I've got a few very large deep cycle batteries showing up next week, coming already full of electrolyte.
I won't be ready to put these into service for a month to 6 weeks. In the mean time I plan on storing them in our attached garage, which is usually slightly warmer (+10-15 *F) then outside temperatures this time of year. Is there any risk of damage from going unused in these lower temps?
Harbor Freight has a battery tender for about $10.
I'd get a couple and rotate it across your batteries and check the charge voltage when it shifts from bulk to float so you confirm the batteries are being maintained properly.
If you would post the voltages, the info would help some of us.
Then I'd get a hydrometer or preferably a refractometer [temp comp, more accurate] off ebay and monitor the SG.
IMO, if the batteries have much of a charge in them at all, they should be OK with the temperatures you reference. But be careful, your batteries are too valuable to risk.
Can you share what kind of bats and how much?