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Posted: 10/12/2008 4:17:38 AM EDT
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What think you? |
I'll worry about the imposition of martial law if we get to the point where the congress critters and other high-level bureaucrats can't fuel their chauffered government vehicles and can't send their staff out to get groceries because there aren't groceries to be had. Until then I think the possibility of martial law is remote.
this has moved from the tinfoil isle to the "no kidding" isle. We prepare for martial law, crowd control, nonlethal force, etc. I can't vouch for any other thing other than that plans are in place and training has occurred/is occurring. I thought you guys heard about our unit at Ft. Stewart?
yep, believe it. |
Are you at FT Stewart now? I've been stationed here at Stewart for 4years. If so shoot me a PM and we'll go shoot some shit.
You have to be kidding me - if we can't control a backwards ass country the size of California with 160,000 troops - how the hell do you think they'll be able to control the entire US?
I don't foresee the WHOLE US being put under martial law, but I can definitely see cities/large geographical areas of "unrest" being placed under martial law. And no I don't wear a tin-foil hat, just read as much as I can from MANY different sources. Thought I'd share when I came across this read. |
Oh God,
How many times must I see that damn clip This has been posted ALL over the internet by the Tinfoil Hats. The congressman is simply say people like Paulson, Berneke, and Bush painted the worst possible picture in order to scare people into bailing out their thug buddies. You know, the sky is falling and people will riot resulting in Martial law blah blah. Just an FYI: there is another one floating aroud with a congressman talking about how their under Martial Law. All their talking about is Congress had a lock down and they had to vote one way or the other on the bailout. |
How do they deem certain cities most likely to be in a state of unrest? Through racial profiling? I thought this was illegal for the LEO's to do? While I do believe in racial profiling and its usefulness to police, and I'm sure has saved a few butts of the officers, I wonder what method would be used.
Oh yeah and don't forget Bush will also refuse to leave the office.
Enough conspiracies already. |
Martial law is not just soldiers and tanks on our is also our current methods of government being completely scrapped.
Last week, a congressman (Brad Sherman) said that they were told in private conversations that if the bail-out bill was not passed, 'the sky would fall, the markets would fall thousands of points, and martial would be declared'. THAT is in effect political terrorism and martial law. |
Hey bro, I'm at Jackson right now, but next time I'm there I'll holler! |
I think exactly what's going on behind the Washington (and world goverments) scene and outlooks and intentions of those people in it is far from clear and most certainly not in the complete best interest of the common people. To look at these clips of political, police and military footage of what's been and is going down and not take it into serious account of the potential danger and wrong doing is foolish.
Guys here not wanting to hear about it anymore and conspiracy theories can simply not visit the threads anymore and move the fuck on, but to try and stifle discussion about it is just as bad as that scene of the committee chair from the 80's trying to hold back the Senator from asking Oliver North the question and trying to get some truth to the bigger picture of what the hells going on. I think all American citizens better look more closely at what our government entities are doing and think about how much their willing to take and how far their willing to go. The current state of affairs and laws we are forced to live by are far from what I feel is completely right. I know I'm not going to live forever and could die tomorrow in a car wreck. I ask myself though what do I care about and what do I care about the future more than just mine in it, but my families and the future for those down the road to make an effort and sacrifice to see it's better for them. |
Here is an article out of the army times about this new "combat brigade".
Army times homeland brigade |
I can see Martial Law being implemented in a very localized area after a major disaster (natural or otherwise). But on a national level for some evil political purpose? Never!
Damn straight. |
This election could turn into a natural disaster |
I think if we have a nationwide breakdown from a huge financial failure,hyper inflation etc they will not be able to control anything but very localized areas.They will have a hard enough time maintaining their own safety and staying hidden from the citizenry. In a total failure I expect a large part of the police and military will be more interested in helping their own families than protecting the people who led us to that end. As in every serious event there are very few people you can depend on when things really get bad. The people of today are not the same as those of the depression & WW2 era. As we are seeing right now when things go bad they spread very quickly far & wide. The distance between normal life and total panic these days is only a fine line.
A nationwide martial law would be a huge drag on scarce resources. Just imagine a nationwide Rodney King LA riot scenario.Just maintaining security of the leadership,military installations ,military supply centers and getting supplies to operational units would push things beyond anything we have ever known. Red |
Yep - that's a whole 1500 soldiers... they should be able to secure a city of about 5,000 people. |
This election could turn into a natural disaster Nope -- not the elections -- sorry . . . Obama has the cat in the bag -- I'll put good money on it . . . |
This On a side note, IF they could control the entire country at least I know how I am going to die. |
They will try at some point but probably only on a limited scale at first. Martial law over the entire country would be a very hard thing to do. It may not be under Jorges watch either. It will probably be under Obama (or Juan McCain if somehow Obama fucks up and McCain forgets to throw the election to Obama). Obama will use all of the Executive Orders Jorge has signed as a basis for declaring Martial Law. His excuse will be "I didn't give myself the power, the previous President did". All you fuckin Neo Con's are gunna learn shit the hard way. Your defense of Treasonous acts committed by guys with an (R) next to their name is going to bite you in the ass. All of this power you gave to Jorge is going to be transferred right to the Communist Messiah. You will have helped create your own worst enemy and you did it while cheering it on like the little cheerleader bitches you are.
... Precisely, especially when a HUGE many of us will be on "the other side" |
There is another one of those Tinfoil Hat links, It's like I told the other sights, these are our brothers and sisters returning home. They have as much right to be here as you. And besides, we out number the US troops atleast 300 to one. Hell, there is some 25 million people in my state alone. |
All of you guys that say it cant happen are living in an ARMED America..When Obama wins (and he will) and enacts the most gun grabbing legislation ever and over his first term effectively disarms the populace there is nothing stopping him in enacting Martial Law especially if he has an assassination attempt or AQ unleashes a dirty bomb in a couple of American cities!
The way the masses are drawn to him is very demonic and there seems to be an evil aura surrounding this election.. Having control of the entire legislative branches and the executive branch of government at the stroke of a pen is very scary to say the least! Obama is being set up to be a dictator like the world has never seen! The only hope we have (if I am right) are the folks who recognize the rights to bear arms and those who will die to defend it.. There is a reason Bush has taken the steps to afford the President absolute power and it isnt the interest of American people!! You also have to take in consideration the fact that the American people are fed up to the gills with government...IT IS NOT ONLY ARFCOMMERS ...but there there are hundreds of thousands of Americans who are ready for a REAL CHANGE...not some political bullshit that is promised by slick suited politicians! AMERICA'S ARE BECOMING SALTY!!! |
i can assure you that the guns i have now and the guns i buy in the future will be mine till I DECIDE to sell or give them away. when someone tells me to give them up, i wont! when they come to my house to try to take them from me i will concider it treespassing since they are not welcomed and they will get 1 verbal warning. if they get agressive over it i will defend my right to own guns and open fire!!!!!and that i swear on my OWN life!
i'm a little confused here. are you calling a tinfoil hat link??? or did i miss something? |
Seems to me like he did... I'd wager he's wearing his denial hat today I'm familiar with that Army Times article and at this point it’s clear that the government is preparing for martial law in the US. |
First off, let me say that I am not bashing your comments here. I do not know you. That being said, I hear so many people making statements like this one. And I have to wonder if they could/would follow through. I often wonder if we are able to do what our founding Fathers did so many years ago. Are we cut from the same cloth? I would hope the answer is "Yes!". But, have we become so attached to our home, cars, jobs, and easy way of life that so many will count the cost and opt to just go along with whatever, so that they can (falsely) continue on with their life? I do not have the answer. I pray to the Almighty that we will never have to make that choice. However, I am not so sure that the day will never come. So I am just asking all here to really consider what you hold dear and what really matters to you and your family and the future. A great price was paid by our founding Fathers and it was worth it. They took a great risk and I thank the Lord for what they were willing to do. (And did well I might add.) |
Army Times is a tinfoil hat link? Are you on crack? |
I am far more concerned about Obama's planned civilian national security force. No need for martial law if we have our own little Stasi in place to handle things.
Get a book on American history. The answer is yes. |
They did it during Katrina and the most recent one in texas! This I figured was there testing fields. |
Don't forget Kansas. |
This is how I think it will be eventually accomplished, Obama creates his own brownshirts loyal to him. Pulls people from the hood and gives them a job being his enforcers. He has already stated he wants this the size of the military and armed like the military. There are a couple of reasons I can see this, a group loyal to Obama and an end run around Posse Commitatus. |
When the time comes that our fellow citizens become de facto secret police and our own neighbors are the ones who come knocking at 3:00am, then the time has come to engage in activities not discussable under the ARFCOM CoC and remind them that they have families, too. When such behavior is tolerated, we've gone from saving our culture to saving our skins and it's time to fight.
Okay... To all you who believe this is tinfoil conspiracy diatribe,
I hope to God you are right, I really do. Because if, IF our government declares Martial Law against the American People, things are going to get very ugly. I'm ex-navy, did most of my time overseas, back in the 80's and 90's, when we were seeing a dramatic increase in terrorism attacks against U.S. interests. So 7th Fleet, decided to "train" some of us for "counter-terrorism" to defend our ships and bases. Basically we got similar training to what SWAT police got, without the moral interference that might "limit" civilian law enforcement. What is interesting, is the selection process they used. There were plenty of qualified people, but those who had some objection or hesitation to SHOOTING AND KILLING american citizens if ordered to do so from higher authorities, in the event of martial law or some other civilan unrest, were immediately dismissed... I'm no psycho killer from hell, but I was young, and it seemed like a game to me, and I wanted to play, so I went along with it. Let me suggest something to you all... There are far more of YOU/US then there are THEM, and they know it! They also know that many will surrender their arms, if its done quietly enough. So, you are not going to see a column of humvees rolling down streets, and guys in black kicking in doors. You are more likely to see "Iterdiction teams" set up in a localized area (sort of like cops at a crispy cream) and some very clean cut and nice folks knocking on your door asking you to surrender your firearms, with full assurance that you may reclaim them after the crisis has passed. If you decline, in a day or so, some Authoritarian types in intimadating dress will knock on your door, suggesting that its in you and your family's best interest to surrender your arms, or bad things could happen to you... they will inform you of their authority to remove your children from your home (for their safety) and will frighten a good many people into handing over their weapons. They will continue this throughout a region until they feel that they have neutralized the threat to an acceptable level that they can deal with. Then some nasty ass SOB's are going to show up, in battle dress, demanding that you surrender your arms (or whatever) or face incarceration or worse, if you resist, they will attempt to take them by force, if you resist, they call the interdiction guys, and it gets real ugly real fast, if you are the only guy in your neighborhood that held onto his weapons... well intime people will curse themselves for not taking a stand like you did, and I guess that will make you a hero I really hope this is all tinfoil, I really hope we do not have a rogue government that has turned its back on the people, I really do hope that although REX 84, Patriot ACT I& II, The Warner Defense ACT, NUMEROUS Executive Orders, give the government the power to make us all their bitches, that they never use them... Because if they ever do, I know for a FACT they are ready. One final observation, incase you have missed it, you notice how in the past few years, that suddenly alot of people are suddenly losing their gun rights? No guns allowed with 1000 yards of a school or playground, no guns if you ever had a PFA, serious misdemeanor like public urination, someone saw you smack your kid's butt in public? We've been under a gun confiscation for a decade, and no one has really caught on... |
I hope it never happens here, it has happened in other countries though.
bho doesn't like us because we like freedom. He likes the UN plan for us, which is disarming us. Once disarmed whats to stop him from doing whatever he wants to do? I just hope he does not become POTUS so we will never be faced with it. |
No civilization has ever lasted indefinitly. We shouldn't think we're any different. BHO becoming POTUS could just be the catalyst to end it all, or he could serve two terms and not much will have changed. Either way I'm ready. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. |
Excellent point! |
Of course we have caught on, however, as you have pointed out, it is difficult to stand up when it is so subtle.
Boil that frog slowly! StagPower
Martial Law?
Only if your lucky. There just aren't enough trained personal to do it. Most areas won't have any law at all. |
that's probably why the messiah wants to organize and train his brown shirts (whatever the hell he's calling them). |
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