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Posted: 4/3/2001 8:17:38 PM EDT
I am trying to figure out the reason why I would want to purchase a Preban AR/CAR vs saving some money and purchasing today's model (postban) rifles.  It seems to me that even those who purchase postban guns are still able to use and shoot 30 round clips and that seems to be the major concern for me.  Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.  

Link Posted: 4/3/2001 8:21:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 8:29:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/3/2001 8:49:14 PM EDT
Besides functional differences, which dont totally justify the hugh price increase on the preban is the fact that they are not made anymore.  

So if you want the real thing, the original AW, and are the type that has to have it all, then get a preban.  

Otherwise get a post ban and spend the rest on mags or something.

Link Posted: 4/3/2001 8:55:00 PM EDT
The reason to buy the Pre is because a person can't have just one AR. The minute you buy your first, you will want another style/model.

I just bought my first AR about a month ago, in post-ban configurations(20") with the same dimensions as the M-16s I had been issued in the Cavalry.

Of course now I want a carbine(16") model with a telescoping stock. I will keep searching until I find a pre-ban for sale. But if I were you, and had the chance to buy a pre-ban first, I would. It will be easy to find a post-ban later. Good Luck

Link Posted: 4/3/2001 9:18:01 PM EDT
I like my pre 94 becouse i can do whatever the heck i want with it and not have to worry about uhh is this legal as well as long as i keep the barrel 16 inches and the over all lenght ok heh but hell i can shorten that if i want but then i would have to file a form one etc etc any way i agree with kevin thu you 1 ar is nevre enough heh i need to build me one using that gold tone reciever i saw a article in Small arms Review in man that guns looks sweet
Link Posted: 4/4/2001 1:35:05 AM EDT
preban looks cool!
Link Posted: 4/4/2001 3:24:28 AM EDT
All of the reasons listed in this thread are good things to consider in the PreBan vs Post Ban debate.  Flexability is one of the most important reasons to me. HOWEVER......

Even though I served in a weapons platoon in the Marine Corps (0351) I never owned an AR until Klinton said he didn't want me to have one.  

To me, the MOST important reason to own a PreBan AR is because this is still American and I can by God.  I will ALWAYS own at least one PreBan AR and the gun grabbers can take that to the bank!

Semper Fi

Link Posted: 4/4/2001 4:07:52 AM EDT
Ive had about twenty prebans in the last thirty one years not including my service rifles. Regret having sold most of them..Upper threads are correct imo Home Defense get a preban for the flash hider...for plinking the range varmints post ban is fine and much cheaper...pobably easier to find used...arround your area. Nice to buy localy that way you get to inspect what your buying (If you are gonna buy used)..imo
Link Posted: 4/4/2001 4:34:57 AM EDT
I enjoy my postbans (Bushy) more than my preban (Colt).  The reason is I "baby" the preban, seldom shoot it, afraid of putting a ding in it, etc.  Only has about 200 rounds out it.  My postbans on the other hand I take out and shoot the pi$$ out of them.  Not afraid of getting them dirty or getting the barrels HOT.  So I'd say if you want one to collect and hold it's value, go preban.  If you plan to do alot of shooting, go postban.  
Link Posted: 4/4/2001 6:30:00 AM EDT
Not afraid of getting them dirty or getting the barrels HOT.
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Why would you care about that?  Preban barrels can still be legally purchased as replacement parts for preban guns, they're nothing special.

When I bought my first AR, I thought prebans were a waste of money as well.  Then I got bitten by the preban bug, and just had to have one, two, three....

Coincidently, I have a preban Oly lower for sale in the forsale section :)
Link Posted: 4/4/2001 6:42:10 AM EDT
I bought a preban because:

(1). Government does not want me to have one.

(2). I think they are cool.

(3). I can have any option on them I want legally without question.

(4). I can put a Silencer on it if I want. Cant do that with a postban

(5). By taking care of it, it will increase in value better than most any other investment. Post bans will depreciate.

Link Posted: 4/4/2001 12:41:01 PM EDT
Thanks for all the info.  I am still a little confused though.... can I own and use 30 round clips in a postban gun....do they fit the same, and would not that (30 rounds) plus the pistol grip make my postban useage illegal?  Does that qualify as two of the "conditions" needed to be considered a SAW?  

Thanks Again,

Link Posted: 4/4/2001 1:44:52 PM EDT
Yes you can own and use high capacity magazines in a post-ban AR, if it is allowed in your state. Kalifornia and a few others feel that you should not be allowed to many shots without reloading. Naturally the criminals all obey the law and only carry ten round magazines. I know I would feel a lot better living in Kalifornia knowing I had less bullets in my gun. HAHAHAHA!!
Link Posted: 4/4/2001 2:30:26 PM EDT
Pre-ban: No good reason not to buy if still legal in your state. Unfortunately, I am in one of those states.

Post-ban: Nothing wrong with these rifles. Quite honestly, I prefer a muzzle break over a flash hider. No, I'm not a 98 lb. weakling. I just think if I can get a rifle with less recoil than a pre-ban, why not? It can only help my results.

BTW, I have two Armalite post-bans and the overall quality and value is excellent.
Link Posted: 4/4/2001 2:35:22 PM EDT
I started with a postban 20 and then bought into the preban hype here and got one.  Now I have one badass looking m-4 but my 20 was just as fun and cool looking.  Postbans like the group purchaes rifle looks just as cool and saves money.  If you are protecting your home with a rifle, not seeing the flash may help some, but the blast itself will give you away.   DON'T MISS..  I would start with a postban and use the extra money for accesories..mags, sights,...
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