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Posted: 10/27/2010 4:08:28 PM EDT
I see he has a lot of digital cards.  Are any better than others?  Do you need all of them or could you give me any pointers?  I just got the Preymaster 4 wireless from Johnny Stewart and would like to hunt the animals listed above and others.  Let me know what you use and any comments on how you use them, etc.


Link Posted: 10/28/2010 2:30:38 PM EDT
if this is the call I think it is, a buddy of mine has one and we called the hell out of stuff with some kind of distressed rabbit sound.  That night we killed a few 'yotes, and a shitload of foxes... saw a bobcat but it caught our scent and hauled ass.  Good times.
Link Posted: 10/29/2010 11:28:11 AM EDT
I see he has a lot of digital cards.  Are any better than others?  Do you need all of them or could you give me any pointers?  I just got the Preymaster 4 wireless from Johnny Stewart and would like to hunt the animals listed above and others.  Let me know what you use and any comments on how you use them, etc.


they name the cards with what predator the calls are tailored too. the speakers on my johnny stewarts speaker didnt last long tho. just a heads up. im savin for a fox-pro.
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