I posted this a week ago, and then promptly forgot about it while studying for the Extra. Here's what I've got in mind for the place:
OK, first things that have to go are the power lines. Ideally, I'd like to have the feed line ran to a pole (marked A) and then ran underground into the house (see the green feedlines on the photo). Yes, I realize this could be a major pain, but so be it. The feeder line to the garage should be much more doable. At worst case scenario, I leave the power lines feeding the house in place and bury the feeder line to the garage.
After that's done, I'd ideally like to put up telephone poles at the locations marked with T. These would be the supports for a sky loop antenna. With using just the three poles, I will have pretty good 80 meter coverage. If the feeder lines get buried, I would add 160m by using the tree at the entrance to the driveway as a fourth support. Why telephone poles? Well, this is Iowa you know. They're just about weather proof, and are probably the cheapest way to get anything that high in the air without guy wires. If any storm comes along and knocks them over, I will have more important things to worry about than getting back on HF.
The location marked B would be where the hex beam will live. That will give me coverage for 20 through 10, and probably where a VHF vertical will live too. I'm thinking about a guyed push up mast for this.
What do you guys think, doable? About the only concern I have are any interactions between the beam antenna and the loop. I think it would be far enough away, but it's still a concern.
Curious to see what everyone thinks.