I was using an SGC-230 and a S9v31 for an antenna.
A few nights ago I was running JT-65 and the fuse for SG-230 blew
I replaced it and it blew again, at that point I planned to fix it later.
A couple of nights ago my wife was coming in from the store and said
she smelled plastic burning outside and I did not give it any thought.
(figuring it was probably a neighbor doing something)
Today I look out and my antenna is not there, I step out back and it has fallen over.
when I go outside I see that the tuner burned up, the large flowerpot I had covering
it burned up and the base of the antenna (fiberglass whip) also burned up.
When I say burned up I mean totally gone, just a pile of charred ash and plastic
So it looks like I'll be replacing t with a Hustler 6BTV After all.