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Posted: 8/10/2007 1:49:56 PM EDT
Has anyone ever tried one of these?  I have a bucket and scrubboard, but was looking for an easier alternative given that we have kids and will go through clothing fast in SHTF (heck, last years week without power caused a laundry backup as I didn't wire the generator into the laundry circuits - yes, I still need to buy a bigger transfer board).


If it's a POS, are there any good, efficient alternatives out there to the old bucket and scrubboard?

Link Posted: 8/10/2007 2:11:01 PM EDT
i don't have any first hand information on it but i've been told it can also do duty as a butter churn.
Link Posted: 8/10/2007 4:52:00 PM EDT
If I remember correctly one of the members did an AAR on this machine last year.
fight4yourrights did the AAR maybe you can find it in the archives.
I am pretty sure he said it worked well but was kind of small so it could only do like one pair of jeans at a time.
Link Posted: 8/11/2007 7:24:57 PM EDT
I have read that Morman missionaries have used them with success. They have to keep their white shirts clean wherever they go.

I have been toying with buying one. Could not hurt to have one - but only after you have taken care of 80% of your other needs first.

Link Posted: 8/11/2007 7:41:19 PM EDT
I remember reading the review a while back, seems like it was a good piece, I mean to the point that I was going to order one....But I would want it to atleast be able to handle a full set of cammies, undies, undershirt and 2 pairs of socks....

Anyone seen close up pics of the lid, I bet this could be made in a larger size.....
Link Posted: 8/11/2007 8:49:30 PM EDT
I have NOT used one of those......but......I used to do my laundry (right after divorce) in a 5gal bucket with a snap on lid. It was a pickle bucket from a restaurant where they cut the tabs around the top so the lid can be snapped back on. Half gal water 1 pair pants , or 2 shirts or a weeks worth of socks and shorts. With the 1/2gal water add 2 tbs detergent and replace lid and shake well for 1 min let set for 1 min repeat 3 times rinse well , wring or squeeze and hang to dry.  
Link Posted: 8/11/2007 9:57:05 PM EDT
That thing's crying for a geared-down bicycle mount.
Link Posted: 8/11/2007 10:42:55 PM EDT
 If you still have vehicles or tractors moving you can use a 5 gal bucket
with the detergent stated earlier, and vibration and movement provides
agitation, especially if you're off-roading!  Just make sure you rinse them

  BTW, those old wooden peg clothespins last much longer than the
modern spring type.clothespins.
Link Posted: 8/12/2007 12:17:15 AM EDT

If I remember correctly one of the members did an AAR on this machine last year.
fight4yourrights did the AAR maybe you can find it in the archives.
I am pretty sure he said it worked well but was kind of small so it could only do like one pair of jeans at a time.

Here's his AAR:

Link Posted: 8/12/2007 4:58:38 PM EDT
Wen I'm out of town and need to do laundry I just go to Wal-Mart.
Link Posted: 8/12/2007 10:05:48 PM EDT
This isn't exactly a sexy topic, but it could become important.  For what it's worth, if the SHTF our clothes will be cleaned by:  (1) a 5-gallon bucket with soapy water and a toilet plunger, (2) first rinse in a Rubbermaid with decreasingly clean water and plunger, (3) second rinse in another Rubbermaid with plunger, and (4) line drying.  I'd really like to get an old fashioned clothes wringer but haven't run across a suitable one yet.  

We have a pond in the back yard and a lake two blocks away, and funnels and lots of coffee filters.  Rain water or well water would work even better.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:22:02 AM EDT
Plunger method + plastic 55 gallon drum with a drain valve in the bottom.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:35:25 AM EDT
I think if you wanted a bigger version of this you could take a compost tumbler plans and rig it up to work. As one of the posters said you might want to make a geared set up so that it won't take as much work to turn
Might get some info from these http://www.composters.com/compost-tumblers.php
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:43:27 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:50:01 AM EDT
During the first gulf war, we had no washing facilities set up for first few months, so we used a large, gov't issue mop bucket (this thing was made out of galvanized steel, and had wheels on it) and after hand scrubbing our uniforms we used the mop squishy thing to wring the water out, it worked very well.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 10:40:52 AM EDT
Lehman's has some options for non electric washing of clothes and that includes the wringers as well.

I believe in the bucket and toilet plunger more than anything else but I think one of these little things could be used but you have to keep up with the washing.

And yeah, I fit the single guy statement made above.

So for me I would just toss that day's clothes in the thing and do a load each night.  Around here it takes a while for things to dry since I am lazy about wringing them out so figure a day or two to dry depending on weather.

I rank it up there with my routine of checking out my boots, touching up my knife, wiping down my ccw, and all the other stuff I do at the end of the day.  If you do it when you get home you are ready to go the next day and it is easy.

If you skip it a few days you have to spend more time sharpening your knife and cleaning the boots up and what not.

I have done enough clothes in the sink by hand to know that it does not take much to get clothes clean.  Overall it is tougher dealing with a sopping wet pair of jeans and trying to hang them up than anything else.  So a wringer would be something to look into if you are serious about this.

I guess to some extent you could maybe use that thing to spin the excess water out of the clothes, I have not read about them but I do somewhat want one.  I just have never gotten around to ordering one.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 10:02:07 PM EDT

I'm afraid its a washboard and tub for us.  That little thing may work for a single guy doing a days clothing at a time but a familly you need volume and doing laundry everyday when there's a million things that need done could be a problem.  


That's exactly my concern for any protracted SHTF event.  Laundry day used to be 1 full 10-12 hour day for most households per week, with the right tools and experience.  Come SHTF, I have three kids who are going to need clean clothes, blankets, etc.  My two conerns on this device were capacity and quality.  Maybe I'll start experimenting with a new, larger, geared (bike) design.  I like its water efficiency though, so the pressure plan is a good start.      
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