Bluegill are very aggressive. They're a mean little fish. I run four pound line because it's a little more versatile, but hooking gills on a light or ultralight rod, fuck man, you'd think you just got a Great White on.They usually come to the shallows morning and evening. Work the shore or some cover at about a foot and a half or two down. Number 8 hook, sinker, bobber, mealworm. If they're there, they'll hit. And they'll hit hard.
No reason not to fish cats either. I don't usually keep big ones because of the mud line they get. A 16 inch or so long cat will be good eating. I've had good luck chumming them with Bunny Bread, then a shallow treble hook with bread on it.
And what's this catch and release shit? You like throwing food away?
Aggressive: Yes they are. (They taste good as well)
As for the four pound line: That is all I use. Unless I'm going for very large.
I have cought Walleye as well as Catfish on it. (I do have a back up rod with 8lb line on it)
After all, here in Ohio, they only let you fish with no more then two poles at a time.
Great White on: Yes! Yes they do. That is why I use the ultralight rod and reel.