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Posted: 2/28/2011 2:29:51 PM EDT
So, I have 2 water treatment systems. One is the MSR water works and the other a PUR Scout. How do you tell if they are working correctly?
Link Posted: 2/28/2011 2:41:30 PM EDT
Put water coloring in the water.  If it can remove water coloring, it can remove just about anything.

**This is just my opinion and in no way should be considered expert advice.**
Link Posted: 2/28/2011 3:01:55 PM EDT
Well maybe not the best plan but I just took my MSR miniworks to a local lake drank half a Nalgene bottle.
Tasted funny but I never got sick or the runs.

Passed the test
Link Posted: 3/1/2011 2:00:55 AM EDT
do they pump...if so...the work.

i tested my hiker in my sink. then went and found the nastiest mud hole i could find, and filled 2 liters of h20 and drank half of it.

Ive drank some nasty shit that my hiker has made clean.
Link Posted: 3/1/2011 5:28:51 AM EDT
Having had giardia, I take this stuff seriously. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

Your filter may pump fine with the filter compromised. Ceramic filters can crack, and when they do you may not notice. They'll pump water great, but the water will be going through the cracks and not the filter.

You can also drink dirty water for quite a while and not get sick. Just depends on how lucky you are. Just because it worked once doesn't mean a thing. I got giardia after drinking the same water for 4 months with no problem.

Food coloring is a great test. Put a couple drops ( it doesn't take much, just so you can see it in the water )  in a bottle of water and pump that water through the filter. You should see no trace of the food coloring if the filter is working correctly. If you see any food coloring in the water from the output side of the pump, it's not safe. Replace the filter and/or troubleshoot the filter.

Link Posted: 3/1/2011 6:40:15 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/1/2011 10:44:59 AM EDT
TJ: your signature line always brings a smile to my face.

To OP: I've been using the same filter in my Hiker Pro for almost 3 years now. I just pump some clean tap water through it when I get home from a trip. It hasn't failed me yet. It is big and slow, but damn it works. Like TJ (and others) have said, choosing where you get the water from in the first place is a big thing. I've found mountain springs up in CO before that were ICE cold and fast moving that I drank straight from with no filter. I was fine.

I'd still filter all water. I've stopped to filter water before only to find a dead deer laying  in the water upstream. I ever got sick, but it was an eye opener.
Link Posted: 3/11/2011 2:03:53 AM EDT
Having had giardia, I take this stuff seriously. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

Your filter may pump fine with the filter compromised. Ceramic filters can crack, and when they do you may not notice. They'll pump water great, but the water will be going through the cracks and not the filter.

You can also drink dirty water for quite a while and not get sick. Just depends on how lucky you are. Just because it worked once doesn't mean a thing. I got giardia after drinking the same water for 4 months with no problem.

Food coloring is a great test. Put a couple drops ( it doesn't take much, just so you can see it in the water )  in a bottle of water and pump that water through the filter. You should see no trace of the food coloring if the filter is working correctly. If you see any food coloring in the water from the output side of the pump, it's not safe. Replace the filter and/or troubleshoot the filter.


I own a Hiker and just added "Check filter before each excursion/use" to my list.  For some reason, I never thought about that.
Link Posted: 3/11/2011 7:21:37 AM EDT
Go to your nearest sewage plant, drop the hose in the sewage and filter some water. Drink the water. If you dont get sick then it worked.
Link Posted: 3/11/2011 7:13:57 PM EDT
I took my filter with me on several hikes on the Appalacian Trial.  There's nothing like being so far out that there's no purified water around and then using your own filter to keep you hydrated.  I filtered some pretty nasty looking water (leaves, bugs swimming around...) and my PUR Hiker kept all of us from getting sick on several different hikes in North Carolina.
Link Posted: 3/12/2011 9:00:32 PM EDT


Go to your nearest sewage plant, drop the hose in the sewage and filter some water. Drink the water. If you dont get sick then it worked.

I get sick just thinking about that. :barf:
Link Posted: 3/13/2011 7:17:25 AM EDT
AFAIK, there is not much you can do beyond the food coloring idea as far as testing your filter. There are some ways of testing filters that industrial users use, but they are not especially practical for this kind of filter.

If it bothers you, boil your water after you filter it.

Link Posted: 3/13/2011 8:38:18 AM EDT
To extend the life of your filter, filter all of your first through a coffee filter, then a pre-filter.
Link Posted: 3/13/2011 4:38:20 PM EDT
Food coloring can be smaller than the pore size on many filters, so is a lousy test.
Link Posted: 3/13/2011 7:16:56 PM EDT
the only way to know is to have the water tested before and after filtering. find a water source and take a sample(take enough that you can have enough to have 3 samples left over) now filter it with both filters. contact your local extension office to see if they do water test. if not you will need to find a lab that will. send off the 3 samples(unfiltered, filter one sample and filter two sample) and wait.
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