I have had 5 cameras. Managed to kill one a Tasco 3 mp white flash, that I have had for 4 years. Worked very well till I fried it. i was trying to convert it over to using 6 volt batteries and hooked it up incorrectly. Paid $80
White Flash Cameras
wildgame 1.3 mp cheap and does not work well with C batteries. Eats them up. However it has a port for plugging in a 6 volt battery and that works much better. However I still get and occasional night picture with no flash. Paid $40
Tasco 5 mp (I Think) have had this for 2 years, converted it over to 6 volt batteries and it works very well. Paid $50
Infrared Flash Cameras
Wildgame 3 mp (I think) Takes good pictures and is set up for the 6 volt and c batteries. My complaint with it is lens gets foggy way to easily and often I will get blurred pictures because of it. It also has a Red LED flash set up that the deer tend to look at. Sometimes it scares them off sometimes not. Paid $70
Tasco 3mp Does very well and takes good day and night pictures. truly infrared, there is no red LED for the night flash. Paid $50 Will convert it to 6 volt after the warranty is up.