They get old (boring) fast.
So does fasting.
Their main advantage is that they last half of forever.
Thank goodness it's not an either ration bars or starving proposition in most cases. But that was their intent.
The main purpose of these ration bars tends to be cannibalism avoidance in lifeboats. Oops, I meant to say they provide the maximum number of ration portions, in the smallest space with the longest storage life in a non climate controlled environment, protected by damage resistant yet easily accessible packaging, while requiring no preparation other than unwrapping before consuming. Taste and consumer satisfaction was a secondary consideration.
I have about a dozen 12 packs of
Datrex bars. Used to keep a pack in each of the vehicles, but I went with something else that doesn't necessitate breaking the seal on 12 rations to get at one bar. Now I keep them strictly as last ditch or pass-out items.
Better than having to eat the neighbors (or the neighbors having to eat me) seems to cover how I feel about them.