Lots of things become involved here. For one, in some areas a radio can not be a primary to a pager…only a secondary. Most modern LMR radios will handle amateur bands. The best bang for your buck would probably be a XTS 2500 or XTS 5000 (model II or III, I prefer the II myself), an R model if you can find it (XTS 5000R). The reason I say that, they are readily available as departments begin to upgrade to APX 6000/7000 solutions, currently still under support, feature MPL, support P25, can be programmed via USB, can be programmed with a computer running a 64 bit version of Windows reliably, and most importantly…don't require you to jump through any hoops to program 5 kHz.
The last bit, is a challenge you will run into with newer Vertex, Icom and Kenwood radios (as well as non-public safety grade Motorola) and is important as the amateur service is 5 kHz deviation…not 2.5 kHz like LMR.