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Posted: 12/29/2002 6:55:22 AM EDT

Air Force to Pay for Woman's House Damage
Sat Dec 28, 2:47 AM ET  Add U.S. National - AP to My Yahoo!

EL PASO, Texas - The Air Force said Friday it will pay about $12,000 in damages to a woman whose house was hit by a dummy bomb.


Gloria Aker's west Texas home was hit last July by a bomb accidentally dropped from an Air Force F-117A Nighthawk on a practice run from Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico.

Although the dummy didn't contain explosives, it pierced the home's roof, flew through a bathroom, slammed through a wall, then plowed 6 feet into the ground. Later, a device used to locate the bomb discharged smoke throughout the house.

Aker was in her home with her two children when the bomb hit. All three were shaken but unharmed. The family has been living with Aker's parents while the home is repaired.

"My son and my daughter, they have nightmares. They're not too excited about going home," Aker said.

Attorney Mike Milligan said his client accepted the $12,000 offer this week. A spokeswoman at the air base confirmed the settlement Friday.

Link Posted: 12/29/2002 7:30:39 AM EDT
Now that would get your attention!
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 7:59:38 AM EDT
Least no one was on the shitter when it happened![shock]
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 8:09:08 AM EDT
I feel for the woman, and I'm glad that she settled for the cost of repairs instead of thinking of this as the lottery like I would have.
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 8:13:05 AM EDT
The AF has a not-so-covert mission to take out all toilet seats costing less than $900 apiece.

OTOH, maybe they thought they were taking fire....
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 10:40:55 AM EDT
well the gaseous expellings of some of our members could qualify as lethal weapons...
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 10:48:57 AM EDT
Thankfully, no one was hurt. Even without explosives, it is clear that the device had a lot of kinetic energy. Could easily ruin someone's day.....


Link Posted: 12/29/2002 11:04:01 AM EDT
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