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Posted: 8/14/2007 5:28:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 5:34:18 PM EDT
Not really.  As it has been pointed out, it is a how to survive show, not a watch me survive show.  

I can teach you to build a fire in the woods behind my house...that is still a valuable skill, even if we aren't doing it in the Yukon.  
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 5:40:05 PM EDT

Not really.  As it has been pointed out, it is a how to survive show, not a watch me survive show.  

I can teach you to build a fire in the woods behind my house...that is still a valuable skill, even if we aren't doing it in the Yukon.  

So, uh....you think that squeezing elephant shit into your mouth is a viable survival technique?
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 5:46:18 PM EDT
Not really.  As it has been pointed out, it is a how to survive show, not a watch me survive show.  

I can teach you to build a fire in the woods behind my house...that is still a valuable skill, even if we aren't doing it in the Yukon.  

He pretends it's a "watch me survive show"
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 5:47:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:13:16 PM EDT
Welcome to television.  99%=bullshit.

I can't comment on the show, though, never seen it.

The posted video, though, makes the host look like a drama princess, however, whoever he is.

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:53:18 PM EDT
Bear is an asshole, his show is as pathetic as when they made D list celebs into cops for the week on TV a last year.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:56:38 PM EDT
That's too good.

Bear in the Hawaiian lava fields, trying very hard to create the impression that he's in a remote and dangerous area:  "You have to be really, really careful crossing these lava bridges."

OR, he could have just walked 30 yards further and crossed on flat ground.

OR, he could have walked 150 yards and caught a ride on the road with all the cars.

What bugs me is that the show is so phony, staged and scripted, combined with Bear's overbearing, deceptive and misleaing melodrama.  I'm half surprised a crew member in a bear suit didn't stage an attack on the lava fields.

I'm so glad Les is back with some new shows.  Though it was interesting that in Les' latest show he said something at the end like "The safety crew is that direction so that's where I'm going."  Still, my gut tells me Les is 80% real, and Bear is 90% phony.
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