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Posted: 4/16/2001 10:17:27 AM EDT
Found this today, thought I'd share.

Dear Lord
Please let me have regular dreams like others do
Not these nightmares of memory
Let my dreams be filled with light and joy
Not smoke and terror
Let me hear the laughter of children
Not the screams of men dying
Let the birds fill the air with song
Not the sounds of bombs and bullets
Let the rivers run pure and clear
    Not red with blood Let everyone be healthy and whole
Not missing limbs and faces
Let the earth look as you made it
Not scorched and cratered
Let me wake up smiling
Not searching for the enemy

Let the sweat on my pillow be from summer's heat  
Not the sweat of fear and anxiety
but dear Lord most of all
I beg you
Please don't let my children or their children
pray to you as I am doing tonight

Written by Maria Sutherland
September 16, 1999
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 10:20:09 AM EDT
kind of dark isnt it
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 10:22:19 AM EDT
Ibelieve it's just trying to point out that war sucks period and last resort typa thing, yadda yadda...
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 1:59:50 PM EDT
And war isn't dark????
Link Posted: 4/16/2001 2:02:27 PM EDT
Great post! I will make a copy of it, and hope I never have to use it someday.

Semper Fi.
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