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Posted: 7/16/2010 12:19:08 PM EDT
ARFCOM in Southeast Louisiana please chime in if anything out of the ordinary is up in your area.

Of course there's absolutely nothing on main stream media..

More info on webpage including youtube audio.. Dated 14 July 2010

Red Alert? Gulf news: Military road blocks? S La people leaving
July 14, 12:53 AMHuman Rights ExaminerDeborah Dupre

Note: This article has ben edited, including a question mark in the title and "unconfirmed" added to the first paragraph text. Please see: Censored Gulf news: Roadblocks unconfirmed, writer apologizes

A rapid military build-up and an unconfirmed road-block maneuver is being conducted, along with a visible exodus of residents in the Barataria Bay area of Jefferson Parish in South Louisiana. This news from Intel Hub coincides with the new military rule, gently broken to the public.

Reporters ad photographers are now required to obtain from the military and carry papers in the region, starting with reporters and photographers, a psyop squarely focusing on "public victory" rather than covert military take-over in the Gulf and martial law in the region.

South Louisiana residents who have seen hurricane emergency operations for decades say they have never seen anything like this type of emergency preparednes according to the report.

People are still allowed to leave on their own accord. The road blocks are reportedly for people attempting to travel in according Project Gulf Impact unconfirmed reports.

Moving trucks are no longer available in South Louisiana due to the exodus according to reports coming into Intel Hub Radio.

For many, the time has come to fit belongings into the car and leave - those with vehicles.

Matt Smith, head of Project Gulf Impact says nine people recently called to tell him that they are leaving, He reported that this is all disturbing based on what's been happening in the past 72 hours in South Louisiana.

At midnight, the military moved into the Baratarria Bay area and immediately began setting up the road blocks.

Sunday evening after a call to his radio listeners for 'intel soldiers' to phone in information, Intel Hub Radio host Shepard Ambellas received calls from military personnel reporting they have seen a massive build up of combat troops, heavy combat equipment and weaponry including Active Denial Systems.

That BP's new cap being trialled could cause the well head to blow, to rupture from extra pressure, and cause more devastation at the same time of the sudden military presence is too disturbing for locals who are moving out.

"Of course they'll give some 'Simple Simon' excuses for the military and the road-blocks.

"Either we are going to see masses of people getting sick or a mass evacuation.

Smith says, "These people reporting this have lived here all of their lives and say this is is very out-of-the ordinary.

"One woman said it looks like Afghanistan down there."

HAARP has been activated in the Gulf according to ELF readings Ambellas reports.

"We are not conspiracy theorists. We've just been gathering facts that keep coming in. Things are so bizarre down here. Our sources are extremely reliable," said Smith who mentioned a couple of times that the information is not delivered to frighten people, but to help them prepare.

Smith and his co-worker find the large number of Navy vessels and troops sent to Costa Rica (supposedly to help with the drug war) disturbing, especially considering that they are moving out "this quickly and coinciding with BP's new cap."

"If the new cap does work, the pressure inside could cause a rupture and cause much worse destruction."

"This is an extremely delicate situation. People need to pay attention to this," reported Smith.
Link Posted: 7/16/2010 12:22:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/16/2010 12:32:35 PM EDT
Lots of tinfoil there.
Link Posted: 7/16/2010 12:34:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/16/2010 12:37:53 PM EDT
Lots of tinfoil there.

Their previous articles that they link to seem chock FULL of tinfoil.  I'm going to hoist this:
Link Posted: 7/16/2010 12:39:35 PM EDT
Tag as well, my job has a lot of customers in South La
Link Posted: 7/16/2010 12:50:20 PM EDT
Brings to mind the story of the 1938 broadcast of "War of the Worlds"
Link Posted: 7/16/2010 12:56:29 PM EDT
Brings to mind the story of the 1938 broadcast of "War of the Worlds"

Yeah I know what you mean...
It's about as far fetched as the story about the big bankers stealing all the money out of the US and causing an economic collapse.
Or the other story ....  about some idiot flying into the world trade center.. hahahahaahha  .... ahhahahhaahah

Link Posted: 7/16/2010 1:00:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/16/2010 1:03:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/16/2010 1:20:08 PM EDT
In BR here; haven't heard shit.
Link Posted: 7/16/2010 1:32:43 PM EDT


In BR here; haven't heard shit.

yeah but how do we know you aint 'one of them' ?
Link Posted: 7/16/2010 1:39:01 PM EDT
Please lock and delete this thread.  I can get better information reading a piece of used toilet paper.
Link Posted: 7/16/2010 1:43:53 PM EDT
Ah Jeez!    
Why is shit like this posted here?

This belongs over on infowars, not here.
Link Posted: 7/16/2010 1:56:37 PM EDT
hmm... i was in baton rouge for one day this past tuesday, i did not encounter any road blocks but i did notice 2 or 3 flatbed trucks with military vehicles heading toward the baton rouge area on I-10
Link Posted: 7/16/2010 2:12:21 PM EDT
This does seem like the tinfoil type of stuff we see every so often.
Link Posted: 7/16/2010 2:29:05 PM EDT



In BR here; haven't heard shit.

yeah but how do we know you aint 'one of them' ?

Put on the glasses!

Link Posted: 7/16/2010 2:54:34 PM EDT
In BR here; haven't heard shit.

Do you know anyone in Venice or Houma ?
Link Posted: 7/16/2010 2:59:13 PM EDT
Sunday evening after a call to his radio listeners for 'intel soldiers' to phone in information, Intel Hub Radio host Shepard Ambellas received calls from military personnel reporting they have seen a massive build up of combat troops, heavy combat equipment and weaponry including Active Denial Systems.

SUNDAY?   This report is almost a week old....FO time came and went...we missed it.
Link Posted: 7/16/2010 3:22:25 PM EDT
Sunday evening after a call to his radio listeners for 'intel soldiers' to phone in information, Intel Hub Radio host Shepard Ambellas received calls from military personnel reporting they have seen a massive build up of combat troops, heavy combat equipment and weaponry including Active Denial Systems.

SUNDAY?   This report is almost a week old....FO time came and went...we missed it.

All I could find on google was posted on " The Tree of Liberty " forum today 7/16/10

sunny225  sunny225 is offline
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So, if the NG has been called in to help with the cleanup effort, why would they be manning road blocks?
Anybody got video of road blocks? anything to support this story?
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Old  Today, 02:34 PM
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On 'another site', a member who lives in the Grand Isle. area of La. said that yes, the NGs are setting up roadblocks and are posting 'flood warning' signs. Tin foil? They don't really think so. They don't know what's going on, but will not speculate, either.
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Old Today, 02:36 PM
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There's no storms, so...where's the flood to come from?
Link Posted: 7/16/2010 3:37:44 PM EDT

  Tinfoil or not.

  The media access to areas where the oil spill is causing damage is being severely restricted.

  When has the media ever been denied access anywhere?

Link Posted: 7/16/2010 3:52:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/16/2010 4:26:09 PM EDT


heavy combat equipment and weaponry including Active Denial Systems.

um... i did see something that looked like a mini-MLRS

Link Posted: 7/16/2010 4:28:32 PM EDT
Is FORT POLK anywhere near 'Jefferson Parish'?

'Cause there should be a shit-ton of military stuff going in and out of that base (JRTC and all)...

With that said, most likely tinfoil bullshit....

Stupid tinfoilers think a GUN FORUM should have the same views as InfoWars...

Link Posted: 7/16/2010 6:42:27 PM EDT
Do you think that maybe this is prompted by the trials of the officers that killed the people during Katrina?

Wife says she has been reading about it and seems there is some trouble expected.
Link Posted: 7/16/2010 7:06:30 PM EDT
Is FORT POLK anywhere near 'Jefferson Parish'?

'Cause there should be a shit-ton of military stuff going in and out of that base (JRTC and all)...

With that said, most likely tinfoil bullshit....

Stupid tinfoilers think a GUN FORUM should have the same views as InfoWars...

Dave,  I will be able to sleep better tonight, thanks to your infinite wisdom...

Link Posted: 7/16/2010 7:48:27 PM EDT
Do you think that maybe this is prompted by the trials of the officers that killed the people during Katrina?

Wife says she has been reading about it and seems there is some trouble expected.

Info on this?

Link Posted: 7/16/2010 7:54:21 PM EDT
Is FORT POLK anywhere near 'Jefferson Parish'?


Not even close to Polk.
Link Posted: 7/16/2010 8:22:31 PM EDT

I found this on youtube posted on Monday 12 July 2010:

Gulf Oil Disaster Reporter On the Scene Believes Evacuation is Imminent

Link Posted: 7/17/2010 6:16:17 AM EDT
Do you think that maybe this is prompted by the trials of the officers that killed the people during Katrina?

Wife says she has been reading about it and seems there is some trouble expected.

Info on this?

It was on her comcast home page. Probably one of the alphabet news things.
Link Posted: 7/17/2010 6:26:14 AM EDT
Do you think that maybe this is prompted by the trials of the officers that killed the people during Katrina?

Wife says she has been reading about it and seems there is some trouble expected.

Info on this?

It was on her comcast home page. Probably one of the alphabet news things.

here is a link to one of the stories:

Link Posted: 7/18/2010 7:34:20 AM EDT
Off the Gerald Celente Blogspot -

BP fix is probably just a diversion.
She's a fisherman's wife in Venice, LA.

Youtube videos are auto run -consecutive 10 min + 2 min.

Add Gerald Celente to Technorati Favorites
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Kindra Arnesen The BP Whisler Blower : Residents of Gulf area should evacuate now...
Kindra Arnesen The BP Whisler Blower on Intel Hub Radio July 17, 2010


ETA: MSNBC July 15: Matt Simmons still says BP covering up MASSIVE HOLE miles away, cap test is "absurd"


Feel free to bump this, for the folks along the coast ...

Link Posted: 7/18/2010 2:43:37 PM EDT


Off the Gerald Celente Blogspot -

BP fix is probably just a diversion.

She's a fisherman's wife in Venice, LA.

Youtube videos are auto run -consecutive 10 min + 2 min.

Add Gerald Celente to Technorati Favorites

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Kindra Arnesen The BP Whisler Blower : Residents of Gulf area should evacuate now...

Kindra Arnesen The BP Whisler Blower on Intel Hub Radio July 17, 2010


ETA: MSNBC July 15: Matt Simmons still says BP covering up MASSIVE HOLE miles away, cap test is "absurd"


Feel free to bump this, for the folks along the coast ...

Can any of our local members down that way verify what she is claiming?
Link Posted: 7/18/2010 3:16:48 PM EDT

Off the Gerald Celente Blogspot -

BP fix is probably just a diversion.
She's a fisherman's wife in Venice, LA.

Youtube videos are auto run -consecutive 10 min + 2 min.

Add Gerald Celente to Technorati Favorites
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Kindra Arnesen The BP Whisler Blower : Residents of Gulf area should evacuate now...
Kindra Arnesen The BP Whisler Blower on Intel Hub Radio July 17, 2010


ETA: MSNBC July 15: Matt Simmons still says BP covering up MASSIVE HOLE miles away, cap test is "absurd"


Feel free to bump this, for the folks along the coast ...

Can any of our local members down that way verify what she is claiming?

Some of its true, some of it I dont know, and other parts I do know she is full of shit.
Link Posted: 7/18/2010 3:33:58 PM EDT

Coast to Coast with George Noory  17 July 10

Cap Not A Fix, Pressure Test Confirms Problem

Link Posted: 7/19/2010 12:08:57 PM EDT
Is FORT POLK anywhere near 'Jefferson Parish'?


Not even close to Polk.

Yeah, and it's common knowledge that the current rotational unit is 4th Brigade, 10th Mountain Division that's stationed here anyway. Heck of an easy deployment for them. No railheading or barging, 12 hour bus rides, none of that shit. And no driving two hours south to the coast.

Now when the 1st Cav was here, I didn't sleep well for a couple days because they insist on rolling frieght trains full of armored vehicles past my temporary quarters at 0200 when they came and went, the bastards.
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 12:15:28 PM EDT

HAARP is on? I'm gonna have to have a listen
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 12:36:32 PM EDT



In BR here; haven't heard shit.

Do you know anyone in Venice or Houma ?
I do, its bs.
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 1:58:28 PM EDT

In BR here; haven't heard shit.

Do you know anyone in Venice or Houma ?
I do, its bs.


Did they give you any info ?
The smell, anyone sick, BP a hoax , any talk of evac etc ??
Link Posted: 7/19/2010 6:33:43 PM EDT
No road blocks in Barataria Bay area.  Maybe the confusion is that where the equipment is staged, there is personnel guarding these areas, but there are no road blocks
Link Posted: 7/20/2010 4:01:23 PM EDT





In BR here; haven't heard shit.

Do you know anyone in Venice or Houma ?
I do, its bs.


Did they give you any info ?

The smell, anyone sick, BP a hoax , any talk of evac etc ??

Probably building up for the verdict on the cops that shot the colored folk after Katrina.. Oakland II

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