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Posted: 6/18/2003 3:42:17 PM EDT
Don't you just hate this fucking catering to those who don't speak the language of our Constitution? I am so sick of this shit. Press two for directions in FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!
Let's get a list going of all the states that cater to "other" languages.  I'll start:

1. Peoples Republik of Kalexico
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 3:46:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 3:46:55 PM EDT
Para instrucciones en espanol, prensa dos ahora.
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 3:55:19 PM EDT
Don't get me started.

It ought to say, "Press 1 for directions in American..."

"All others, go back home".
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 7:14:42 PM EDT
I don't mind the "press x for directions in xyz language" since I spoke french (Canuck) before I spoke English (note caps are on purpose.)

I don't like the press 1 for English on most auto-systems.  I called one today and when a human asked me how they could help I told them to have a person not a comp answer the phone and do it in English.  This always gets a reaction.

edited to fix the best drunken English you have ever read!
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 9:29:47 PM EDT
It's bad enough here your sometimes have to press "2" for English because 1 is en espanol
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 9:40:03 PM EDT
You are a native speaker of the most dominant language in the world, yet this minor thing bothers you?

Folks like you worry me.
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 9:42:14 PM EDT
Sheeeeit, that ain't nothing!  The last time I got back to Venezuela it seemed like EVERYTHING had German translations!  Dang krauts were everywhere.  Really got my American-Venezuelan-of-Irish-descent blood boiling.
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 9:51:53 PM EDT
You are a native speaker of the most dominant language in the world, yet this minor thing bothers you?

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Umm... [b]yes[/b]

I'm not sure English is dominant-there are a few (bazillion) Chinese and Muslims around ya know!!

Inclusion recuires a little courtesy!!!
Assimilate!! Learn the language!! Be an American- not a hyphenated American something.

"A hyphenated American is not an American at all. This is just as true of the man who puts 'Native' before the hyphen as of the man who puts German or Irish or French before the hyphen. Americanism is a matter of the spirit and of the soul. Our allegiance must be purely to the United States. We must unsparingly condemn any man who holds any other allegiance."

Link Posted: 6/18/2003 9:56:55 PM EDT
Know what I hate worse? It's when I'm a little late paying my Celular One bill,and they leave a long message for me on my voicemail (you must listen to the WHOLE message before you can delete) In English and MEXICAN!!!!

Kindof makes me NOT want to forget to pay them though!!
Link Posted: 6/18/2003 10:00:08 PM EDT
Hummm...white christian americans the minority?  YES
Link Posted: 6/20/2003 7:24:05 PM EDT
Wie kann ich nicht Deutsch haben? I speak English fine, I just like reading technical terms in german because they are so long, and they often actually tell you something about the product.
Link Posted: 6/20/2003 7:47:24 PM EDT
While mostly related...

I see, now, in the stores, items with dual launguage wording, depending which side you are looking at.
I don't mind if one of the two languages is french, because that means that they are also marketing this product in Canada.  BUT to see it in English AND spanish, to me that just means they are giving in to the over population of illegal mexicans in thsi country.

Link Posted: 6/20/2003 7:51:31 PM EDT
[size=3][b]PRESS FOR ENGLISH>>>>>>>[/b][/size=3]

[size=3][b]PRESS FOR MONKEY CHATTER>>>>[/b][/size=3]
Link Posted: 6/20/2003 8:08:51 PM EDT
my great grandparents learned English, after coming hear LEGALLY
there's no reason others can't
they want to speak to themselves and their friends in their native language. fine
teach their kids the old language out of a sense of family history. fine (in fact I kind of wish Sweedish had been passed on to my dad and then to me just for the family history)
but all official business in this country should be in English
Link Posted: 6/20/2003 9:16:31 PM EDT
(Rant'ish. Not directed at anyone)
I, as well as my entire family, had no problems learning english- not even the elderly(when we came to this conuntry... legally). This is America, And People should atleast know how to speak the damn national language (Read: LANGUAGE, [i]Singular[/i]). If you want all people to speak YOUR language, go either seclude yourself with your type, or get the fluck out. I aint wasting my time to 'better serve you'.
Link Posted: 6/21/2003 6:26:02 AM EDT
In der vorhergehenden Episode schrieb llanero:
Dang krauts were everywhere.
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Stimmt überhaupt nicht! Das ist übelste Verleumdung!
Link Posted: 6/21/2003 6:27:30 AM EDT
you must listen to the WHOLE message before you can delete
View Quote

Did you try to press 7 to skip?
Link Posted: 6/21/2003 12:28:13 PM EDT
I would use "oprima"


Todo el mundo es mio.
Link Posted: 6/21/2003 12:34:09 PM EDT
Don't you just hate this fucking catering to those who don't speak the language of our Constitution? I am so sick of this shit. Press two for directions in FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!
Let's get a list going of all the states that cater to "other" languages.  I'll start:

1. Peoples Republik of Kalexico
View Quote

Que racista es usted.
deseo mas profundemente que se mueran su familia por que no nesecitamos los tipos como usted en nuestra pais. yo cago en su cara. cuidese bien.
Link Posted: 6/21/2003 1:16:11 PM EDT
I demand all posts on Ar15.com be typed in ebonics goddammit.[@:D]
Link Posted: 6/21/2003 2:13:39 PM EDT
I demand all posts on Ar15.com be typed in ebonics goddammit.[@:D]
View Quote

[url=http://www.rinkworks.com/dialect/dialectp.cgi?dialect=jive&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ar15.com%2Fforums%2Ftopic.html%3Fb%3D1%26f%3D5%26t%3D191874%26w%3DactivePop]Ebonics Yo![/url]

Hit the "Dialectize" button.

Link Posted: 6/21/2003 2:28:57 PM EDT
(Rant'ish. Not directed at anyone)
I, as well as my entire family, had no problems learning english- not even the elderly(when we came to this conuntry... legally). This is America, And People should atleast know how to speak the damn national language (Read: LANGUAGE, [i]Singular[/i]). If you want all people to speak YOUR language, go either seclude yourself with your type, or get the fluck out. I aint wasting my time to 'better serve you'.
View Quote

(Rant'ish. Lop some boogie. Not directed at any sucka)
I, as well as mah' entire family, had no problems learnin' english- not even de elderly(when we came t'dis conuntry. Slap mah fro!.. legally). Dis be America, And Sucka's should atleast know how t'rap de damn nashunal language (Read, dig dis: LANGUAGE, Rapular). If ya' wants' all sucka's t'rap YOUR language, go eida' seclude yo'self wid yo' type, o' dig de fluck out. Man! ah' aint wuztin' mah' time t''betta' serve ya''.

Dialectized!! [rofl2]

Thanks Cixelsyd, what a great laugh!!

TT [wave]
Link Posted: 6/21/2003 2:40:38 PM EDT
Primera Sección
Todos los poderes legislativos otorgados en la presente Constitución corresponderán a un Congreso de los Estados Unidos, que se compondrá de un Senado y una Cámara de Representantes.
Segunda Sección
1.La Cámara de Representantes estará formada por miembros elegidos cada dos años por los habitantes de los diversos Estados, y los electores deberán poseer en cada Estado las condiciones requeridas para los electores de la rama mas numerosa de la legislatura local.
2.No será representante ninguna persona que no haya cumplido 25 años de edad y sido ciudadano de los Estados Unidos durante siete años, y que no sea habitante del Estado en el cual se le designe, al tiempo de la elección.
3.(Los representantes y los impuestos directos se prorratearán entre los distintos Estados que formen parte de esta Union, de acuerdo con su población respectiva, la cual se determinará sumando al número total de personas libres, inclusive las obligadas a prestar servicios durante cierto término de años y excluyendo a los indios no sujetos al pago de contribuciones, las tres quintas partes de todas las personas restantes). El recuento deberá hacerse efectivamente dentro de los tres años siguientes a la primera sesión del Congreso de los Estados Unidos y en lo sucesivo cada 10 años, en la forma que dicho cuerpo disponga por medio de una ley. El número de representantes no excederá de uno por cada 30 mil habitantes con tal que cada Estado cuente con un representante cuando menos; y hasta que se efectúe dicho recuento, el Estado de Nueva Hampshire tendrá derecho a elegir tres; Massachusetts, ocho; Rhode Island y las Plantaciones de Providence, uno; Connecticut, cinco; Nueva York, seis; Nueva Jersey, cuatro; Pennsylvania, ocho; Delaware, uno; Maryland seis; Virginia, diez; Carolina del Norte, cinco; Carolina del Sur, cinco y Georgia, tres.
4.Cuando ocurran vacantes en la representación de cualquier Estado, la autoridad ejecutiva del mismo expedirá un decreto en que se convocará a elecciones con el objeto de llenarlas.
5.La Cámara de Representantes elegirá su presidente y demás funcionarios y será la única facultada para declarar que hay lugar a proceder en los casos de responsabilidades oficiales.
Tercera Sección
1.El Senado de los EE.UU. se compondrá de dos Senadores por cada Estado, elegidos por seis años por la legislatura del mismo, y cada Senador dispondrá de un voto.
2.Tan pronto como se hayan reunido a virtud de la elección inicial, se dividirán en tres grupos tan iguales como sea posible. Las actas de los senadores del primer grupo quedarán vacantes al terminar el segundo año; las del segundo grupo, al expirar el cuarto año y las del tercer grupo, al concluír el sexto año, de tal manera que sea factible elegir una tercera parte cada dos años, y si ocurren vacantes, por renuncia u otra causa, durante el receso de la legislatura de algún Estado, el Ejecutivo de éste podrá hacer designaciones provisionales hasta el siguiente período de sesiones de la legislatura, la que procederá a cubrir dichas vacantes.
3.No será senador ninguna persona que no haya cumplido 30 años de edad y sido ciudadano de los Estados Unidos durante nueve años y que, al tiempo de la elección, no sea habitante del Estado por parte del cual fue designado.
4.El Vicepresidente de los EE.UU. será presidente del Senado, pero no tendrá voto sino en el caso de empate.
5.El Senado elegirá a sus demás funcionarios, así como un presidente pro tempore, que fungirá en ausencia del Vicepresidente o cuando éste se halle desempeñando la presidencia de los Estados Unidos.
6.El Senado poseerá derecho exclusivo de juzgar sobre todas las acusaciones por responsabilidades oficiales. Cuando se reuna con este objeto, sus miembros deberán prestar un juramento o protesta. Cuando se juzgue al Presidente de los EE.UU deberá presidir el del Tribunal Supremo. Y a ninguna persona se le condenará si no concurre el voto de dos tercios de los miembros presentes.
7.En los casos de responsabilidades oficiales, el alcance de la sentencia no irá más allá de la destitución del cargo y la inhabilitación para ocupar y disfrutar cualquier empleo honorífico, de confianza o remunerado, de los Estados Unidos; pero el individuo condenado quedará sujeto, no obstante, a que se le acuse, enjuicie, juzgue y castigue con arreglo a derecho.
Cuarta Sección
1.Los lugares, épocas y modo de celebrar las elecciones para senadores y representantes se prescribirán en cada Estado por la legislatura respectiva pero el Congreso podrá formular o alterar las reglas de referencia en cualquier tiempo por medio de una ley, excepto en lo tocante a los lugares de elección de los senadores.
2.El Congreso se reunirá una vez al año, y esta reunión será el primer lunes de diciembre, a no ser que por ley se fije otro dia.
Quinta Sección
1.Cada Cámara calificará las elecciones, los informes sobre escrutinios y la capacidad legal de sus respectivos miembros, y una mayoría de cada una constituirá el quórum necesario para deliberar; pero un número menor puede suspender las sesiones de un día para otro y estará autorizado para compeler a los miembros ausentes a que asistan, del modo y bajo las penas que determine cada Cámara.
2.Cada Cámara puede elaborar su reglamento interior, castigar a sus miembros cuando se conduzcan indebidamente y expulsarlos de su seno con el asentimiento de las dos terceras partes.
3.Cada Cámara llevará un diario de sus sesiones y lo publicará de tiempo en tiempo a excepción de aquellas partes que a su juicio exijan reserva, y los votos afirmativos y negativos de sus miembros con respecto a cualquier cuestión se harán constar en el diario, a petición de la quinta parte de los presentes.
4.Durante el período de sesiones del Congreso ninguna de las Cámaras puede suspenderlas por mas de tres días ni acordar que se celebrarán en lugar diverso de aquel en que se reunen ambas Cámaras sin el consentimiento de la otra.
Sexta Sección
1.Los senadores y representantes recibirán por sus servicios una remuneración que será fijada por la ley y pagada por el tesoro de los EE.UU. En todos los casos, exceptuando los de traición, delito grave y perturbación del orden publico, gozarán del privilegio de no ser arrestados durante el tiempo que asistan a las sesiones de sus respectivas Cámaras, así como al ir a ellas o regresar de las mismas, y no podrán ser objeto en ningún otro sitio de inquisición alguna con motivo de cualquier discusión o debate en una de las Cámaras.
2.A ningún senador ni representante se le nombrará, durante el tiempo por el cual haya sido elegido, para ocupar cualquier empleo civil que dependa de los Estados Unidos, que haya sido creado o cuyos emolumentos hayan sido aumentados durante dicho tiempo, y ninguna persona que ocupe un cargo de los Estados Unidos podrá formar parte de las Cámaras mientras continue en funciones....
Link Posted: 6/21/2003 2:41:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/21/2003 6:26:57 PM EDT
most Americans would equate speaking Spanish , with being an illegal allien.
We knew we were screwed when they changed the law and [b]you didn't have to speak English to be a U.S, citizen[/b]
Link Posted: 6/21/2003 6:36:24 PM EDT
Just wait til they add Ebonics to the options.  Press 1 for english
2 abla espanol 3 yo man whazzup bro 4. oi vey 5. Ich will Deutsch sprechen  6. Nihongo de hanasemasu ka 7. kamsahamnida 8. Nihauma
Link Posted: 6/21/2003 6:52:01 PM EDT
I demand all posts on Ar15.com be typed in ebonics goddammit.[@:D]
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[url=http://www.rinkworks.com/dialect/dialectp.cgi?dialect=jive&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ar15.com%2Fforums%2Ftopic.html%3Fb%3D1%26f%3D5%26t%3D191874%26w%3DactivePop]Ebonics Yo![/url]

Hit the "Dialectize" button.

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This might be a useful tool in chatrooms; maybe now, I might be able to figure out just what the dumb bastards are saying.
Link Posted: 6/21/2003 6:59:57 PM EDT
Not meaning to sound racial, but I hear it every day on the CB.  Both spanish and "ebonics"  When someone starts up, I just come on and say, "sorry, my radio does not have the ebonics translation chip.  Please speak English, articulate and enunciate"  That usually starts some stuff going...
Link Posted: 6/21/2003 7:11:52 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Gun Guru:
Don't you just hate this fucking catering to those who don't speak the language of our Constitution? I am so sick of this shit. Press two for directions in FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!
Let's get a list going of all the states that cater to "other" languages.  I'll start:

1. Peoples Republik of Kalexico
View Quote

Que racista es usted.
deseo mas profundemente que se mueran su familia por que no nesecitamos los tipos como usted en nuestra pais. yo cago en su cara. cuidese bien.
View Quote

GG, you have unwittingly confirmed SchH3's reasoning behind his post. In a forum in which the common language is English, you have chosen, for your own reason, to write in Spanish. Is he supposed to understand what you are saying? Should he?

And that is the core of the English-only movement: if you want to get along and flourish in our culture, learn and speak the language, and don't expect us to accomodate you and everybody else who wants to be an exception.

If that to you is racism, then imagine how it would be if Americans living in Mexico forced the government and businesses to conduct everything in English.
Link Posted: 6/21/2003 10:43:29 PM EDT
If that to you is racism, then imagine how it would be if Americans living in Mexico forced the government and businesses to conduct everything in English.
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That is one of the most ignorant statements I have heard in days. Americans all over the world DO force people to conduct their business in English. Even when things are done in English - they expect American accents!

Those of you who feel threatened by additional languages offered by people whose primary goal is COMMUNICATION, not "Please the English only crowd" need not worry. English is the dominant language in the world and is the international language of business. It is the official language in many other countries - I see no need for it to be declared such here.

If you are so bothered by not understanding Spanish - learn it. Maybe you will have more appreciation for those trying to learn english.
Link Posted: 6/21/2003 11:59:34 PM EDT

That is one of the most ignorant statements I have heard in days. Americans all over the world DO force people to conduct their business in English. Even when things are done in English - they expect American accents!

Those of you who feel threatened by additional languages offered by people whose primary goal is COMMUNICATION, not "Please the English only crowd" need not worry. English is the dominant language in the world and is the international language of business. It is the official language in many other countries - I see no need for it to be declared such here.

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yeah- forcing people to speak English is like [i]forcing[/i] them to accept U.S. dollars.

Mr White: It is the official language in many other countries - I see no need for it to be declared such here.
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Which countries would that be??
You think we should print voting ballots in 23 different languages?? Don't laugh- they already print that many- even if they're not used.
Doctors and police can't even convey rudimentary instructions or information in many areas because of all the languages spoken there. Ask an ER doctor in a big city.
Link Posted: 6/22/2003 7:46:52 AM EDT
Intersting replies to this post. It's funny to see that some folks feel it is racist to speak the language of the land. The bottom line is that it's the idea that these same people think everything needs to be handed to them on a silver platter. And these same people are the ones who abuse our health care and educational systems.
Another fine point I have is that my grandparents came to the USA from Poland never speaking English until their arrival here in the US. They adapted to the ways of our great nation as it was their dream to be here and were honored and delghted to be here. They worked hard and are/were proud to be in this country. My grandfather joined the US Navy at age 27 because in his words, "felt he owed the country for the priveledge to be a citizen." He fought in WWII at Normandy and is still alive today. He worked his ass off for Chrysler and retired at 65. He speaks fluent English. Sure he loves to speak his original language, but his English is excellent. He adapted. He expected no hand outs. He felt an obligation to the country and worked hard. He didn't look for short cuts. He didn't look to abuse the system.
I am so tired of people using the race card to further their agendas. Our system is crumbling catering to certain groups and the reverse discrimination is choking the very neck of our great country. I see people for what they are. It doesn't matter if they are green, yellow, red, blue, or brown. A POS is a POS. Adapt to the system and stop abusing it. English is the language of this country. Learn it. I'll be damned if you think I am going to learn Spanish or any other language to function in the USA.
If I want to learn a foreign language it is because I may visit that country or just want to learn another culture. On my terms. On my American terms. Have a nice day.
Link Posted: 6/22/2003 8:14:57 AM EDT
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Enmienda Dos:
"Siendo necesaria una milicia bien ordenada para la seguridad de un Estado Libre, no se violará el derecho del pueblo a poseer y portar armas."

as 'translated' by www.babelfish.altavista.com:

"Being necessary a ordered affluent military service for the security of a Free State, will not be violated the right of the town to have and to carry arms."

Es promblemo, no?.  Where did 'affluent' come from?

Pueblo? Well, maybe there is a 'people' root there.

Link Posted: 6/22/2003 8:20:13 AM EDT
Just a side note - there are more English speakers in China than in the US.
Link Posted: 6/22/2003 8:57:12 AM EDT
When talking with someone with an accent that needs thinning, or who just plain has a limited command of English, I have them repreat what they're saying until we really understand each other.

Unfortunately, some of them get really P.O.'d about this, but that's THEIR problem.

There are too many good people who came to this country and who were not too lazy to learn to speak our language, for us to put up with this non-assimilation nonsense.

When I travel to another country, even if just for vacation, I make a real effort to at least learn enough of their language to get by, and to respect THEIR way of life.

There's no reason for us to put up with anything less.

I know too many people who have been here since they were a kid, and who clung to their native language, only learning English as a second language enough to just barely get by.  

Mostly this is due to the fact that they want the benefits of being here, but they don't want to pay the price.  Some also seem a bit lazy.  

Not many are really too stupid to learn.

Sometimes they DO pay a price.  It's getting very difficult to sustain "English only" rules in the workplace, even when there's a good reason.

One small financial insitution I know had two employees of foreign background.  One, from Puebla, spoke English very well, his accent was not a problem.  He went on to manager his own branch.

The other, from SE Asia, related real well with over half of the customers, who were from her country.

Finally, am audit by the state found some problems.  It turned out that when a customer would come in from her ethnic group, she would greet them in their native tongue, and the entire conversation would avoid English.

This kept the manager, eight feet away, from understanding what was going on.

The investigation revealed that she was diverting their loan payments to an account that she had set up for herself.  By sticking to native language, she was able to carry this out for close to two years, making occasional temprary transfers to fix things up with the occasional 'problematic' customer.  It was only discovered after she took off.
Link Posted: 6/22/2003 9:13:38 AM EDT
SPEAK ENGLISH..this is america ,,we stole it fair and square from the indians..i live in FLorida,,and i have to have 6 year olds explain what their parents are saying..fine if ya dont speak english when ya first get here,,then learn it..if i went sumwhere to LIVE i would most certainly learn the language..
Link Posted: 6/22/2003 9:26:13 AM EDT
I AGREE WITH MOST OF YOU HOWEVER, I FEEL PRETTY DAMN COOL when I go to another country and english is printed and spoken on almost everything.  just not mexico or any other 3rd world backwards country...hell they barely teach their own language.
Link Posted: 6/22/2003 9:32:15 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Gun Guru:
Don't you just hate this fucking catering to those who don't speak the language of our Constitution? I am so sick of this shit. Press two for directions in FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!
Let's get a list going of all the states that cater to "other" languages.  I'll start:

1. Peoples Republik of Kalexico
View Quote

Que racista es usted.
deseo mas profundemente que se mueran su familia por que no nesecitamos los tipos como usted en nuestra pais. yo cago en su cara. cuidese bien.
View Quote

Link Posted: 6/22/2003 9:42:55 AM EDT
GG, you have unwittingly confirmed SchH3's reasoning behind his post. In a forum in which the common language is English, you have chosen, for your own reason, to write in Spanish. Is he supposed to understand what you are saying? Should he?

And that is the core of the English-only movement: if you want to get along and flourish in our culture, learn and speak the language, and don't expect us to accomodate you and everybody else who wants to be an exception.

If that to you is racism, then imagine how it would be if Americans living in Mexico forced the government and businesses to conduct everything in English.
View Quote

95TH get on with your life, don't get stock on this non-winning point of yours, don't worry about someone flourishing in this culture, worry about you and yours, trust me, they don't need your "help", and what kind of accomodations is it that you are providing anyway?
Link Posted: 6/22/2003 10:16:39 AM EDT
This being my first post and all...  When Vincente Fox gives incentives to Mexicans for holding "dual-citizenship", when illegal aliens receive healthcare, in-state college tuition, food and water from Leftists while crossing into southern AZ, TX, CA, NM, I get pissed!  "Celebrating Diversity" my ass!  This is our country, one nation, not a nation of 1/2 citizens, not a nation of free-loaders who have no interest in building a community here, only to send money back to Mexico to bring across more relatives.  Look at how these people live (third world status), the factual evidence regarding gang activity (la raza and shit), fatherless birth rates, and their un-willingness to become citizens of this country (per Fox).  Ad to this equation the undying support of Leftists (for their cheap cause), and neo-conservatives (for their cheap labor) and you see where this will end up.  Face it, we are being invaded.
Link Posted: 6/22/2003 2:10:08 PM EDT
Press Two for directions back home...
Link Posted: 6/22/2003 2:48:54 PM EDT
Everyday I get dispatched to calls where the first words out of the informant/victims mouth are "You Speaka Spani?"

No, I dont speaka spani. You called me, I only do this job in english, find a translator or we are done.

If I initiate the contact, and the suspect doesnt speak english then I will try to be accomidating. By calling a couple of INS agents to the scene to "translate".

Jose, we are done, but I think those two guys in the border patrol truck need to see you...try to sneak back into the country before your court date or you'll have a warrant when you get back...
Link Posted: 6/22/2003 3:13:40 PM EDT
View Quote

Enmienda Dos:
"Siendo necesaria una milicia bien ordenada para la seguridad de un Estado Libre, no se violará el derecho del pueblo a poseer y portar armas."

as 'translated' by www.babelfish.altavista.com:

"Being necessary a ordered affluent military service for the security of a Free State, will not be violated the right of the town to have and to carry arms."

Es promblemo, no?.  Where did 'affluent' come from?

Pueblo? Well, maybe there is a 'people' root there.

View Quote

Dude, the only thing those online translating services do well is language-butchering.  Which, by the way,  we can all do quite well on our own without tech-help.

edited to say:  ar15fan, I hope to Hell you are just living out some kind of keyboard persona.
Link Posted: 6/22/2003 3:36:27 PM EDT
edited to say:  ar15fan, I hope to Hell you are just living out some kind of keyboard persona.
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Not at all. I am happy to arrest illegal immigrants of any origin. my only regret is that my empolyer has bowed to political pressure and will only allow us to call INS for translation. the end result of that flawed policy is i can hand over a wife beater who doesnt speak english to INS. But I cant hand over a rapist or murderer if he speaks passable english. It's a silly policy.

When you enter this country illegally you are commiting felony.
Link Posted: 6/22/2003 3:53:44 PM EDT
"When you enter this country illegally you are commiting felony"

I wish more people looked at "immigration" in this same way.  English is our language, and we shouldn't feel discriminated if we only speak it.  Has anyone ever accidentally pressed the Espanol option at the ATM?  I did; five minutes later I got my card back and had a line of pissed drive-thru bankers behind me.
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