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Posted: 8/16/2007 6:19:57 PM EDT
I am looking for a set of radios that will take a headset(hands free), and are easy to carry would like to have some range with the 2-5 miles would be good, not the little cheap radios but something that I could trust in case SHTF.  Have any ideas or websites?
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 6:33:01 PM EDT
How much are you willing to pay?

The radio you want will likely run in the neighborhood of $400 a copy and require a license to operate.

That said there are many radios from Icom, Standard, Yaesu, Vertex etc which are really good radios.
Link Posted: 8/17/2007 3:53:08 AM EDT

The radio you want will likely run in the neighborhood of $400 a copy and require a license to operate.

i disagree.  a pair of MURS radios will do him just fine.
no license required, and a good set of 2 can be had for well under $200.


from the second link above,

21.  How does MURS compare with other unlicensed and personal radio services?

Compared with FRS (Family Radio Service) at 460 MHz:

   * MURS (at 150 MHz) permits four times more power (2 Watts TPO instead the 0.500 Watts ERP limit for FRS).
   * At MURS frequencies, signals bend over hills better, but FRS signals are better at bouncing off of surfaces and penetrating into/escaping out of buildings.
   * You may connect a MURS radio to an external or exterior antenna. FRS radios must employ a non-detachable antenna. For vehicle-to-vehicle operation with external (roof-mount) antennas, MURS should provide three to ten (or more) times the range possible with FRS radios.

Compared with GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) at 460 MHz:

   * GMRS handheld radios have typically two to five watts transmitter power. GMRS vehicular units transmit typically with ten to 50 watts. There is no limit on the ERP of GMRS stations operating on the primary channels. GMRS stations may transmit with no more the 5 Watts ERP on the seven "interstitial" frequencies (those shared with the FRS).
   * GMRS operation requires an FCC license.
   * At MURS frequencies, signals bend over hills better, but GMRS signals are better at bouncing off of surfaces and penetrating into/escaping out of buildings.
   * For vehicle-to-vehicle operation with external (roof-mount) antennas, MURS should provide one-and-a-half to four times the range possible with GMRS handheld radios also connected to roof-mount antennas. Depending on the surrounding terrain, MURS units connected to roof-mounted antennas might even outperform full-power (50 watt) GMRS mobile units, although the GMRS units should have a greater range in open terrain.
   * Many GMRS radios can communicate through repeater stations for extended range (typically up to twenty miles or more, sometimes much more). The new FCC Rules will prohibit repeaters in MURS.

Compared with CB (Citizens Band Radio) at 27 MHz:

   * CB radios may transmit with more power than MURS units may, but communications range is highly dependent on channel congestion and atmospheric conditions. CB communications can also be significantly degraded by noise from vehicle ignition systems and from other man-made sources.
   * CB signals bend over hills and around obstacles much better than MURS (at 150 MHz) or FRS/GMRS (at 460 MHz) signals.
   * Vehicle-to-vehicle MURS communications will probably be comparable and possibly quite superior to that available in the CB service.
   * MURS communications will not suffer from the kind of long-range "skip" interference frequently encountered on CB radio at 27 MHz.

ebay example 1

ebay example 2

ebay example 3


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