Damn it, I am getting the itch to put another LT Rifle together (or buy one), but damit, I can not afford to...
I've been saving and have a few hundy in my envelope and had hoped to be alot furthter along that I am...
I had been bouncing back in fourth on getting as 12" OBR 556, but even if I ever save up enough to buy one, I don't think I could stand the wait for the Stupid form 4 and all the BS...
I've been waiting on my C&R since like the begaining of March or April, feels like a year and a half......
Last call to them (on Friday) says my C&R should be here in under two weeks, but I'm not holding my breath...
When it does show up, i'm sure that will kick me in the ass to start saving more aggressivly...
However, I'm thinking of just going with a 16" in Stealth or OBR556, in order to save on the wait time/Paperwork BS...
It hurts man, I have the Craving, like Crack, I hear a new LT rifle calling me... I feel like Pookie off New Jack City!!!!
(thanks for listening, I figured you guys would understand the sickness)