I mount mine to my scope or my head. I have noise canceling earmuffs that I stuck the mount to. Personally unless your bow hunting, go pro/contour/whatever suck. I shot my deer at about 40yds with my muzzle loader last year, and it looks like I made an nice 70 yard shot. Like I said, if I'd been bow hunting it would have been a perfect view, but I still suggest using a head mount, and practicing with the angle. I found out after a pig hunt that I had it too far center, so when I would pull up for the shot, you got a nice view of the muzzle brake and about twenty feet out until I would look up from the shot.
If you are going to hunt with a camera, treat it like any of your other equipment and practice with it so you don't get disappointed. Test it in different shadows and lighting to make sure you settings are GTG, make sure your mount doesn't interfere with your shooting, and that you can turn it on easily. I missed filming my buck I shot on a hunt in Kansas because of buck fever. Had everything set up at dusk, and an average 8 point walked out and I practiced my shot, as I was scanning further, I saw my chocolate horns, and pulled up and shot without turning the camera on.
Here is mine with the contour mounted on it. The go pro is offset because it doesn't have an adjustable lens like the contour.