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Posted: 6/11/2002 4:35:17 AM EDT
"Institute says weakness invites 'anxious' U.S. to violate our border in event of a crisis"

Canada All bu defenseless...


I've been saying it for years and years......mind you at this point I would consider you to be liberators!!
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 4:36:09 AM EDT
Canada....the 51st state.


Link Posted: 6/11/2002 4:43:59 AM EDT
How about this deal?

The U.S. takes the western half and the Eastern half of Canada has to take Massachusssets and the Kennedys?
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 4:46:20 AM EDT
No Way SS109!!  

Its a take it all or leave it proposition!!

I happen to live in Ontario, if you stuck me with the Kennedys I am not sure I could control mysself!
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 4:51:19 AM EDT
Annex Kommeifornia then.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 4:59:17 AM EDT
I'd tend to disagree.

I'd say that Canadians, or perhaps the pantywaists that we elect, are the greatest threat to Canadian sovereignty.

Look at the way we treat fishing vessels that violate our coastal waters & steal our fish.  Look at the state that our military is in, and what happens to those who speak up about it (the Defense Minister was sacked shortly after he stated that our military was stretched too thin, and could no longer adequately support a mere 850 troops in Afghanistan).  Look at the way we treat our soldiers when they (*gasp*) kill someone in combat.

Link Posted: 6/11/2002 6:15:55 AM EDT
Actually the funny thing is that I bought my AK in .223 rather than 7.62x39 as I figured that 5.56 would be readily available when the Yanks came marching in and I could find a ready supply to fight back with......

Will wonders never cease!!  Now 7.62 is half the cost of 5.56!!!

Link Posted: 6/11/2002 6:21:39 AM EDT
ALL your toques ARE belong to US, Eh!

(edited because I only the know the word "toque" from Bob and Doug and can't spell it, eh)


Link Posted: 6/11/2002 7:00:25 AM EDT
That's toque, eh.

Take off, ya hoser [;)].
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 7:29:12 AM EDT
Looks like someone watched "Canadian Bacon" one too many times.
I for one would like to annex Manitoba,Saskatchewan, Alberta and BC. I have family up there. Alberta oil money would be nice. Of course if that happened, Canadian social programs would collapse due to the loss of all that tax revenue from the western provinces.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 7:30:29 AM EDT

The annual Canadian defense budget is less than what the US spends in two weeks.  Increasing the budget by a whopping $2.5 billion (what is that is real $?) as suggested in the article is hardly going to alter the military balance.

Canada is totally indefensible from the South.

I agree that Canada should increase its military spending, but not for self-defense.  They are about the worst free-rider in NATO.

As far as defending itself against US invasion, mutual respect and cooperation, which is virtually free, has worked pretty good for 150 years or more.  I suspect the people in the article want to loosen those bonds, but the lternative is a joke.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 7:31:17 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 7:39:06 AM EDT
I'd tend to disagree.

I'd say that Canadians, or perhaps the pantywaists that we elect, are the greatest threat to Canadian sovereignty.

Look at the way we treat fishing vessels that violate our coastal waters & steal our fish.  Look at the state that our military is in, and what happens to those who speak up about it (the Defense Minister was sacked shortly after he stated that our military was stretched too thin, and could no longer adequately support a mere 850 troops in Afghanistan).  Look at the way we treat our soldiers when they (*gasp*) kill someone in combat.

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I was in Montreal a few months ago and was surprised at the rank and file's attitude toward their leftest leadership. It made our talk of Washington's left seem almost tame. I was proud of the Canadians I talked with. Most of these guys weren't from Quebec, BTW. I'd ask how Canada got to this point but we're unfortunately not far behind with some of our current PC crap.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 9:30:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 9:43:14 AM EDT
I think that Canada would be an excelent adition to the US. I also think that the two countries merging is inevitable, and no I do not mean an invasion, lol. I live in Ontario for two years, and it was great save for the taxes and gun laws. I'll tell you what, Moving from Nebraska and Ohio to Canada was less of a shock then moving from Canada to Alabama, now down there is a whole different world.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 9:58:12 AM EDT
Why should Canada join the US?

We have a dollar worth aboot .65 US, yet we have 1/10 the population of the US. And the Canadian dollar might not be stronger then the US dollar, but its still higher then the swiss franc, which for many decades has been one of the most stable and sought after currencies.

Also if we get taken by the US we will have to pay for shit holes like Israel, adopt a POS like the OICW, and the legal system would need a complete overhaul.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 10:15:23 AM EDT
Scarecrow if Canada existed next to any other state than US it would cease to exist in about 5 min. If the US was the imperial monster that most of the world thinks it is Canada would not exist now.

It is not a matter of Canada joining the US; if the US wanted Canada the US would have Canada. It would take no more than 24 hours to secure the whole country and that is the point the article is getting at if Canada’s weakness becomes a threat to US security the US is not going to ask just do. The stability of the Canadian dollar in not going to make much difference. I am not advocating this but those are the facts.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 10:50:12 AM EDT
If you want to see what Socialism can do to a country you only have to look up North to Canada...

The article kind of touched on it but I always figured if Canada got hit the US would be the ones to help out.  Like it or not...

The problem is you can't rely on other people or countries all the time.  If there comes a time when Canada requires the US assisstance we probably will be unable or unwilling to help out...

Heres hoping you Canucks get your military in order.  Like it or not you need to have one, be you warmongerer or peacemongerer.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 11:28:06 AM EDT
Yes we would help Canada if they needed it. Do you really think that we would allow a neighbor on our borders to possibly fall to some threat? It is in our own interests to help defend them if needs be.
Save me some back bacon eh.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 11:29:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 11:36:03 AM EDT
I wish Canada would annex Cook County, so the rest of Illinois can be left the hell alone.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 10:04:09 PM EDT
I wish Canada would annex Cook County, so the rest of Illinois can be left the hell alone.
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The hell with that, that would mean I'd have to register my guns and my soldering irons. Even Daley isn't that bad.

The US has near zero interest in Canada. The only interest we have right now is to get the mighty Canadian Mounted Police to stop letting in terrorists bound for the US.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 10:10:47 PM EDT
Canada is a sovereign country?  News to me.  Why do they have the English monarch on all their currency and stamps?
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