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Posted: 8/11/2011 6:56:43 PM EDT
OK I know this is not Survival related but I read something a few years ago about a woman who was married to a British general who told the US about where her husband was going to attack. She was born in America. Can anyone help with her name?
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 7:30:59 PM EDT
Probably the wife of General Gage. It was the general in New York.... although I vaguely recall a similar story from Boston - which is how the first patriots got some intel on British intentions for Concord....
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 7:43:56 PM EDT
OK I know this is not Survival related but I read something a few years ago about a woman who was married to a British general who told the US about where her husband was going to attack. She was born in America. Can anyone help with her name?

IIRC, Margaret Gage nee' Kemble, Gage's wife ratting out the Lexington/Concord raid.  It is an assumption as theer relationship changed after that but there is no definitive proof.  I believe it was discussed somewhat in Paul Revere's Ride.
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