Going rate is all over.
Some folks ask high $$$, esp. if good lines.
Prices will go UP as spring approaches, as kids need them for 4H and fair projects.
We've always raised fall pigs for a few reasons, one being pigs are cheaper then, can feed gardens leftovers (we actually keep them in a garden-they clean it up, fertize, and till), etc.
We are not looking to start a breeding program, etc ,so not that worried about conformation,etc
Usually figure a buck a lb, but have seen quality weaners go for $70-$100 in spring, and mutts as low as $9 in late fall.
I bought a couple over 50# for 30 a pop: she would have dropped to $25 if I bought more, and they have REALLY been gaining well.
Had a guy just across the river last year who was moving: was looking to sell ALL his Ossabaws (breeders,etc) CHEAP.
Just remember at auctions, you may be taking a chance-sometimes folks are selling them for a reason- they KEEP their best/healthiest stuff!
I, personally, will not pay more than $30-35 for a 40 # pig, and usually manage to get heavier ones cheaper than that.
Good luck and have fun!