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Posted: 10/23/2016 10:43:25 PM EDT
The wood stove was fired up for the first time, cooked inside for the first time, campfire last night, did some operating for the first time up there since I got my HF radio before bed. Super low noise level out there and everyone was pounding in. My GF got to see me run it and try to make contacts (was tired and not having a lot of luck) but was really surprised to find one of the foulest mouths I have ever heard, radio or not. Both the GF and I are pretty salty and the guy was funny, but dang.... he was running a net and just went on and on like a car wreck that never stops.

Gotta get a real antenna up and an amp. I'm missing a lot of fun.
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 3:15:51 PM EDT
Get away from the nets and have her call CQ. A female voice usually draws them in.
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 4:39:55 PM EDT
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Get away from the nets and have her call CQ. A female voice usually draws them in.
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Not a bad idea....
Link Posted: 10/24/2016 5:24:59 PM EDT
In fact, plan on doing it for the next Field Day or the Sweepstakes. 2AM Sunday morning on 75 Meters will produce some hilarious results, but you better have a good logger.
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