I know this is a .22LR forum, but I can't find a .17 specific one.
My Marlin XT17VR is not locking up properly, and I think the bolt handle interface has moved. If anyone has this rifle and can snap some pictures of the bolt handle/bolt interface for me (specifically the distance between the the little scallop cut and the locking block) as well as the safety side of the recivier the handle drops into. I would be greatly appreciated.
As for the problem I'm having, it appears the bolt is not fully seating forward. There are no obstructions on the front end, the firing pin is intact. When I fire normally, there is no impact on the round. When I push the bolt handle forward about 1/16" there is normal ignition. I am unable to find directions to disassemble the bolt to try to remove/replace the bolt handle.