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Posted: 1/17/2011 3:51:38 AM EDT
My neighbor set a Hav-a-hart trap in the barn where her chickens roost. Sadly she caught a young skunk and it has not yet sprayed. The concern is that she needs to get rid of it and obviously release it down the road hopefully not to return.

My first thought was the 3 S method but was unsure about....

1. which fire arm to use?
2. is it likely to spray after being shot even if it's a instant kill?
3. if approached in the barn even to throw a tarp over the trap would it spray?

it's not in a good place which for me would be in a line of sight with the door so I could take a shot from outside and not care about the spray.

Eventually ya gotta get that dead skunk outta there.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Link Posted: 1/17/2011 4:03:32 AM EDT
Whether it sprays as a reflex or not, it will lose control of itself after it dies and start to leak stench everywhere.
Link Posted: 1/17/2011 4:08:07 AM EDT
Interesting, though stinky, situation.

Can't wait to hear the answer  to this one.
Link Posted: 1/17/2011 4:18:32 AM EDT
Shoot it in the head with a .22, immediately dump it into a garbage bag and toss into someone else's dumpster.....
Link Posted: 1/17/2011 4:25:35 AM EDT
Drop the whole thing in a garbage can full of water and come back later

In other news, my dad had a de-scented skunk as a pet when he was a kid, looked like a fat stumpy cat

Link Posted: 1/17/2011 4:29:41 AM EDT
Carefully drag the trap into the open. Get a cotton/ poly blanket big enough to cover the trap. Slowly cover trap with blanket. Saturate 3 or 4 rags with gasoline. Place rags under blanket, skunk will be asleep in about 20 minutes. Wearing welding gloves drag stunned skunk out of trap and place in heavy duty trash bag. Haul ass to enemies house and release skunk.
Link Posted: 1/17/2011 4:54:47 AM EDT
Post 2k!

slowly, carefully, and prayerfully approach the trap with a large blanket held out in front of you to cover your own silhouette. once you reach the trap, slowly, carefully, and prayerfully drape the blanket over the trap, then underneath the trap.  

supposedly (never tried this myself) the skunk won't spray you since he can't figure out a target.  once you have the skunk like this you need to find a large bucket of water/stream/whatever and give him a final swim.

i have heard that a 12 gauge slug through the lungs might keep them from spraying (they then won't be able to put the pressure on the scent glands in theory), but i can't say for sure- and there will be leakage.

let us know what else you find out.
Link Posted: 1/17/2011 4:58:45 AM EDT
I've released skunks from box traps before, but only the front was wire mesh, the rest was enclosed.  Just carry out to a field, turn upside down to free the door and shake them out.  It is surprising that often they want to stay in the box instead of running out into the bright sunlight.  Once they are out I let them run 10 yds or so and roll them with a shotgun.  #6 shot works well.

For a open mesh trap like the Havahart, I'd tarp it and do the car exhaust thing.
Link Posted: 1/17/2011 5:03:15 AM EDT
I do this often enough at work.   Previous posts are pretty much dead on.  You'll get scent leakage in almost any case.  

The blanket/tarp thing sometimes works.  If you have skunks targeted or even just in the area use a smaller trap that doesn't let them turn around easily or already have the blanket on the trap when you set it.

With rabies veotor species it's not recommended to release them elsewhere.  Use the shoot and shovel approach.

Link Posted: 1/17/2011 5:56:45 AM EDT
LOL, I catch and kill or release lots and RARELY get sprayed.
Many livetraps you can simply, and SLOWLY roll over with a long stick and the door will open.They walk out eventually, but I believe HavaHarts will not (check)

As far as shooting, a 22 CB cap fom a rifle is quiet and effective- from the side, thru both lungs- they slowly nod off to a permanent slumber 90% of the time.

I have moved them in livetraps by slowly approaching (talk softly) and covering with a blanket.
Can slowly ease the whole thing into a trash can of water/a creek, etc, or release.

Have one to flesh and put up today.

Link Posted: 1/17/2011 6:51:43 AM EDT
Ex nuisance wildlife control agent here.

Use the tarp method to release alive.

If you are going to shoot it, a head shot guarantees the skunk will spray.  Instead go for a heart/lung shot and the skunk will USUALLY die without spraying.

Link Posted: 1/17/2011 7:19:48 AM EDT
A farmer client of mine digs a post hole, use the tarp method, then stands the cage on end and lets the skunk fall into the hole.  2-4 shots from 22, then fill the hole.

Link Posted: 1/17/2011 7:47:15 AM EDT
Use a tarp to cover the trap to move it to the release site. Then just open the door from the side and hold it open. The skunk will not spray unless you make sudden moves. I would do it without hesitation.
Link Posted: 1/17/2011 11:06:13 AM EDT
exhaust from car, tractor, 4 wheeler or drag the cage into water- pond, ditch, creek
Link Posted: 1/17/2011 11:43:57 AM EDT
I lifted the locking lever and put a rope on the door...........a long rope, and then opened the door from inside my garage.
Link Posted: 1/17/2011 1:41:49 PM EDT
I just spoke to her, and she hasn't done anything yet.  She will probably release it tonight.  I want to exterminate that critter but I'll let her decide.

It's only a matter of time until it returns to forage for food.

Thanks so much for all of the comments, I really laughed at some.  I was hoping to get some photos and post them, but might have missed my chance.
Link Posted: 1/17/2011 3:09:43 PM EDT
drown them in the lake or a big bucket of water. No mess, just watch out for neighbors cause they will call the police and you will be charged with "animal cruelty" don't ask me how I know this.
Link Posted: 1/17/2011 3:45:06 PM EDT
use a 50 BMG and vaporise it before it vaporises you  
Link Posted: 1/18/2011 2:51:56 AM EDT
Find a way to feed it a small 25mg benedryl tab...maybe 2,  it goes to sleep you move in quickly.
Link Posted: 1/18/2011 3:06:35 AM EDT
I trap with a buddy of mine. He made a PVC pipe set-up that he then slides a syringe wih 4cc's of Acetone into it. He places the needle into the skunks lungs and pushes the plunger. The skunk will not spray. Goes dopey then asleep. Step on skunk, dig hole. Voila'!
Link Posted: 1/18/2011 8:47:11 AM EDT
I haven't been posting here long but I am so disappointed I haven't seen...........

Kill it with fire!
Link Posted: 1/20/2011 3:26:36 PM EDT
Pay your neighbor's kid $10 or so to go release that cat you trapped.

Link Posted: 1/20/2011 3:37:15 PM EDT
Hire the neighbor kid ?????
Link Posted: 1/21/2011 5:24:08 PM EDT
Had one myself.  Dad found it one morning barely, if weened.  It was so cute, we took it to our neighbor a vet.  He "deskunked" it.  What with good food, regular shots (actually only rabies if I remember correctly) it lived eleven years.  Darned thing thought it was a cat.

To the OP, you might try to raise the trapdoor from a distance without spooking the critter.  They're pretty smart and will likely not be seen there again.
Link Posted: 1/24/2011 9:53:36 AM EDT

Read more about it at www.cooks.com/rec/view/0,1827,147168-240205,00.html
Content Copyright © 2011 Cooks.com - All rights reserved.

1 skunk, scent bag removed
2 sliced carrots
1 c. clear soup
1 tsp. onion juice

Dissolve 1 bouillon cube in 1 cup hot water. Skin, clean, and remove scent bag from skunk. Parboil in salted water 15 minutes. Drain off water. Then place meat in fresh water and steam until tender, about 1 hour. Transfer to roasting pan and put in oven at 375 degrees. Add 1 cup of clear soup, 2 sliced carrots and 1 teaspoon of onion juice and cook uncovered for 2 hours.

Link Posted: 1/24/2011 10:11:59 AM EDT
Drown it if you must, but a .22lr to the head would be much more kind.
Link Posted: 1/24/2011 10:43:23 AM EDT
Not sure.  In 2008, I trapped one under the mobile home.  Attached a long hose and dragged that sucker to the pasture 200 yards away.  Meanwhile, he was spewing all over.  Had my son shoot it.  

Saw the trap couple of days ago.  Almost all gone except for fur.  The black stripe turned brown.  Still stinks little bit.  

Will wait another year before retrieving the trap.
Link Posted: 1/26/2011 6:36:42 AM EDT
What I did a few years ago.

Hooked one end of trap with a long pole.

Carried it over to rain barrel for garden.

Dropped trap in barrel. I would have shot it, if I didn't live in town.

Dug hole in ground.

Burried skunk.
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 6:46:11 AM EDT
So, how did this work out?
Link Posted: 1/30/2011 7:08:17 AM EDT
Likely you've taken care of it by now...

There was a farmer that kept practically begging me to come out to his place and shoot a few crows raiding his pecan trees after he found I did so on occasion...the day I made it out to his place I was a bit hesitant to knock on the door.  On the porch....in a live trap....was a very much alive pole-cat...

I offered maybe too quickly to loan him the use of a .22 and he soon set me about an edjumacation about skunks...After telling me of how the skunk caught more mice than several house cats and like hell either he or I was going to shoot it or otherwise...he calmly walked to the trap, raised the door and quietly shooed it away without incident...

Gave his wife a hard time about their porch pet for some time after that when I'd see her...One day a couple of years later though her report was it started acting strangely, perhaps rabies and they did have to shoot it...

Served as a lesson to only hunt what I was given permission to that day as well...when I'd suggested shooting it he was irked enough I thought the crow shooting was over before it started that day...
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