We got chickens this year and will need to get a coop up. I have been looking at various coop designs. Anything I need to specifically build for cold , snowy winters. Temps here can get to 0 and sometimes -20 . Snow banks up to 2-4 feet deep during a good winter.
I figure insulating will be needed, would a non elevated coop be better for heat retention? Looking on a map we are close to the 45th parallel , so any advice from those in similar climates would be much appreciated. Thanks.
I thought you said cold climate!
seriously, as in the other thread, fresh air poultry house:
NO insulation, NO electricity or heat of any kind. Healthy chickens, with MANY days below -20 this winter, coldest being -39, and well over 60 inches of snow (maybe more if it wont stop by may
end of discussion