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Posted: 4/21/2001 10:39:05 AM EDT
This is going to make you so MAD!

There are three words in the English language that end in "gry". ONE is  angry and the other is hungry. EveryONE knows what the third ONE means and what it stands for. EveryONE uses them everyday, and if you listened very carefully, I've given you the third word. What is it?

Link Posted: 4/21/2001 10:49:34 AM EDT

Link Posted: 4/21/2001 11:22:19 AM EDT
Well, I ran across this while doing a search....

Link Posted: 4/21/2001 12:14:30 PM EDT
poontangry- the feeling of frustration resulting from the defeciency of poontang.
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 12:19:00 PM EDT

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spelled - imagery
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 12:21:19 PM EDT

Link Posted: 4/21/2001 12:21:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 12:23:48 PM EDT
"UGRY - As in she so ugry."
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 12:36:10 PM EDT

I got it here.

So much for Sperring?!?!

Link Posted: 4/21/2001 1:22:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 1:23:15 PM EDT
The third word is three [:P]
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 2:52:43 PM EDT
This one has been going around for years. I first saw it over 10 years ago. I've been told it's a MF teaser with NO answer.
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 3:07:29 PM EDT
bootedaddy said it first.

the third word in " THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE" is just that-----LANGUAGE.

Link Posted: 4/21/2001 6:18:04 PM EDT
garden weasel-LMFAO
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 6:30:41 PM EDT
Older English Dictionaries list the word Aggry.  Doubtful it's what the riddler was looking for but it is a word and was recognized as such in 1913 at least.

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913):

 Aggry \Ag"gry\, Aggri \Ag"gri\, a.
    Applied to a kind of variegated glass beads of ancient
    manufacture; as, aggry beads are found in Ashantee and Fantee
    in Africa.
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 6:34:54 PM EDT
Well there are even more older words and proper names that end with gry.  Party on.


Here's a list of the relevant terms.  The refernces can be checked through the above URL, do a search for "gry.s":
aggry [OED:1:182; W2; W3]
Agry Dagh (Mount Agry) [EB11]
ahungry [OED:1:194; FW; W2]
angry [OED; FW; W2; W3]
anhungry [OED:1:332; W2]
Badagry [Johnston; EB11]
Ballingry [Bartholomew:40; CLG:151; RD:164, pl.49]
begry [OED:1:770,767]
bewgry [OED:1:1160]
bowgry [OED:1:1160]
braggry [OED:1:1047]
Bugry [TIG]
Chockpugry [Worcester]
Cogry [BBC]
cony-gry [OED:2:956]
conyngry [OED:2:956]
Croftangry [DFC, as "Chrystal Croftangry"]
dog-hungry [W2]
Dshagry [Stieler]
Dzagry [Andree]
eard-hungry [CED (see "yird"); CSD]
Echanuggry [Century:103-104, on inset map, Key 104 M 2]
Egry [France; TIG]
ever-angry [W2]
fire-angry [W2]
Gagry [EB11]
gry (from Latin _gry_) [OED:4/2:475; W2]
gry (from Romany _grai_) [W2]
haegry [EDD (see "hagery")]
half-angry [W2]
hangry [OED:1:329]
heart-angry [W2]
heart-hungry [W2]
higry pigry [OED:5/1:285]
hogry [EDD (see "huggerie"); CSD]
hogrymogry [EDD (see "huggerie"); CSD (as "hogry-mogry")]
hongry [OED:5/1:459; EDD:3:282]
huggrymuggry [EDD (see "huggerie"); CSD (as "huggry-muggry")]
hungry [OED; FW; W2; W3]
Hungry Bungry [Daily Illini, in ad for The Giraffe, Spring 1976]
iggry [OED]
Jagry [EB11]
kaingry [EDD (see "caingy")]
land-hungry [OED; W2]
leather-hungry [OED]
Langry [TIG; Times]
Lisnagry [Bartholomew:489]
MacLoingry [Phillips (as "Flaithbhertach MacLoingry")]
mad-angry [OED:6/2:14]
mad-hungry [OED:6/2:14]
magry [OED:6/2:36, 6/2:247-48]
malgry [OED:6/2:247]
man-hungry [OED]
Margry [Indians (see "Pierre Margry" in bibliog., v.2, p.1204)]
maugry [OED:6/2:247-48]
mawgry [OED:6/2:247]
meagry [OED:6/2:267]
meat-hungry [W2]
menagry [OED (see "managery")]
messagry [OED]
nangry [OED]
overangry [RH1; RH2]
Pelegry [CE (in main index as "Raymond de Pelegry")]
Pingry [Bio-Base; HPS:293-94, 120-21]
podagry [OED; W2 (below the line)]
Pongry [Andree (Supplement, p.572)]
pottingry [OED:7/2:1195; Jamieson:3:532]
puggry [OED:8/1:1573; FW; W2]
pugry [OED:8/1:1574]
rungry [EDD:5:188]
scavengry [OED (in 1715 quote under "scavengery")]
Schtschigry [LG/1:2045; OSN:97]
Seagry [TIG; EB11]
Segry [Johnston; Andree]
self-angry [W2]
self-hungry ?
Shchigry [CLG:1747; Johnson:594; OSN:97,206; Times:185,pl.45]
shiggry [EDD]
Shtchigry [LG/1:2045; LG/2:1701]
Shtshigry [Lipp]
skugry [OED:9/2:156, 9/1:297; Jamieson:4:266]
Sygry [Andree]
Tangry [France]
Tchangry [Johnson:594; LG/1:435,1117]
Tchigry [Johnson:594]
tear-angry [W2]
tike-hungry [CSD]
Tingry [France; EB11 (under "Princesse de Tingry")]
toggry [Simmonds (as "Toggry", but all entries are capitalized)]
ulgry [Partridge; Smith:24-25]
unangry [OED; W2]
vergry [OED:12/1:123]
Virgy [CLG:2090]
Wirgy [CLG:2090; NAP:xxxix; Times:220, pl.62; WA:948]
wind-hungry [W2]
yeard-hungry [CED (see "yird")]
yerd-hungry [CED (see "yird"); OED]
yird-hungry [CED (see "yird")]
Ymagry [OED:1:1009 (col. 3, 1st "boss" verb), (variant of "imagery")]

Link Posted: 4/21/2001 6:37:38 PM EDT
Here's a hint: The answer rhymes with "silver."
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 7:10:05 PM EDT
Here's a hint: The answer rhymes with "silver."
View Quote

No no no, it rhymes with "orange!"
Link Posted: 4/21/2001 7:15:52 PM EDT
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