Unfortunately there is no solution for effective communications that does not require licensing, prohibitive funding, or external infrastructure.
My recommendation is to become a licensed amateur radio operator. Buying radios you cannot legally use until emergencies is a terrible idea. Would you buy/build up a BOV only to let it sit under a tarp until needed? Would you buy firearms and not use/train with them? The "break glass in case of SHTF" model does not let you validate your equipment under local conditions, does not help you understand the science behind the process, and ensures that when the time comes, you will be learning equipment under stress rather than working on the air.
A technician's license in amateur radio will cost $15, transportation to a club meeting, and several hours of your life studying. With it, you will gain access to the VHF and UHF bands most frequently used in 'tactical' communication. You also gain access to amateur repeaters on those bands. You can use your equipment on air, getting to know what works and what does not.
Getting into the theory in science behind it, especially propagation and antenna construction, will help you get the best performance.
Equipment does not have to be expensive. If you have a DOS capable computer, surplussed Motorola public safety kit like the
HT1000 is everywhere and very cheap. You could score 3-4 used 16ch HT1000s for the price of an HX370 or similar. They perform better, too.