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Posted: 4/25/2011 8:35:58 PM EDT
I saw them a while back., It was just a tank top, or a Tee shirt that held a trauma plate.

I have a spare plate and soft armor that I would like to put in one.

Does any one have any experience with them? Or would anyone like to make a comment about them?

Much appreciated,

Link Posted: 4/26/2011 12:15:23 AM EDT
Seems like a lot of weight for a wife beater (tank top) or t-shirt to hold up.  What keeps it from bouncing all around while you move?

ETA: Is this what you are thinking about?
Concealable Body Armor T-Shirt
Link Posted: 4/28/2011 6:19:26 PM EDT
That is not it, The one I was looking at ONLY held a trauma plate. That is not very much weight to hold for the shirt, it had a nice internal pocket that held it securely.

I saw it a while ago and have been looking for it for nearly a year.
Link Posted: 4/29/2011 9:31:55 AM EDT
haha tactical wifebeater
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