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Posted: 1/30/2011 6:21:11 PM EDT
Last season I planted some heirloom carrots in the garden to see how they would grow in a shallow environment. Got the seeds from Baker Creek and I chose the Tonda di Parigi variety, as they are usually very short and stubby, which was perfect for where I wanted to grow them. I use the square foot gardening method with above ground boxes, and I just pulled out the carrots planted in 2 square feet. These were planted in 6" soil depth.

They look funny, but taste good
Now I just need some recipes to make with carrots, maybe some good stew?
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 8:24:19 PM EDT
I think you got a toe by mistake?

Roasted in olive oil, salt and pepper.
Toss with honey, splash of balsamic vinegar and chopped parsley.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 2:26:15 AM EDT
Slice, then saute in butter and ginger, add a little orange juice and let simmer until tender.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 7:12:42 AM EDT
just throw those suckers in with a roast and cook all day letting the carrots soak up all that roast gravy goodness. At our house, we really love carrots cooked that way.
Link Posted: 1/31/2011 11:52:03 AM EDT
Candied sweet carrots...so good. One of my holiday favorites!

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
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