatin' briars!

I then let her shoot the Bulgy AK..she shot 10 rounds and did'nt like it...she wanted the AR.

Her friend just could'nt bring herself to shoot the AR or any rifle. Sis-in-law could'nt wait to shoot the AR again.

After 180 rounds of South African ammo and some rapid-fire bursts...my sis-in-law is an official addict! So much so..we went inside the gunshop and she begins to handle (read fondle) the AR's on the shelf. The co-owner is smiling from ear to ear. He says "I thought you girls said you hate guns?" SIL says "not anymore!" Her friend is eyeing a SIG handgun and asked to see it...they spent another 15 minutes looking at guns.

Well..my sis-in-law has made the decision to buy an AR. She is going to use the money she saved for her fiance's stereo system, to buy herself an AR. She asked me to promise not to tell him [0:)]..I agreed. [:D] Besides..I don't like the little peanuthead booofriend anyway.

SIL's friend wants a handgun [b]AND[/b] wants to go back to the range and shoot the rifles.

A great day it has been. Turned two college scaredy cats into pro gun enthusiast. We're probably going again friday..I will make them buy the ammo this time. [BD] But, all in all..a great day. Too bad we don't have pics...Max did'nt bring his camera nor did I. My SIL is a cute blonde [b][red](LT alert!)[/red][/b]and looks like the typical college chick. She is now a pro-gunner as is her friend...maybe we need to take more of these "un-informed" to the range.[8P]

Good day at the range,
Link Posted: 1/6/2003 6:22:24 PM EDT
BRAVO!! [:D]

Link Posted: 1/6/2003 6:22:36 PM EDT
I love corrupting those unfamiliar with firearms.

I am well on my way towards perverting my co-workers.  It's amazing what kind of a smile the simple phrase of "go ahead...pull the trigger 30 times as fast as you can...just keep the rifle on target" can bring.
Link Posted: 1/6/2003 6:33:29 PM EDT
Ain't it the truth? Thats when she smiled the biggest..."go ahead, pull the trigger as fast as you can." [:D][:D][:D][:D]

The boyfriend does'nt need no stinkin' boom system anyway!! Ha! [:D]
Link Posted: 1/6/2003 6:42:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/6/2003 7:10:27 PM EDT
They really don't understand until they go to the range...then it's like revelation. Amazing. Maybe we need to invite the entire NOW gang and the Brady bunch...who knows?
Link Posted: 1/6/2003 7:23:02 PM EDT
It was a great day.  We had the range all to ourselves.  It made my day to see two new shooter having so much fun and doing so well.  They both did well for first timers.  I was impressed.  It must have been the instructor.[;)]  You deserve a big pat on the back for winning two more over to the "dark side".
Link Posted: 1/6/2003 8:23:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/6/2003 8:45:38 PM EDT
She was beatin' the crap outta that Abrahms tank lid huh? Makes you wonder if girls can actually shoot better than guys? I took my second cousin (14 yr. old boy) and he did'nt do half as good as my SIL...wierd. Course my wife can't shoot better than me unless....[BD] you know. [;)]

I had a good time..now if we can get some more of these Florida boys together....[:D]
Link Posted: 1/6/2003 10:20:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/7/2003 12:39:57 AM EDT
Good man, thanks for increasing our #s
Link Posted: 1/7/2003 5:52:01 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/7/2003 7:04:53 AM EDT
That's just what we need more young, hot, hard bodies interested in guns. Distracting me at the range, bent over the tables, hitching up their skirts, picking at their wedgies, shooting from the prone position............

OH, sorry, I didn't realize you'all were listening. Carry on. Nothing to see here....
Link Posted: 1/7/2003 7:41:39 AM EDT
That's just what we need more young, hot, hard bodies interested in guns. Distracting me at the range, bent over the tables, hitching up their skirts, picking at their wedgies, shooting from the prone position............

OH, sorry, I didn't realize you'all were listening. Carry on. Nothing to see here....
View Quote

You one funny sum-bitch, senor Jethead!!!!

I'm with ya..

Link Posted: 1/7/2003 8:06:34 AM EDT
I feel all warm and fuzzy now. [:D]

Great job!
Link Posted: 1/7/2003 8:30:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/7/2003 12:00:31 PM EDT
Sounds like either a [b][violet]PINK[/violet], [yellow]YELLOW[/yellow], or [blue]BLUE[/blue][/b] [url=http://www.cavalryarms.com]CAV-15[/url] is in order!

Nice work!  [:)]
Link Posted: 1/7/2003 12:01:47 PM EDT
comp1911 - LOVE the avatar!  -LOL-
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