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Posted: 12/12/2016 5:05:54 PM EDT
I volunteer as a FF and I am seeking a radio that can do double duty for 2-Tone decode for General Alarm pages, but also allow me to use the local 2m repeater. From what I have gathered, there aren't any ham radios that can do 2-tone decode, so I guess my only other option is one of the commercial radios that could possibly be hacked for 2m ham bands. Anybody know of such a radio?
Link Posted: 12/12/2016 5:23:47 PM EDT
Ho boy.  You're in for an info dump when the LMR guys get here ;-)

The short answer is, Yes, there are a great many radios that will fit your use.  I have a few Icom F30s that I'm pretty sure can do the two-tone thing.  I use them almost exclusively on 2m.
Link Posted: 12/12/2016 5:25:32 PM EDT
How much do you want to spend? That's the first question.

Link Posted: 12/12/2016 6:36:05 PM EDT
Icom would be a good choice as I think most/all of the current ones do 2-tone decode, and they will do Amateur bands out of the box.

Might take a look at the IC-F50 as it's waterproof and small for everyday carry. There are shorter antennas also. They market it for your application with the pager functionality built in:
Link Posted: 12/13/2016 12:07:32 PM EDT
FWIW, the volunteer firefighters that are hams that i've known around here have had 2M or 70CM frequencies added to their issued fire radios by talking to the person (usually another VFF) who programs and supports their radios.  I would ask around first before spending the money.

Many of the newer LMR radios will cover the ham bands.  Some of the older ones would only cover a portion, like 146-148 instead of the full 2m band.  If you do buy your own radio, work with the person or company that supports your comms.  They will need to keep track of your radio, since it counts against their allotment of radios on their license.

My personal preference is for Kenwood or ICOM radios.  The software is much easier to buy and cheaper than Motorola's software and more readily available from dealers on the web.  Just IMHO, but I think their software is easier to use as well.
Link Posted: 12/13/2016 12:14:40 PM EDT
I'm only issued a Minitor V pager, not a radio. But I currently pack around a VX-8DR or a FT-270R for repeater use. If possible I would like to only have to worry about carrying and maintaining one radio.

For on-scene comms I just grab a radio from whatever apparatus is out there.

Price? $300?

Link Posted: 12/13/2016 12:55:44 PM EDT
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For on-scene comms I just grab a radio from whatever apparatus is out there.
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You know how I know you're a hose dragger?
Link Posted: 12/13/2016 1:24:52 PM EDT
Your can find an XTS2500 around 300 now days. The right one will give you two tone and front panel programming.
Link Posted: 12/13/2016 8:28:02 PM EDT
Lots of things become involved here. For one, in some areas a radio can not be a primary to a pager…only a secondary. Most modern LMR radios will handle amateur bands. The best bang for your buck would probably be a XTS 2500 or XTS 5000 (model II or III, I prefer the II myself), an R model if you can find it (XTS 5000R). The reason I say that, they are readily available as departments begin to upgrade to APX 6000/7000 solutions, currently still under support, feature MPL, support P25, can be programmed via USB, can be programmed with a computer running a 64 bit version of Windows reliably, and most importantly…don't require you to jump through any hoops to program 5 kHz.

The last bit, is a challenge you will run into with newer Vertex, Icom and Kenwood radios (as well as non-public safety grade Motorola) and is important as the amateur service is 5 kHz deviation…not 2.5 kHz like LMR.
Link Posted: 12/14/2016 10:11:32 AM EDT

What radios do you have at work?
Link Posted: 12/15/2016 8:06:47 AM EDT
OP, if you are wanting to use the radio as a way to monitor page alerts the VX-8DR may be able to do it. Depending on the frequency and tone pairs your department uses.  The radio has a wide receiver and can handle some page tones.  If your department is using 2 tones, check to see which pairs are being used.   See page 40 of the user manual about  EPCS.    Set your frequency on one side of the dual watch and use the other for the ham bands.  I experimented with it a while back and decided not to use it as I monitor all traffic and don't worry about the paging alert.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 7:57:50 AM EDT
Just sold a Ham guy an HT1000 UHF portable for cheap ($100), took one for myself though I am not a ham, he had me program public safety with 2 tone (Plectron tones) as well as some 70 CM freqs.

Like Zap said you can spend a couple hundred and get a fairly new Moto/Commercial radio with a lot of bells and whistles, one that will hold up for ever, spend a little less and get some older Moto gear that is still viable and will last. I run Astro Sabers and HT1000 as well as some used Vertex Standard equipment that is legal for public safety and amateur bands. All can be programmed with a Windows PC and USB (not the HT1000 sadly)
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