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Posted: 5/31/2002 10:19:06 AM EDT
I usually don't respond to editorials and  opinions as I let my voting do my talking but this one really pissed me off and I had to respond:

[url=www.denverpost.com/Stories/0,1413,36%257E156%257E573928,00.html?search=filter]America's Flaw Is In It's Trigger Finger[/url]

Link Posted: 5/31/2002 10:21:21 AM EDT
My Response:

As a person who lends a great deal of awareness to issues which directly impact my values, interests and lifestyle, I read the Colorado Voices viewpoint, “America’s Flaw is in its Trigger Finger,” by Mick Bolger, in the Perspective section of the Sunday, April 28, 2002 Denver Post with great amusement. Regardless of if I agree or disagree with a story or opinion printed in local publications, I have never felt it worth my time to offer up a written response. Editorials and opinions are just that, opinions, and each person is entitled to his or her own. In regard to news related articles, I feel it very important to understand to the context in which a newspaper article is being written. Either way, I typically read news and opinions with a grain of salt and consider the source.
While a majority of the Mr. Bolger’s comments contained the usual liberal folly about guns, Mr. Bolger included a couple of “asinine” statements to which I’d like to take the opportunity to respond. Mr. Bolger mentions that upon deciding to come to America to, “find a spirit of freedom,” his family was so worried about him coming to such a, “savage land.” As typical,  Europeans will criticize the United States for our violent “gun” society and the local liberal establishment is quick to praise the great strides in social protection (including gun control) in Europe. Yet, why is it that each day, substantially more Europeans are flocking to the United States than vice versa? Mr. Bolger and his family seemed to consider this question yet here he is, a happy native European reaping the benefits of living in the good ‘ole US of A.    
Furthermore, Mr. Bolger refers to American gun owners as, “gun nuts - or as they refer to themselves, responsible, law-abiding citizens.” As a natural born,  American citizen,  I am very proud of this great land and I am proud of the contributions I make to my community, my state, my country and my fellow countrymen and women. As a young, educated professional, I help to make the airports you may have traveled to in this country safe. How about my grandfather Mr. Bolger?  He served in the European Theater during World War II. As we know, if it weren’t for America’s brave men and women back then, I think we can both agree where Europe would be right now. How about my Brother-in-law? A hard working farmer in the Midwest that puts food on our tables. Or a couple of friends of mine?  One happens to be a Medical Doctor and one of the most respected Ophthalmologist in the region, the other the owner and CEO of a multi-million dollar engineering firm.  Or how about Georgia Senator Zell Miller? In a recent address to the NRA, Mr. Miller confessed that he has more guns that he needs, but still wants more.  
Do you know what we all share? That’s right, we are all “gun nuts” - or as we refer to ourselves, responsible, law-abiding citizens. The people above are only a very small few who I know personally or otherwise who own guns. Mr. Bolger’s short Bio mentions he is a singer in an Irish band. Mr. Bolger, please tell me that your contributions to the United States are as commendable as those of us “gun nuts” listed above. Please tell me that your reasons for coming to America are more worthy than just being a singer in an Irish band.
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 10:22:26 AM EDT

You see, I think I can speak for many gun owners. Whether we are construction workers, store clerks, doctors, engineers, you name it, we all own guns. Let the liberals interpret it as they may, but the 2nd Amendment guarantees us the right to own a gun. You are right about one thing Mr. Bolger,  people do die from guns. People also die everyday from drugs and car crashes. The sad fact about murder is whether these acts are carried out by a knife, a gun or whatever means available, I have learned that it all boils down to personal values and responsibility and knowing the difference between right and wrong. In just the several years of my adult life I have seen first hand the erosion of values and responsibility in not only this country but the world. Whether it be the unfortunate recent events in Germany or closer to home at Columbine High School,  there are those in this world who will never accept responsibility for their own actions nor do they value their own life let alone someone else’s.  
As for all of us gun owners being socially inadequate, it seems to me that those who constantly require one form of government or another to dictate to them how to live their lives are the ones most socially inadequate. Unlike you Mr. Bolger, my freedom was guaranteed to me the day I was born in this great land. For better or worse, even as a foreigner, this country can also provide you with those same freedoms. No, I don’t need a gun to prove my manhood. I prove my manhood each and every day by being a good husband, a hard worker and a proud, responsible American citizen -  I just happen to enjoy and own guns.  
For all of the problems that we do have, America is still the best country on the face of the earth. I go to bed every night feeling safe and satisfied with my contributions to making this country a better place. Without doubt, the world is a better place because of the United States. It is my right to own a gun as it is your right not to.  I am not willing to forfeit my right to own a gun or any other right because you and others like you have the illusion that we as humans will someday live in a utopian civilization. Your perception that getting rid of guns will somehow start us down that primrose path is ignorant – and it’s stupid.
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 10:29:08 AM EDT
Nice reply.

And to Mr. Bolger I would like to say "go home" to your civalized country of Ireland and leave this "savage land"

"Mick Bolger ([email protected]) ) is a singer in Colcannon, an Irish band. [b]He emigrated from Ireland in 1979 and now calls Denver home. " [/b]

Link Posted: 5/31/2002 10:40:57 AM EDT
very eloquent reply. on the other hand, i was too pissed to respond properly after reading his poorly researched article. so i basically told him to fuck off and go back to ireland. my apologies.
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 11:12:50 AM EDT
very eloquent reply. on the other hand, i was too pissed to respond properly after reading his poorly researched article. so i basically told him to fuck off and go back to ireland. my apologies.
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BOTH responses were appropiate!
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 11:28:18 AM EDT
Another example of proof that the greatest invention in the history of Ireland was the wheel barrow.  It taught the Irish to walk upright on their hind legs!
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 11:32:46 AM EDT
No matter how long I live here, I will always be an outsider, like it or not.
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I would suggest that this is evidence of mental incapacity in and of itself.  America is the [b]only[/b] nation where you can immigrate from anywhere in the world and [b]become[/b] an American.  I bet I could immigrate to Ireland and would [b]never[/b] actually [b]be[/b] Irish. (As I'm of Swiss-German descent.)

Link Posted: 5/31/2002 11:46:57 AM EDT

"Mick Bolger ([email protected]) ) is a singer in Colcannon, an Irish band. [b]He emigrated from Ireland in 1979 and now calls Denver home. " [/b]

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Shitty band.

*goes back to listening to Solas.
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 11:52:22 AM EDT
We all know what opinions are like. If America is such a bad place then he should go back to Ireland. I am proud to to live in the USA. I would never call anywhere else home.
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 1:46:00 PM EDT
If he doesn't like it here, why is he staying? Why did he come in the first place! Leave and don't come back!!
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