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Posted: 11/18/2014 4:48:52 PM EDT
Seems to be the general unspoken word of MDC-1200.

I know not a lot of people have MDC-1200 capable radios…but info isn't exactly easy to find. I've been playing around with it for disabling GR series repeaters and just for general PTT ID. Anyone have any other experiences with it? In the back of my mind I kinda want to put up a DOS activated repeater now…
Link Posted: 11/18/2014 5:13:44 PM EDT
I added MDC-1200 ANI to our department radios a few years ago.  We did not use any of the zap or stun functions but it really cut down on the midnight kerchunkers once they realize we knew exactly who was keying up.  After switching to Kenwoods I swore I would never program another MDC-1200 radio.  Sadly the big M will likely find their way back when the county moves to a regional radio system.  

I hated having to maintain a DOS and later a windows computer with serial capability just to program the damn things.  When serial to USB converters became available that made it a little better but we still had to have an ancient computer due to the OS compatibility.
Link Posted: 11/18/2014 9:04:00 PM EDT
What do you need to know?  It's a commercial format you can use it to actuate relays if you have  a radio with Aux  outputs.  I have  CDM-1250 with two output relays that can be triggered on receipt of a proper code. You could set it up to turn your lights on or open a garage door or pretty much anything that you can trigger with a dry contact closure.

You can also configure repeaters for MDC access so only users with valid MDC signaling can use the repeater.  Makes it exclusive.
Link Posted: 11/19/2014 12:31:42 AM EDT
At one point I though it would be fun to take the MDC library and build a repeater controller that ID's for the active MDC users of the repeater on the amateur side.

Been playing with it to PTT ID GMRS users and have been thinking about adding it to GMRS repeaters as a tail to to send a quick repeater ID.
Link Posted: 11/27/2014 6:20:53 PM EDT
I'm finding most of my activities stir up the locals. Fuck them, if it's not CW or AM they seem to shit all over it. I even tried to do a demo on HF DSTAR at my club's meeting a few months ago and some visitors from another club straight up made a poopy face and walked out. I already catch hell for giving some of the local whackers shit (And there seem to be no shortage of them) including threatening to arrest one that decided he was going to take over one of my accident scenes. I just don't give a fuck anymore, but along the way sometimes I find some hams that take interest.

Just do it, there is plenty of Ham band for all of us to experiment with especially above 430 MHz.
Link Posted: 11/27/2014 11:22:46 PM EDT
Dougherty, you must be in Atlanta.

The club guys in Metro Atlanta don't like folks who color outside the lines.  

Well, except Arnold.

Link Posted: 11/27/2014 11:57:25 PM EDT
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Dougherty, you must be in Atlanta.

The club guys in Metro Atlanta don't like folks who color outside the lines.  

Well, except Arnold.

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Arnold is one of my very best friends. The FCC should relax the reg on station ID, once you hear him you know what station is transmitting.
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