For those with one of the more generic LDG tuners, such as the Z-11, Z-11pro2, Z-100, AT-1000,
AT-600 Pro 2, AT-1000 Pro 2, there is an inexpensive Icom accessory that will make life easier,
W2ENY's Ten-a-tuner.
The Ten-a-Tuner, when the Icom radio's Tune button is pushed, will reduce power to 10 watts,
switch mode to CW, transmit a carrier for about 8 seconds, then return the radio to the previous
power and mode setting. This can be used with either manual or auto tuner. To use it, push
the Tune button on the radio, adjust your manual tuner, or press the Tune button on the LDG
or other auto tuner. No going through menus, setting and resetting all this stuff.
The Ten-a-Tuner Plus is the same, but transmits a 10 w carrier for about 12 seconds. $10 which includes shipping $13 which includes shipping
I use this with the IC-7200 at our club that is equipped with the amplifier and LDG AT-1000. Works
like a charm. I would suggest the Plus model.