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Posted: 1/4/2003 3:09:40 PM EDT

I know there are many good Christians on this site, and I wonder how long it's going to take before y'all start sending letters to the White House demanding that our Christian President cut off all aid to the murdering Muslims over there.  The systematic persecution of Christians by the PLO is one of the great untold stories of the whole Middle East mess,

Even Hannan Ashrawi, the one Christian mamber of the PLO's inner circle, has left Arafat's group over this systematic persecution.
Link Posted: 1/4/2003 3:25:42 PM EDT
Unfortunately this does not seem to be an issue in our foreign policy anywhere and will likely never be.
Link Posted: 1/4/2003 4:10:10 PM EDT
Yeah, why don't they?

Instead of blaming the Israelies for being responsible for this whole conflict between the West and Islam...
Link Posted: 1/4/2003 6:14:36 PM EDT
As I've said ad nauseum, I'd like to see ALL (and I mean ALL) foreign aid cut off.

But you are right shamayim. We send money to people who NOT ONLY don't deserve it, but use it for evil.

But don't stop there....

The US gov't is now like best buds with CHina who has LONG SINCE eclipsed both the USSR's and Arafat's COMBINED persecution of Christians. Doesn't make our sending $$$$ to the Palys right.

I remember an interview with a Palyt Christian man who indicated MILLIONS of followers of Christ fled Palestine many years ago due to the never ending violence. He was chancellor of Bethlehem Bible Institute (if memory serves) , and a Palestinian himself. His main request of American Chrsitians - NOT money, but for American Christians to pray for teh salvation of the ungodly Palestinians, who IF they got saved, would NOT go around killing Israelis.

THAT, in my estimation, is what Christians ought be doing as the # 1 priority.

Lastly, lemme say a word about persecution, from a Christian persective.

NO Christian looks forward to it. But they understand that their sufferring for God brings glory to Him, if for no other reason than people see there is  Something / Someone worth sufferring for.

His name is Jesus Christ, and the world needs Him.

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