Last night I was sound asleep when around 1 a.m. our 6 mos old Golden Retriever started growling and barking on the front porch. I wake up when he barks and listen to determine if I need to get up - this time I just listened and he barked a little then started to growl off and on.
So I slid out of bed, picked up my pistola and maglite and made my way quietly to the door. When I stepped outside he stopped growling but kept focusing on the end of the porch. I shined the flashlight out there but saw nothing and switched it off. He remained alert though.
It was real quiet - the middle of the night wind only thing you hear quiet. Then I heard it. A crunch in the pinestraw at the end of the porch/corner of the house. Or was it a rustle? Yeah thats right. A rustle. And another as if something was headed our way. Dog is growling again so I move off the porch to slice the pie on the corner and light up the spot, pistol at the ready, finger off trigger. And.....nothing. I got nothing.
The dog runs down there growling and huffing so I move on around to keep him out of my line of sight just in case, you know. Still.....I got nothing. As I am scanning the side yard I notice he is focused on something on the ground and front legs out, butt in the air nipping and biting at whatever is on the ground. I move in ready for, uh, I don't know, something and then I spied it.
It was a and black.......................................butterfly. Yes, a butterfly. Apparently he was roosting, sitting, whatever butterflys do in the Buddleia, or Butterfly Bush, and fell out. I think it was doing the death twitch and actually making a loud enough rustling to sound like a critter walking in the pinestraw.
So we, the dog and I, not the dying insect, took a brief stroll around the yard on such a nice night. Then I retired to my bed, mission accomplished. The dog ate the butterfly to remove all evidence of it obviously to avoid the embarrasment of the matter.
Alls well that ends well they say. He's a good watchdog. I told him so.