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Posted: 11/26/2014 9:32:44 PM EDT
I have an ICOM 718 and am looking for an automatic antenna tuner.  I noticed the LDG IT-100 works with the 718.  The price is quite a bit cheaper than the ICOM AH4.  Any one got any experience with the IT-100?
Link Posted: 11/26/2014 9:35:04 PM EDT
I have the KT-100 which is the same thing but for Kenwood. It is great and works good for what I and many others need it for. A base mounted tuner is more better, but more expensive and have mounting considerations.

Link Posted: 11/26/2014 9:38:17 PM EDT
I used the IT-100 when I had an IC718 and it worked great.
Link Posted: 11/26/2014 10:00:55 PM EDT
I have had a lot of experience with the IT-100s, all good.  I have used them on two different 718s, three different IC-7200s, all with good results.

They are small, light, fast, and if the IT-100 won't tune a particular antenna/freq, then neither will a manual tuner.

I have also an LDG AT-1000 which I use with my Ten-Tec Jupiter and Ameritron AL-811H amplifier (800 watts).  At our club station I replaced
the IT-100 used with one of our two IC-7200s with an AT-1000 when we added a 600 watt amplifier.  The AT-1000 is rated for 1000 watts.

I've used IT-100s for both fixed stations and portable.  Fine in either use.

And you don't need a SWR meter.  Either the tuner will tune, or it won't... and it tells you if it won't tune.  That's all you need to know.
Link Posted: 11/26/2014 10:02:12 PM EDT
Duh!  Wrong button.
Link Posted: 11/26/2014 10:16:12 PM EDT
I'm completely gay for LDG products.
Link Posted: 11/26/2014 11:08:02 PM EDT
I've got a LDG z-817, YT-100 and IT-100 and used to own a YT-450. They are all super!
Link Posted: 11/26/2014 11:57:49 PM EDT
If you ever plan on potentially ever adding an amplifier, buy a tuner that can potentially handle it. If not, don't worry about it.

I have a MFJ-993b, and a 994BRT, and they're really nice tuners. Once the memory stores a setting, it's FAST.

If you have a permanent antenna, get a remote-mount tuner. They're really a better solution.

A tuner with a power meter is nice, but not needed. Either the tuner tunes, or it doesn't, like others said.
Link Posted: 11/27/2014 12:42:02 AM EDT
I have an IT-100 connected to my IC-7000. It works great, except for the time the smoke came out. LDG fixed it under warranty and it's back in action.
Link Posted: 11/27/2014 5:39:23 AM EDT
I have a couple of LDG tuners, all are great!
Link Posted: 11/27/2014 9:58:10 AM EDT
Another vote for LDG. I've been using an AT-100 with my 718 for a number of years with no complaints. It finds a match for my two wire antennas (G5RV and K1JEK Cobra UltraLite Senior) across all bands (10-160) with no issues.  Integrates fine with the 718.  The IT-100 looks interesting but wasn't available when I got the AT-100. I like the SWR and power display on the AT-100 though it's redundant with that on the rig.  For $50 less I would have probably got the IT-100 and if I still wanted external power and SWR I would have put the $50 towards a separate meter.

There's an LDG AT-200 in my future for use with some old Kenwood Hybrids.

LDG makes a great product.

Link Posted: 11/27/2014 10:56:07 AM EDT
If you can't run ladder-line into your shack, use a remote tuner coupled between an open-wire fed dipole and a coax run to the house.
Link Posted: 11/27/2014 12:28:01 PM EDT
For those with one of the more generic LDG tuners, such as the Z-11, Z-11pro2, Z-100, AT-1000,
AT-600 Pro 2, AT-1000 Pro 2, there is an inexpensive Icom accessory that will make life easier,
W2ENY's Ten-a-tuner.

The Ten-a-Tuner, when the Icom radio's Tune button is pushed, will reduce power to 10 watts,
switch mode to CW, transmit a carrier for about 8 seconds, then return the radio to the previous
power and mode setting.  This can be used with either manual or auto tuner.  To use it, push
the Tune  button on the radio, adjust your manual tuner, or press the Tune button on the LDG
or other auto tuner.  No going through menus, setting and resetting all this stuff.

The Ten-a-Tuner Plus is the same, but transmits a 10 w carrier for about 12 seconds.

http://w2eny.com/tenatuner/    $10 which includes shipping

http://w2eny.com/tenatunerplus/    $13 which includes shipping

I use this with the IC-7200 at our club that is equipped with the amplifier and LDG AT-1000.  Works
like a charm.  I would suggest the Plus model.

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