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Posted: 12/28/2002 4:38:44 PM EDT
I just moved here [ Oklahoma ] from Tx. So whats up with the 3.2 beer? Does anyone else have to deal with this sh*t?
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 4:41:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 4:43:38 PM EDT
Welcome to Oklahoma!
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 4:51:31 PM EDT
Back in the day we used to party every Wed. night on 3.2, and I mean several pitchers apiece, until we got a bit of a buzz going.

Then wake up and go to work Thurs. a.m. without the hangover. [:D]

See...3-2 has it's advantages.
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 4:52:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 5:01:58 PM EDT
Good ole Oklahoma.

In Oklahoma, "strong beer" is anything with more than 3.2 percent alcohol by weight (4 percent by volume).

Liquor stores can only sell "strong beer" at room temperature, but bars and restaurants can sell it cold.

Brewpubs, gas stations, convenience stores and grocery stores sell cold beer, but it must be 3.2 ABW or less.

As a result, most of the beer sold in Oklahoma is 3.2, and many large breweries, including Anheuser-Busch and Miller, make 3.2 beer for Oklahoma (and Utah).  

You have to go to a liquor store and buy "strong beer" warm, and if you like any of the mainstream American beers you are shit outta luck. I knew guys who would go to Texas to stock up on "regualar" beer (Coors, Bud, Michelobe, Miller) by the case.
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 5:06:53 PM EDT
yup, we used to allow sales of 3.2 to 18 yr old and over and regular to 21 yr olds.  3.2 is the only kind of beer that grocery stores and gas stations are allowed to sell here.  Gotta go to a liquor store to get real beer or even wine here.
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 5:09:25 PM EDT
Pyramid IPA, my favorite beer.  6.7% alcohol has something to do with it.
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 5:13:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 5:36:51 PM EDT
Actually, any beer 5% or less is WEAK. Probably why I refuse to touch alcohol since leaving Germany - the beer in the USA sucks. Though I'm 100% Americans - I become an honorary German when beer is involved. Anyone else every drink beer thats around 8.7%? Also saw some Belgian beer that was 11.5% - but I'll stick with German beer if or when I find it. Thats BEER. The best by far is Boch beer available in the fall in Germany. Goes down smooth but will definitely kick your a##. (And Becks is not beer btw - any good German will tell you Becks is equivalent to pissing in the Rhine. It took 5 liters of Becks to make me feel drunk once - it was so disgusting I hurled in my sink - and I never get sick - just thoughts y'all might won't to know that.)

Link Posted: 12/28/2002 5:40:43 PM EDT
Although my glorious state would prefer 0%, they do allow 3.2%.  Anything stronger has to come from the state owned liquor stores.  Or Wyoming.
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 5:48:55 PM EDT
Spaten Optomater....ummmmmmmm  [:D] Welcome to Oklahoma feller and we are zooming right into the 20th century up here. Hang on to yer wallet too if ya can. Oklahoma likes to steal from it alot! Hope ya like paying 8 cents on the dollar for EVERYTHING you buy. How bout paying to drive on YOUR roads. How bout having it taken out of your pay check too. How bout at the gas pumps. How bout car tags. How bout in your phone bill. How bout your natural gas bill. How bout your property. Then have the balls to tell ya there ain't enough money to pay teachers a good salary or improve the schools.How bout ...oh you'll find out soon enough.
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 7:20:46 PM EDT
3.2 beer is like screwing in a canoe, f***ing close to water.

My LT back in '76 was drinking this crap with us at Camp Lejuene, Courthouse Bay.  When he found out what it was,  "3.2 beer? And all this time I thought I was getting drunk!"

Link Posted: 12/28/2002 7:25:35 PM EDT
Isn't 3.2% what they serve tochildren in Germany?
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 7:40:00 PM EDT
Yep when we closed the bars in Texas at 2am we would go across the river to Oklahoma and drink ourselves sober over there. Nothing like getting locked IN an Oklahoma bar about 4am and not getting out till the craps and blackjack players were fleesed out of their money.
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 7:40:40 PM EDT
I thought PA had some stupid ass booze laws but 3.2 % beer takes the cake.

In PA you have to goto 3 different stores if you want a bottle of wine, a sixpack, and a keg. And you can't get anything but sixpacks on sunday.
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 7:55:26 PM EDT
Is there a law in OK regulating the temperature of a store? If not I'd open the coldest liquor store around! E'ry thing'd be bout 40 degrees! One huge walk in cooler with a cash register by the door. [beer]
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 8:02:15 PM EDT
Well, at least you guys aren't in California.  I hear Gray Davis has proposed an "Import Beer Ban" and statewide "Beer Drinker Registration."  [rolleyes]
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 8:02:18 PM EDT
Yep when we closed the bars in Texas at 2am we would go across the river to Oklahoma and drink ourselves sober over there. Nothing like getting locked IN an Oklahoma bar about 4am and not getting out till the craps and blackjack players were fleesed out of their money.
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Thats funny the bars close here at 2AM
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 8:07:01 PM EDT
Joke if you want, but I've seen plenty of folks from Texas get silly drunk on the weak 3.2% beer.
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 8:12:07 PM EDT
I thought it was crazy when I moved out there. I used to drive out to Texas to get my beer. My wife, who I met in OK was shocked when she started drinking *better* beer. Welcome to the buckle of the bible belt!
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 8:31:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 9:01:47 PM EDT
Is there a law in OK regulating the temperature of a store? If not I'd open the coldest liquor store around! E'ry thing'd be bout 40 degrees! One huge walk in cooler with a cash register by the door. [beer]
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Now here is a thinker folks!hehehehehe [:D] Pony Driver for govener!
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 9:05:26 PM EDT
Actually, any beer 5% or less is WEAK. Probably why I refuse to touch alcohol since leaving Germany - the beer in the USA sucks. Though I'm 100% Americans - I become an honorary German when beer is involved. Anyone else every drink beer thats around 8.7%? Also saw some Belgian beer that was 11.5% - but I'll stick with German beer if or when I find it. Thats BEER. The best by far is Boch beer available in the fall in Germany. Goes down smooth but will definitely kick your a##. (And Becks is not beer btw - any good German will tell you Becks is equivalent to pissing in the Rhine. It took 5 liters of Becks to make me feel drunk once - it was so disgusting I hurled in my sink - and I never get sick - just thoughts y'all might won't to know that.)

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 I have to agree J- Smith . I served two yaers in Germany and that is real beer. I loved the dark beer that you hardly could see the other side of the glass . If you held it up to a light source you could see Hops or something floating around in it.I buy St. Pauly girl Dark alot. It isn't the same but it's better than nothing.War Dawg
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 9:12:19 PM EDT
When I got transferred to this progressive state[:E]you couldn't buy 3.2 beer after midnight but you could bring in a half gallon of Jack and drink it straight in a tea glass till 2 A.M.[thinking] if ya had a "membership" at establishments.[whacko]
Link Posted: 12/28/2002 9:13:48 PM EDT
[B]Thats funny the bars close here at 2AM [/B]

Back in the good old days you could go across the river from Grayson county in Texas and party in Oklahoma till the sun came up. I've seen the Sheriff there with a pair of dice in his hands on more than one occasion. Of course all of that has been cleaned up now none of that happens anymore.[;)]

You could also watch the bar owner fire two rounds from a .45 into the roof to break up a fight on the dance floor too, but that doesnt happen anymore either.
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 4:55:46 AM EDT
Isn't 3.2% what they serve tochildren in Germany?
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Not to my understanding - even the children get REAL beer, REAL Schnapps, etc... Now if we could combine the best qualities of Germany with the best of America - that would make for one hell of a country.
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 5:10:17 AM EDT
3.2 Beer Never heard of this rule before. Most Canadian beer starts at 5%. Alot of people like to go over and get the Canadian Budweiser it was a bit strong than the American stuff. I like Labatt Ice its 5.6 same on both sides of the border. They even  have a Labatt Maximum Ice and thats 9%.
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 5:27:24 AM EDT
Minnesota used to be a big 3.2 state.  They even had 3.2 bars!  First time I got drunk was on 3.2.

Link Posted: 12/29/2002 6:51:24 AM EDT
Most Canadian beer starts at 5%. Alot of people like to go over and get the Canadian Budweiser it was a bit strong than the American stuff. I like Labatt Ice its 5.6 same on both sides of the border. They even  have a Labatt Maximum Ice and thats 9%.
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Ahhhhhh...memories.  When I went to Eastern Michigan University, my buddies used to tool on over to Windsor to drink.  There were a couple of good bars right off of Ouelette St.  That's where I had my first Maximum Ice.   Two bottles of that stuff and I was lit like an x-mas tree.  Man, you can't beat a good Canadian beer.

And what's with all the Bingo parlors?
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 6:56:42 AM EDT
My personal favorite here in Ok. is Molson Ice. It's funny that you have to buy ice beer hot.
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 7:04:28 AM EDT
Isn't 3.2% what they serve tochildren in Germany?
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Only as punishment.
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 7:19:53 AM EDT
[B]Thats funny the bars close here at 2AM [/B]

Back in the good old days you could go across the river from Grayson county in Texas and party in Oklahoma till the sun came up. I've seen the Sheriff there with a pair of dice in his hands on more than one occasion. Of course all of that has been cleaned up now none of that happens anymore.[;)]

You could also watch the bar owner fire two rounds from a .45 into the roof to break up a fight on the dance floor too, but that doesnt happen anymore either.
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I live in Grayson Co. myself.

Do [b]The Roadhouse[/b] or [b]Midnight Rodeo[/b] ring a bell? The Midnight Rodeo didn't open until midnight and nobody got there until 2:30 when the bars in Texas closed.

They may close at 2:00 now, but they didn't a few years ago since I was there and I'm only 26 now. I noticed The Roadhouse had closed a few months ago when I drove past on the way to play golf.

I guess they started closing at 2:00 around the time that Oklahoma quit selling beer all night huh? I've made many a trip across the border at 4 or 5 in the morning when we ran out.

As a side note...anybody ever been to a chicken fight? [;)]
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 7:36:43 AM EDT
Is there a law in OK regulating the temperature of a store? If not I'd open the coldest liquor store around! E'ry thing'd be bout 40 degrees! One huge walk in cooler with a cash register by the door. [beer]
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Now here is a thinker folks!hehehehehe [:D] Pony Driver for govener!
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Sweet! I'll be head of the "Beer Party"!
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 7:45:19 AM EDT
Another thing I miss about Germany..... bars that stay open until 10am at times and reopen at 3pm - those were the glory (drunken) days. 20 hours of drinking German beer like its water - you eventually become sober when your blood alcohol level is the exact same contents of the Hefeweissen bottle!.... We used to get so bored we would have contests to see who finished a rack of beer first.......
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 8:20:18 AM EDT
Spaten Optomater....ummmmmmmm  [:D] Welcome to Oklahoma feller and we are zooming right into the 20th century up here. Hang on to yer wallet too if ya can. Oklahoma likes to steal from it alot! Hope ya like paying 8 cents on the dollar for EVERYTHING you buy. How bout paying to drive on YOUR roads. How bout having it taken out of your pay check too. How bout at the gas pumps. How bout car tags. How bout in your phone bill. How bout your natural gas bill. How bout your property. Then have the balls to tell ya there ain't enough money to pay teachers a good salary or improve the schools.How bout ...oh you'll find out soon enough.
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Deadeye, you are soo right, if anyone moves here to Oklahoma, hold on tight you will get mugged by the state, why I stay here I have no idea, got no ties to speak of, just a job I have been plugging away at for 19yrs.
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 1:03:51 PM EDT
Minnesota used to be a big 3.2 state.  They even had 3.2 bars!  First time I got drunk was on 3.2.

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yup, we had those too.  "After the Gold Rush", "Thirsties" and a bunch of others where a pack of drunk assed 18 year olds would see who could drink the most beer.  We used to get plowed, but it did take a lot of beer.  They used to have "drown night" where a $5 or $6 cover got you all the pitchers of beer you could drink, and we drank all we could drink too!  
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 1:13:03 PM EDT
Minnesota used to be a big 3.2 state.  They even had 3.2 bars!  First time I got drunk was on 3.2.

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yup, we had those too.  "After the Gold Rush", "Thirsties" and a bunch of others where a pack of drunk assed 18 year olds would see who could drink the most beer.  We used to get plowed, but it did take a lot of beer.  They used to have "drown night" where a $5 or $6 cover got you all the pitchers of beer you could drink, and we drank all we could drink too!  
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That brings back some memories.
A friend of mine was a bouncer at After the Gold Rush.  I never had to pay for a single pitcher in that bar, but I did tip the waitresses well.  [;)]

I only went to Thirsties a few times.  Me and my buddies got kicked out of there twice 'cause we displayed a low tolerance for bull$hit from people.  Youth, stupidity, and alcohol are a pretty potent mixture.  [:D]
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 1:18:07 PM EDT
3.2 beer is safer than those evil 5% beers.
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 1:33:28 PM EDT
Well, at least you guys aren't in California.  I hear Gray Davis has proposed an "Import Beer Ban" and statewide "Beer Drinker Registration."  [rolleyes]
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Catering to the political whim of the evil winemaking lobby no doubt.

At least in California we can buy beer seven days a week, three hundred sixty five days a year, at minibreweries, microbreweries, supermarkets, minimarkets, convenience stores, gas stations, even drugstores. As long as it's after 6 AM or so and no later than 2 AM the next morning.

What the heck, the SO sends you out for tampons and Midol at 9 PM on a Saturday night, you might as well pick up a six pack.

Heck we can even buy beer even if we didn't vote on election day.
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