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Posted: 10/18/2016 10:01:24 PM EDT
I have a 300 norma and a 308 ar10 with nightforce scopes.   I think i want to raise them.  But wondering what is a good rule of themb for no lower than and no higher than.  I can adjust my cheek rest either way..
Link Posted: 10/18/2016 10:25:00 PM EDT
[Last Edit: TheQuadfather] [#1]
I don't like a tight cheek-weld.  It wears me out on long sessions behind the scope.  The old mantra of 'as close to the bore as possible' is a relic from the days of rifles set up for irons that would put your eye way too low with a scope.

I like my scope about 1.6"-1.8" over the rail.  My last setup was 1.635".  It was Nightforce .885" low rings on a KAC .750" rail riser.  

I don't use any riser on my bolt guns and from the comb to the center line of the ocular is about 2.6".  I love it.  It gives me a light index right about the corner of my mouth.  

Link Posted: 10/19/2016 7:20:15 AM EDT
I set up my scope so the objective lens clears the barrel by about 1/8 - 1/4 inch. I then adjust the cheek riser for a firm cheek weld in order for me to be maximally stable for long range shooting.
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 8:29:32 AM EDT
I use the 1.375" height Unimount on a few guns.  
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 10:55:25 AM EDT
If everything is level and plumb and you use a scope level then mount it as high as you want.

A higher over bore mounted scope will have a larger offset from cant error.....but only a fool would shoot long range without a $40 scope level.

Link Posted: 10/25/2016 8:06:52 PM EDT
[Last Edit: MS556] [#5]
On bolt guns I still hold the belief that the scope has the lowest potential aiming error when mounted as close to the bore as possible.  This usually works best with most bolt gun stocks.

This rule does NOT work on AR type rifles, where the stock is going to be higher. This becomes a personal preference.  Most prefer having the scope with its centerline about 1.4" to no more than 1.5" above the top of the rail.  Many prefer it a bit lower, down in the 1.3" range.  No hard and fast rule, but you want to get a good cheek weld while still trying to minimize sighting error at longer ranges.

I believe in scope bubble levels. When shooting slow fire at bench they work great.  But, you may not always have time to use a scope level, or have the best light to see one, especially when hunting or in certain tactical situations.
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